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Cover of the Food and Agribusiness Roadmap reportThis report is the fourth in a series of five roadmaps, each aligned to the Federal Government's Industry Growth Centres.

A changing global landscape

Food and agribusiness markets are evolving rapidly. A rising global demand for food must be met despite harsher and less predictable farming conditions; supply chains are more globally connected than ever before despite increasing geopolitical instability; and technology advances are disrupting every element of the value chain.

Consumers are evolving too, demanding: convenience for both in- and out-of-home consumption; a broader range of flavours and food based experiences; customised offerings; more information about how and where their purchase originated; and products that improve mental and physical wellbeing.

A vision for Australian manufacturing

Over the next 20 years, Australia’s F&A sector has the potential to strengthen its position as a small but significant exporter of sustainable, authentic, healthy, high quality and consistent products. Underpinning this vision will be local businesses who embrace the existing volatility and possess the agility to continually and proactively seek opportunities to create new markets.

Enabling the vision

Enhancing the proportion of on-shore value-adding will be key, whether it be through the creation of unique products for niche markets or through developing varieties of commoditised goods with unmatched quality attributes and competitive production costs.

Sustained growth in the sector will require proactive investment and translation of enabling science and technology, involving transdisciplinary teams and transpartisan relationships. Five key growth enablers arose from industry consultation and are discussed in the Roadmap:

  • Traceability and provenance
  • Food safety and biosecurity
  • Market intelligence and access
  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing
  • Skills
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Full Report

Want to learn more about how Australian food and agribusiness can prosper? Download the Food and Agribusiness Roadmap or talk to CSIRO Agriculture and Food about how we can help.

This report is the fourth in a series of five roadmaps, each aligned to the Federal Government's Industry Growth Centres.

CSIRO Futures worked with industry and researchers to identify major growth opportunities and what the food and agribusiness sector needs to do to achieve them.

A changing global landscape

Food and agribusiness markets are evolving rapidly. A rising global demand for food must be met despite harsher and less predictable farming conditions; supply chains are more globally connected than ever before despite increasing geopolitical instability; and technology advances are disrupting every element of the value chain.

Consumers are evolving too, demanding: convenience for both in- and out-of-home consumption; a broader range of flavours and food based experiences; customised offerings; more information about how and where their purchase originated; and products that improve mental and physical wellbeing.

A vision for Australian manufacturing

Over the next 20 years, Australia’s F&A sector has the potential to strengthen its position as a small but significant exporter of sustainable, authentic, healthy, high quality and consistent products. Underpinning this vision will be local businesses who embrace the existing volatility and possess the agility to continually and proactively seek opportunities to create new markets.

Enabling the vision

Enhancing the proportion of on-shore value-adding will be key, whether it be through the creation of unique products for niche markets or through developing varieties of commoditised goods with unmatched quality attributes and competitive production costs.

Sustained growth in the sector will require proactive investment and translation of enabling science and technology, involving transdisciplinary teams and transpartisan relationships. Five key growth enablers arose from industry consultation and are discussed in the Roadmap:

  • Traceability and provenance
  • Food safety and biosecurity
  • Market intelligence and access
  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing
  • Skills

[Image appears of an animation map of Australia displaying wheat, beef, wine, milk, fish and fruit symbols inside]

Narrator:  The Food and Agribusiness Sector is a vital contributor to the Australian Economy

[Image shows the symbols inside the animation map changing into dollar signs]

and presents a key source of growth for the nation over the coming decades.

[Animation image changes to show a world globe in the solar system, a sun and raining clouds and then the globe fragments and re-joins and network symbols appear across the face of the globe]

However, climate change, geopolitical instability and technological advances are impacting the sector faster than ever before.

[Animation image shows the world globe morphing into a clock and then the image changes to show five different types of lightbulbs moving along a conveyer belt]

Our previous successes cannot be sustained through productivity improvements alone and Australian businesses must now work harder to develop unique differentiators that would generate future growth.

[Camera zooms out and a person is added below the conveyer belt and two thought bubbles appear either side displaying a world globe and a bar graph]

A global and value adding focus is a must.

[Animation image changes to show a map of Australia displaying recycle, heart, 1st medal, target and transmitter symbols inside]

Australia’s Food and Agribusiness Sector has the potential to strengthen its position as a small but significant exporter of sustainable, authentic, healthy, high quality and consistent products.

[Camera zooms out to show the map displayed in a window with curtains hanging either side]

To realise this vision, strategic decisions must be made today.

[Camera zooms in on the map and symbols of a heart, 1st medal, crane, microscope, wheat, computer, recycle, question mark and beaker appear connected to the outside of the map in the ocean area]

We must ask what unique strengths can Australian businesses leverage to remain internationally competitive?

[Animation image changes to show a world globe displaying light bulbs in various areas of the map]

What global opportunities should the sector prioritise to generate sustained growth?

[Animation image changes and symbols of a chain type link, a bar graph, a robotic machine and building blocks appear]

What emerging technologies can unlock these opportunities?

[Animation image changes and symbols of a hammer striking, a microscope, a mortar board and a bar graph with three people underneath appear]

And how can Government, research, education and businesses better collaborate.

[Camera zooms in on the bar graph and then zooms out to show a network or people connected to the bar graph and then the image changes to show the Food and Agribusiness Roadmap brochure]

Drawing on our deep industry and business connections and the world class research expertise of our 5,000 science professionals, our Food and Agribusiness Roadmap outlines unique strategic insights into each of these questions and more.

[Text appears: CSIRO Futures, Unlocking Australia’s future growth opportunities]

Download your copy today and lead the change.

[Music plays and CSIRO logo and text appears: Australia’s innovation catalyst]

Roadmap for the future of Australia's food agribusiness sector

Download the report


Full Report

Want to learn more about how Australian food and agribusiness can prosper? Download the Food and Agribusiness Roadmap or talk to CSIRO Agriculture and Food about how we can help.

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