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Opportunities for Food and Agribusiness Report

Growth opportunities for Australian food and agribusiness: Economic analysis and market sizing

The food and agribusiness sector is a vital contributor to the Australian economy and presents a key source of growth for the nation. To work out how much this growth is worth, CSIRO Futures quantified the opportunities identified in the 2017 Food and Agribusiness Roadmap.

The economic analysis quantified $25 billion in growth opportunities by 2030 across health and wellness, sustainability and luxury markets for the Australian food and agribusiness sector. To support growth, continued investment will be required in science and technology to meet customer demands.

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Cover of the Food and Agribusiness Roadmap report

Food and Agribusiness Roadmap: A Roadmap for unlocking value adding growth opportunities for Australia

Over the next 20 years, Australia’s food and agriculture sector has the potential to strengthen its position as a small but significant exporter of sustainable, authentic, healthy, high quality and consistent products. This Roadmap seeks to support Australian food and agribusiness in its transition to a collaborative, growth oriented, high value-adding and clearly differentiated sector. This is laid out by discussing current and emerging trends, ascertaining market opportunities and challenges, and identifying key science, technology and business enablers.

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Cover of Victoria's Nutraceutical Industry roadmap

Victoria’s Nutraceutical Industry

This Roadmap helps senior decision makers across industry and government identify growth opportunities for a Victorian nutraceutical industry. While the report focuses on Victoria and its competitive advantages, the nutraceutical value chain often crosses state (and national) borders, with many of the growth opportunities applicable Australia wide.

Several enabling actions and R&D priorities aim to promote growth of an evidence-based industry and drive Victoria towards being a global hub for nutraceutical ingredients, research and product development.

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Australia's Biosecurity Future report cover

Australia's Biosecurity Future — Preparing for future biological challenges

The report — Australia’s Biosecurity Future: preparing for future biological challenges — uses strategic foresight to identify major biosecurity trends and risks that Australia may need to respond to over the next 20-30 years. The report identifies five biosecurity megatrends and twelve potential megashocks across Australia’s plant and animal industries, marine, environment and human health. These megashocks highlight the broad ranging risks that a strong biosecurity system must be prepared for across the domains of human, animal and plant health.

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This report provides an economic valuation of the full range of opportunities identified in the 2017 CSIRO Food and Agribusiness Roadmap.

Growth opportunities for Australian food and agribusiness: Economic analysis and market sizing

The food and agribusiness sector is a vital contributor to the Australian economy and presents a key source of growth for the nation. To work out how much this growth is worth, CSIRO Futures quantified the opportunities identified in the 2017 Food and Agribusiness Roadmap.

The economic analysis quantified $25 billion in growth opportunities by 2030 across health and wellness, sustainability and luxury markets for the Australian food and agribusiness sector. To support growth, continued investment will be required in science and technology to meet customer demands.

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CSIRO Futures worked with industry and researchers to identify major growth opportunities and what the food and agribusiness sector needs to do to achieve them.

Food and Agribusiness Roadmap: A Roadmap for unlocking value adding growth opportunities for Australia

Over the next 20 years, Australia’s food and agriculture sector has the potential to strengthen its position as a small but significant exporter of sustainable, authentic, healthy, high quality and consistent products. This Roadmap seeks to support Australian food and agribusiness in its transition to a collaborative, growth oriented, high value-adding and clearly differentiated sector. This is laid out by discussing current and emerging trends, ascertaining market opportunities and challenges, and identifying key science, technology and business enablers.

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This report identified growth opportunities for a Victorian nutraceutical industry.

Victoria’s Nutraceutical Industry

This Roadmap helps senior decision makers across industry and government identify growth opportunities for a Victorian nutraceutical industry. While the report focuses on Victoria and its competitive advantages, the nutraceutical value chain often crosses state (and national) borders, with many of the growth opportunities applicable Australia wide.

Several enabling actions and R&D priorities aim to promote growth of an evidence-based industry and drive Victoria towards being a global hub for nutraceutical ingredients, research and product development.

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The report uses strategic foresight to identify major biosecurity trends and risks that Australia may need to respond to over the next 20-30 years.

Australia's Biosecurity Future — Preparing for future biological challenges

The report — Australia’s Biosecurity Future: preparing for future biological challenges — uses strategic foresight to identify major biosecurity trends and risks that Australia may need to respond to over the next 20-30 years. The report identifies five biosecurity megatrends and twelve potential megashocks across Australia’s plant and animal industries, marine, environment and human health. These megashocks highlight the broad ranging risks that a strong biosecurity system must be prepared for across the domains of human, animal and plant health.

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