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The geography of Australia’s digital industries

Front cover of report titled 'The geography of Australia's digital industires'Australia’s digital technology clusters have been mapped and analysed on a national scale for the first time as part of a report by Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, and the Tech Council of Australia.

“The geography of Australia’s digital industries”, explores how the geographical concentration of innovation – like Silicon Valley in California – boosts growth and productivity.

The report brings together rich data from across the nation for the first time to map and describe the range of digital technology clusters currently developing.

Geography matters when it comes to technology industry growth and development

Think Silicon Valley in California, Silicon Fen in Cambridge and Tech Central in Sydney. These and other such places are examples of industry clusters. Decades of research in economic geography has shown that clusters matter. Firms inside clusters tend to grow faster, innovate more, compete and build wealth globally at the national scale.

Clusters aren’t everything, but they’re a critical component of effective industry growth and development strategy. In this report we have – for the first time – mapped Australia’s digital technology industry clusters at the national scale.

We hope this information will help decision makers in industry, community and government as they develop our digital technology industries.

Download the report

The CSIRO Tech Industry Map

Explore Australia's digital technology industry clusters interactively using our online Tech Industry Map.

A screen capture of the CSIRO Tech Industry map, showing a map of Australia and areas defined by the number of technology workers per Local Government Area

Explore Australia's digital technology industry clusters with our Tech Industry Map

The geography of Australia’s digital industries

Australia’s digital technology clusters have been mapped and analysed on a national scale for the first time as part of a report by Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, and the Tech Council of Australia.

Click here to download CSIRO and the Tech Council's report

“The geography of Australia’s digital industries”, explores how the geographical concentration of innovation – like Silicon Valley in California – boosts growth and productivity.

The report brings together rich data from across the nation for the first time to map and describe the range of digital technology clusters currently developing.

Geography matters when it comes to technology industry growth and development

Think Silicon Valley in California, Silicon Fen in Cambridge and Tech Central in Sydney. These and other such places are examples of industry clusters. Decades of research in economic geography has shown that clusters matter. Firms inside clusters tend to grow faster, innovate more, compete and build wealth globally at the national scale.

Clusters aren’t everything, but they’re a critical component of effective industry growth and development strategy. In this report we have – for the first time – mapped Australia’s digital technology industry clusters at the national scale.

We hope this information will help decision makers in industry, community and government as they develop our digital technology industries.

Download the report

The CSIRO Tech Industry Map

Explore Australia's digital technology industry clusters interactively using our online Tech Industry Map.

The CSIRO Tech Industry Map visualises digital industry hotspots and the concentration of technology workers across Australia

Explore Australia's digital technology industry clusters with our Tech Industry Map

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