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Flinders and Gilbert Agricultural Resource Assessment

The Flinders and Gilbert Agricultural Resource Assessment (FGARA) was a two-year, A$6.8 million project, involving more than 100 scientists, which provided a comprehensive and integrated evaluation of the feasibility, economic viability and sustainability of agricultural development in the Flinders and Gilbert catchments of north Queensland.

The Assessment sought to:

  • identify and evaluate water capture and storage options
  • identify and test the commercial viability of irrigated agricultural opportunities
  • assess potential environmental, social and economic impacts and risks.

The Assessment was designed to build a knowledge base to inform future development decisions and a framework that future resources assessments could follow.

For a summary of the project and its outputs, see the FGARA fact sheet series.

For more comprehensive summaries and reports on each catchment, see the FGARA publications and datasets.

Pilbara Water Resource Assessment

CSIRO completed, for the Government of Western Australia and industry partners, a comprehensive scientific assessment of long-term water availability in the Pilbara region, to guide responsible resource management into the future.

The Pilbara Water Resource Assessment provides an overview of the current and future climate and water resources of the Pilbara to aid water planning and management. These resources included regional surface water, groundwater and environmental water, and allowed local studies to be placed into a regional context.

View the published fact sheets, summaries and full reports.

Northern Australia Sustainable Yields project

Our Northern Australia Sustainable Yields (NASY) project produced critical information on historical, recent and likely future water availability in northern Australia.

This information has helped governments, industry and communities consider the environmental, social and economic aspects of the sustainable use and management of the water assets of northern Australia.

Funded by the National Water Commission, the project resulted from a March 2008 decision by the Council of Australian Governments for a comprehensive scientific assessment of water yield in all major water systems across the country.

For a summary of the research findings and in-depth regional reports, see the NASY published reports.

Flinders and Gilbert Agricultural Resource Assessment

The Flinders and Gilbert Agricultural Resource Assessment (FGARA) was a two-year, A$6.8 million project, involving more than 100 scientists, which provided a comprehensive and integrated evaluation of the feasibility, economic viability and sustainability of agricultural development in the Flinders and Gilbert catchments of north Queensland.

The Assessment sought to:

  • identify and evaluate water capture and storage options
  • identify and test the commercial viability of irrigated agricultural opportunities
  • assess potential environmental, social and economic impacts and risks.

The Assessment was designed to build a knowledge base to inform future development decisions and a framework that future resources assessments could follow.

For a summary of the project and its outputs, see the FGARA fact sheet series.

For more comprehensive summaries and reports on each catchment, see the FGARA publications and datasets.

Pilbara Water Resource Assessment

CSIRO completed, for the Government of Western Australia and industry partners, a comprehensive scientific assessment of long-term water availability in the Pilbara region, to guide responsible resource management into the future.

The Pilbara Water Resource Assessment provides an overview of the current and future climate and water resources of the Pilbara to aid water planning and management. These resources included regional surface water, groundwater and environmental water, and allowed local studies to be placed into a regional context.

View the published fact sheets, summaries and full reports.

Northern Australia Sustainable Yields project

Our Northern Australia Sustainable Yields (NASY) project produced critical information on historical, recent and likely future water availability in northern Australia.

This information has helped governments, industry and communities consider the environmental, social and economic aspects of the sustainable use and management of the water assets of northern Australia.

Funded by the National Water Commission, the project resulted from a March 2008 decision by the Council of Australian Governments for a comprehensive scientific assessment of water yield in all major water systems across the country.

For a summary of the research findings and in-depth regional reports, see the NASY published reports.

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