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This Assessment is the most comprehensive resource study ever conducted in the Flinders and Gilbert catchments. Scientists have built on previous important research by applying a consistent set of methods to fill in knowledge gaps.

Previous studies in the Flinders and Gilbert catchments:

  • Australian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd (2006) Report on the subartesian water resources in the Gulf and Mitchell water resource plan areas. Report prepared for Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water.
  • AGE Consultants Pty Ltd (1999) Report on water management of the Gilbert River bedsands aquifer. Draft for discussion prepared for the Queensland Department of Natural Resources.
  • Anon. (2012). Gilbert River Irrigation Development. Unpublished document from the Shire of Etheridge.
  • Apps H et al. (2011) An informed GIS based approach for mapping salinity hazard and aquifer systems in the Ord Valley, Western Australia. Proceedings of the Surveying & Spatial Sciences Biennial Conference, 21-25 November 2011, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Bartley R, Speirs WJ, Ellis TW and Waters DK (2011) A review of sediment and nutrient concentration data from Australia for use in catchment water quality models. Marine Polution Bulletin, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.08.009
  • Blockey Consulting (2009) Gilbert River Irrigation Area demand assessment report. Gulf Savannah Development.
  • Brooks A, Lymburner L, Dowe J, Burrows D, Dixon I, Spencer J, Knight J (2008) Development of a Riparian Condition Assessment Approach for Northern Gulf Rivers using Remote Sensing and Ground Survey.
  • Burrows D, Buttler B, 2012. Preliminary studies of temperature regimes and temperature tolerance of aquatic fauna in freshwater habitats of northern Australia. Report 12/01, Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research, JCU.
  • Burrows and Perna (2006) ACTFR, a survey of freshwater fish and fish habitats of the Norman River,
    Gulf of Carpentaria, Report No. 06/31.
  • Butler B. (2008) Report 5: Water quality. In G.P. Lukacs and C.M. Finlayson (eds) 2008. A
  • Compendium of Ecological Information on Australia’s Northern Tropical Rivers. Sub-project 1 of Australia’s Tropical Rivers – an integrated data assessment and analysis (DET18). A report to Land & Water Australia. National Centre for Tropical Wetland Research, Townsville, Queensland.
  • Coventry RJ, and Pollock DC (2011). Irrigation potential of the soils of the Flinders River Agricultural Precinct, northwestern Queensland: a desktop study. Technical Report, 2011–07, Soil Horizons Pty Ltd, Townsville (unpublished).
  • Coventry RJ, Stephenson, PJ, Webb, AW (1985) Chronology of landscape evolution and soil development in the upper Flinders River area, Queensland, based on isotopic dating of Cainozoic basalts. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 32, 433-447.
  • Cummings Economics (2008) Flinders River Water Development Forum Hughenden, 18-19 November 2008.
  • DERM (2012) North West Queensland Draft Regional Water Supply Strategy. January 2012. Regional Water Supplies Group, Department of Environment and Resource Management.
  • DERM (2012) Water in Queensland. Strategic Water Initiatives, Department of Environment and Resource Management.
  • DERM (2011) Waterhole persistence and productivity in two rivers in northern Queensland. TRaCK Research Highlights. Water Planning Ecology, Environment and resource Sciences. Department of Environment and Resource Management.
  • DERM (2010). Gulf resource operations plan - consultation report. Department of Environment and Resource Management. Brisbane, Government of Queensland.
  • DERM (2010). Gulf resource operations plan - consultation report. Department of Environment and Resource Management. Brisbane, Government of Queensland.
  • DERM (2010) Refugial waterholes project: research highlights. Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Sciences. Queensland, Australia.
  • DEEDI (2009) Cropping and Grazing Systems for Flinders River Agricultural Precinct Development Project. A Case Study Analysis. The State of Queensland, Department of Employment, Economic Development and innovation.
  • DNRME (2004) Gulf and Mitchell agricultural land and water resource assessment report. Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy. Queensland, Australia.
  • DNRM&W (2008). Gulf water resource plan - consultation report. Department of Natural Resources Mines and Water. Brisbane, Government of Queensland.
  • DNRM&W (2006) Gulf and Mitchell report on the subartesian water resources in the Gulf and Mitchell water resource plan areas. Prepared for Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water by Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd.
  • DNRM&W (2006) Gulf and Mitchell ecological and geomorphological assessment for the Gulf and Mitchell water resource plans. Prepared by Hydrobiology Pty Ltd. for the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water.
  • DNRM&W (2006). Gulf draft water resource plan - economic and social assessment report. Department of Natural Resources Mines and Water. Brisbane, Government of Queensland
  • Environment Australia (2001). A Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia, Third Edition. Environment Australia, Canberra.
  • Etheridge Shire Council (2011) Fact Sheet. Gilbert River Irrigaiton Area. Etheridge Shire Council, Georgetown, Queensland.
  • Faggotter S, Burford M, Robson BJ Webster IT, 2011. Nutrients and primary production in the Flinders River. Charles Darwin University, Darwin., TRaCK.
  • Faggotter S, Burford M, Robson BJ, Webser IT (2011) Nutrients and primary production in the Flinders River. Charles Darwin University, Darwin.
  • Fitzpatrick, A, Munday TJ, K Cahill and L. Stelfox, 2011, A regional, reconnaissance scale AEM survey to aid the definition of surface water - groundwater processes beneath a large unregulated river system: Fitzroy River, WA. CSIRO Tech Rpt No P2010/1235
  • Forster, B. A., Gilbert E., J. Passmore J. G.I. (1988), Preliminary Irrigation Investigation, proposed Cave Hill dam, Cloncurry, Department of Primary Industries, Queensland Government
  • Government of Queensland (2007 [2011]). Water resource (Gulf) plan (2007). Reprinted as in force on 24 November 2011. Reprint 1B. Brisbane, Government of Queensland - reprint preapred by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel.
  • Greiner R, Gregg D, Parker T (2009) Gilbert River Irrigation Project: Preliminary Business Case: Environmental Values. River Consulting, Townsville.
  • GSD (2009) Submission to the north Australia Land and Water task force. Gulf Savannah Development. retrieved 31 May 2012
  • Gulf Resource Operations Plan, 2010, DERM
  • Gulf Savannah Development (2009) Gilbert River Irrigation Area. Investment Report. Gulf Savannah Development.
  • Harrington, GA, Stelfox L, Gardner WP, Davies P, Doble R and Cook PG (2011) Surface water – groundwater interactions in the lower Fitzroy River, Western Australia. CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship, Canberra.
  • Herczeg AL and Love AJ (2007) Review of recharge mechanisms for the Great Artesian Basin. CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country National Flagship, Canberra.
  • Hogan A and Valance T (2005) Rapid assessment of fish biodiversity in southern Gulf of Carpentaria catchments. Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Walkamin.
    Kennard, M.J. (2011)
  • Jackson, S.U.E., Stoeckl, N., Straton, A., Stanley, O., 2008. The Changing Value of Australian Tropical Rivers. Geographical Research, 46(3): 275-290.
  • Jackson S, Stoeckl N, Straton A and Stanley O (2008) The changing value of Australian tropical rivers. Geographical Research, 46(3):275-290.
  • Jones, B., Martin, G. & Senapati, N, 1993. Riverine-tidal interactions in the monsoonal Gilbert River fandelta, N Australia. In: C. Woodroffe (Ed) L Quat Evol of Coastal and Lowland Riverine Plains of SE Asia and N Australia. Sed. Geol. 83: 319-37
  • Karim F, Kinsey-Henderson A, Wallace J, Arthington AH and Pearson RG (2011). Modelling wetland connectivity during overbank flooding in a tropical floodplain in north Queensland, Australia, Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8364.
  • Lawrie, K, Clarke, J, Tan, K, Munday, T, Fitzpatrick, A, Brodie, R, Pain, CF, Apps, H, Cullen, K, Halas, L, Kuske, T, Cahill, K & Davis, A. Using the SkyTEM TDAEM System to Map Aquifer Systems and Salinity Hazard in the Ord Valley, WA. GA Prof Op 2010/01.
  • Leigh, C., Sheldon, F., 2008. Hydrological changes and ecological impacts associated with water resource development in large floodplain rivers in the Australian tropics. River Research and Applications, 24(9): 1251-1270.
  • Lloyd, J (1970) Flinders River Underground Investigation Nelia Line. Irrigation and Water Supply Commission, Brisbane.
  • Lymburner, L., Burrows, D., 2008. A Landsat TM Inventory of Waterbody Permanence and Clarity in Catchments of the Southern Gulf of Carpentaria, North Queensland. ACTFR Report No 09/10, ACTFR.
  • Mason (2009). Gilbert River agricultural precinct proposal. Queensland Government (DEEDI).
  • McIntyre and Associates (1998). Etheridge Shire Council. Water Resource Development of the Einasleigh Area. Pre-feasibility study. Volume 1. Summary document.
  • McJannet, D.L., Wallace, J.W., Henderson, A., McMahon, J., 2009. High and low flow regime changes at environmental assets across northern Australia under future climate and development scenarios, CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Canberra.
  • McNamara B (Unknown) Irrigation opportunities in The Flinders River Ag Precinct Project. North-West Queensland. Presentation on behalf of Flinders, Richmond and McKinlay Shires and Mount Isa Townsville Economic Zone Inc.
  • Minty, B., Franklin, R., Milligan, P., Richardson, M, and Wilford, J., 2009, The Radiometric Map of Australia, Exploration Geophysics, 2009, 40, 325–333
  • MITEZ (2010?) Richmond Shire Irrigaiton Development Opportunity. Prospectus for Irrigated Agriculture. Mount Isa Townsville Economic Zone Inc.
  • Munday T, Fitzpatrick A, Cahill K and Harrington G, 2012, Elucidating the nature of surface water - groundwater interactions beneath a large unregulated river system with the aid of AEM data. Abs 22nd Int Geop Con and Exhib, Feb 2012 - Brisbane, Australia.
  • Nanson GC, Price DM, Short SA, Young RW and Jones GB (1991) Comparative Uranium-Thorium and Thermoluminescense Dating of Weathered Quaternary Alluvium in the Tropics of Northern Australia. Quaternay Research, 35, 347-366.
  • Nanson, G.C., Jones, B.G., Price, D.M., & Pietsch, T.J., 2005, Rivers turned to rock: Late Quaternary alluvial induration influencing the behaviour and morphology of an anabranching river in the Australian monsoon tropics, Geomorphology 70 (2005) 398– 420.
  • Northern Gulf Resource Management Group (2008) Northern Gulf Region: Natural Resource Management Plan 2008-2013. Norhtern Gulf Resource Management Group, Georgetown (75pp).
  • Northern Gulf Region: Natural Resource Management Plan 2008–2013. Northern Gulf Resource Management Group, Georgetown (75pp).
  • NRMW (2006) Gulf draft water resource plan: economic and social assessment report. Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water. Queensland, Australia.
  • Petheram C, McMahon TA and Peel MC (2008) Flow characteristics of rivers in northern Australia: implications for development. Journal of Hydrology 357, 93–111.
  • Petheram C, Rustomji P, Chiew FHS and Vleeshouwer J (2012) Rainfall–runoff modelling in northern Australia: a guide to modelling strategies in the tropics. Journal of Hydrology
  • Poplawski WA, Piorewicz J, Gourlay MR (1989) Sediment transport in an inland river in Northern Queensland. Hdrobiologia 176/177, 77-92.
  • PPK Environment & Infrastructure Pty Ltd (1999) Assessment of potential irrigation hazards - Einasleigh Common and Gilbert River Areas, North Queensland. Report to Department of Natural Resources, Regional Infrastructure Development, North Region, Brisbane.
  • Queensland Water Resources Commission (1973) Progress report on Flinders River underground water investigation in the Nelia area and drilling of production bores. Irrigation and Water Supply Commission, Brisbane.
  • Queensland Environmental Groups (2006) Queensland Environmental Groups submission into the Draft Mitchell Water Resource Plan, December 2006.
  • SMEC (2003) Irrigation project - Alstonvale: Final report. Flinders Shire Council, Hughenden, pp31.
  • SMEC (1970) Studies for dams on Gunpowder Creek at 67.8 M. A report to the Queensland Irrigaiton and Water supply Commission prepared by Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation. October 1970.
  • Stephenson PJ, Coventry RJ (1986) Stream incision and inferred late Cainozoic tectonism and the Flinders River Headwaters, north Queensland. Search 17, 220-223.
  • Tait J. (ACTFR for McIntyre & Assoc) 1998. Einasleigh Water Resource Development Proposal Ecological Issues. ACTFR, JCU.
  • Turner, EJ and Hughes, KK (1983) Upper Flinders River Irrigation Proposal. Queensland Department of Primary Industries Project Report Q083016, Brisbane.
  • Twidale CR (1966) Geomorphology of the Leichhardt-Gilbert area of North-west Queensland. Land Research Series No. 16, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Melbourne.
  • Unknown (probably DERM or predecessor), Flinders alluvial bore logs.
  • Warfe DM et al., 2011. The ‘wet–dry’ in the wet–dry tropics drives river ecosystem structure and processes in northern Australia. Freshwater Biology, 56(11): 2169-2195.
  • Warner KR (1968) Gilbert-Staaten Rivers Groundwater Investigation - Hydrogeological Report of the Gilbert "Delta" Area. Queensland Department of Mines, Geological Survey of Queensland Report No. 24, Brisbane.
  • Warner KR (1968) Gilbert-Staaten Rivers Groundwater Investigation - Hydrogeological Report of the Gilbert "Delta" Area. Queensland Department of Mines, Geological Survey of Queensland Report No. 24, Brisbane.
  • Water Infrastructure Task Force (1997) Water Infrastructure Task Force report to the Minister for Natural Resources. Volume 1 - Report, 28 February 1997.
  • Water Resource (Gulf) Plan, 2007
  • Yeates SJ (2001). Cotton research and development issues in northern Australia: a review and scoping study. Australian Cotton Cooperative Research Centre.

This Assessment is the most comprehensive resource study ever conducted in the Flinders and Gilbert catchments. Scientists have built on previous important research by applying a consistent set of methods to fill in knowledge gaps.

Previous studies in the Flinders and Gilbert catchments:

  • Australian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd (2006) Report on the subartesian water resources in the Gulf and Mitchell water resource plan areas. Report prepared for Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water.
  • AGE Consultants Pty Ltd (1999) Report on water management of the Gilbert River bedsands aquifer. Draft for discussion prepared for the Queensland Department of Natural Resources.
  • Anon. (2012). Gilbert River Irrigation Development. Unpublished document from the Shire of Etheridge.
  • Apps H et al. (2011) An informed GIS based approach for mapping salinity hazard and aquifer systems in the Ord Valley, Western Australia. Proceedings of the Surveying & Spatial Sciences Biennial Conference, 21-25 November 2011, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Bartley R, Speirs WJ, Ellis TW and Waters DK (2011) A review of sediment and nutrient concentration data from Australia for use in catchment water quality models. Marine Polution Bulletin, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.08.009
  • Blockey Consulting (2009) Gilbert River Irrigation Area demand assessment report. Gulf Savannah Development.
  • Brooks A, Lymburner L, Dowe J, Burrows D, Dixon I, Spencer J, Knight J (2008) Development of a Riparian Condition Assessment Approach for Northern Gulf Rivers using Remote Sensing and Ground Survey.
  • Burrows D, Buttler B, 2012. Preliminary studies of temperature regimes and temperature tolerance of aquatic fauna in freshwater habitats of northern Australia. Report 12/01, Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research, JCU.
  • Burrows and Perna (2006) ACTFR, a survey of freshwater fish and fish habitats of the Norman River,
    Gulf of Carpentaria, Report No. 06/31.
  • Butler B. (2008) Report 5: Water quality. In G.P. Lukacs and C.M. Finlayson (eds) 2008. A
  • Compendium of Ecological Information on Australia’s Northern Tropical Rivers. Sub-project 1 of Australia’s Tropical Rivers – an integrated data assessment and analysis (DET18). A report to Land & Water Australia. National Centre for Tropical Wetland Research, Townsville, Queensland.
  • Coventry RJ, and Pollock DC (2011). Irrigation potential of the soils of the Flinders River Agricultural Precinct, northwestern Queensland: a desktop study. Technical Report, 2011–07, Soil Horizons Pty Ltd, Townsville (unpublished).
  • Coventry RJ, Stephenson, PJ, Webb, AW (1985) Chronology of landscape evolution and soil development in the upper Flinders River area, Queensland, based on isotopic dating of Cainozoic basalts. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 32, 433-447.
  • Cummings Economics (2008) Flinders River Water Development Forum Hughenden, 18-19 November 2008.
  • DERM (2012) North West Queensland Draft Regional Water Supply Strategy. January 2012. Regional Water Supplies Group, Department of Environment and Resource Management.
  • DERM (2012) Water in Queensland. Strategic Water Initiatives, Department of Environment and Resource Management.
  • DERM (2011) Waterhole persistence and productivity in two rivers in northern Queensland. TRaCK Research Highlights. Water Planning Ecology, Environment and resource Sciences. Department of Environment and Resource Management.
  • DERM (2010). Gulf resource operations plan - consultation report. Department of Environment and Resource Management. Brisbane, Government of Queensland.
  • DERM (2010). Gulf resource operations plan - consultation report. Department of Environment and Resource Management. Brisbane, Government of Queensland.
  • DERM (2010) Refugial waterholes project: research highlights. Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Sciences. Queensland, Australia.
  • DEEDI (2009) Cropping and Grazing Systems for Flinders River Agricultural Precinct Development Project. A Case Study Analysis. The State of Queensland, Department of Employment, Economic Development and innovation.
  • DNRME (2004) Gulf and Mitchell agricultural land and water resource assessment report. Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy. Queensland, Australia.
  • DNRM&W (2008). Gulf water resource plan - consultation report. Department of Natural Resources Mines and Water. Brisbane, Government of Queensland.
  • DNRM&W (2006) Gulf and Mitchell report on the subartesian water resources in the Gulf and Mitchell water resource plan areas. Prepared for Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water by Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd.
  • DNRM&W (2006) Gulf and Mitchell ecological and geomorphological assessment for the Gulf and Mitchell water resource plans. Prepared by Hydrobiology Pty Ltd. for the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water.
  • DNRM&W (2006). Gulf draft water resource plan - economic and social assessment report. Department of Natural Resources Mines and Water. Brisbane, Government of Queensland
  • Environment Australia (2001). A Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia, Third Edition. Environment Australia, Canberra.
  • Etheridge Shire Council (2011) Fact Sheet. Gilbert River Irrigaiton Area. Etheridge Shire Council, Georgetown, Queensland.
  • Faggotter S, Burford M, Robson BJ Webster IT, 2011. Nutrients and primary production in the Flinders River. Charles Darwin University, Darwin., TRaCK.
  • Faggotter S, Burford M, Robson BJ, Webser IT (2011) Nutrients and primary production in the Flinders River. Charles Darwin University, Darwin.
  • Fitzpatrick, A, Munday TJ, K Cahill and L. Stelfox, 2011, A regional, reconnaissance scale AEM survey to aid the definition of surface water - groundwater processes beneath a large unregulated river system: Fitzroy River, WA. CSIRO Tech Rpt No P2010/1235
  • Forster, B. A., Gilbert E., J. Passmore J. G.I. (1988), Preliminary Irrigation Investigation, proposed Cave Hill dam, Cloncurry, Department of Primary Industries, Queensland Government
  • Government of Queensland (2007 [2011]). Water resource (Gulf) plan (2007). Reprinted as in force on 24 November 2011. Reprint 1B. Brisbane, Government of Queensland - reprint preapred by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel.
  • Greiner R, Gregg D, Parker T (2009) Gilbert River Irrigation Project: Preliminary Business Case: Environmental Values. River Consulting, Townsville.
  • GSD (2009) Submission to the north Australia Land and Water task force. Gulf Savannah Development. retrieved 31 May 2012
  • Gulf Resource Operations Plan, 2010, DERM
  • Gulf Savannah Development (2009) Gilbert River Irrigation Area. Investment Report. Gulf Savannah Development.
  • Harrington, GA, Stelfox L, Gardner WP, Davies P, Doble R and Cook PG (2011) Surface water – groundwater interactions in the lower Fitzroy River, Western Australia. CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship, Canberra.
  • Herczeg AL and Love AJ (2007) Review of recharge mechanisms for the Great Artesian Basin. CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country National Flagship, Canberra.
  • Hogan A and Valance T (2005) Rapid assessment of fish biodiversity in southern Gulf of Carpentaria catchments. Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Walkamin.
    Kennard, M.J. (2011)
  • Jackson, S.U.E., Stoeckl, N., Straton, A., Stanley, O., 2008. The Changing Value of Australian Tropical Rivers. Geographical Research, 46(3): 275-290.
  • Jackson S, Stoeckl N, Straton A and Stanley O (2008) The changing value of Australian tropical rivers. Geographical Research, 46(3):275-290.
  • Jones, B., Martin, G. & Senapati, N, 1993. Riverine-tidal interactions in the monsoonal Gilbert River fandelta, N Australia. In: C. Woodroffe (Ed) L Quat Evol of Coastal and Lowland Riverine Plains of SE Asia and N Australia. Sed. Geol. 83: 319-37
  • Karim F, Kinsey-Henderson A, Wallace J, Arthington AH and Pearson RG (2011). Modelling wetland connectivity during overbank flooding in a tropical floodplain in north Queensland, Australia, Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8364.
  • Lawrie, K, Clarke, J, Tan, K, Munday, T, Fitzpatrick, A, Brodie, R, Pain, CF, Apps, H, Cullen, K, Halas, L, Kuske, T, Cahill, K & Davis, A. Using the SkyTEM TDAEM System to Map Aquifer Systems and Salinity Hazard in the Ord Valley, WA. GA Prof Op 2010/01.
  • Leigh, C., Sheldon, F., 2008. Hydrological changes and ecological impacts associated with water resource development in large floodplain rivers in the Australian tropics. River Research and Applications, 24(9): 1251-1270.
  • Lloyd, J (1970) Flinders River Underground Investigation Nelia Line. Irrigation and Water Supply Commission, Brisbane.
  • Lymburner, L., Burrows, D., 2008. A Landsat TM Inventory of Waterbody Permanence and Clarity in Catchments of the Southern Gulf of Carpentaria, North Queensland. ACTFR Report No 09/10, ACTFR.
  • Mason (2009). Gilbert River agricultural precinct proposal. Queensland Government (DEEDI).
  • McIntyre and Associates (1998). Etheridge Shire Council. Water Resource Development of the Einasleigh Area. Pre-feasibility study. Volume 1. Summary document.
  • McJannet, D.L., Wallace, J.W., Henderson, A., McMahon, J., 2009. High and low flow regime changes at environmental assets across northern Australia under future climate and development scenarios, CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Canberra.
  • McNamara B (Unknown) Irrigation opportunities in The Flinders River Ag Precinct Project. North-West Queensland. Presentation on behalf of Flinders, Richmond and McKinlay Shires and Mount Isa Townsville Economic Zone Inc.
  • Minty, B., Franklin, R., Milligan, P., Richardson, M, and Wilford, J., 2009, The Radiometric Map of Australia, Exploration Geophysics, 2009, 40, 325–333
  • MITEZ (2010?) Richmond Shire Irrigaiton Development Opportunity. Prospectus for Irrigated Agriculture. Mount Isa Townsville Economic Zone Inc.
  • Munday T, Fitzpatrick A, Cahill K and Harrington G, 2012, Elucidating the nature of surface water - groundwater interactions beneath a large unregulated river system with the aid of AEM data. Abs 22nd Int Geop Con and Exhib, Feb 2012 - Brisbane, Australia.
  • Nanson GC, Price DM, Short SA, Young RW and Jones GB (1991) Comparative Uranium-Thorium and Thermoluminescense Dating of Weathered Quaternary Alluvium in the Tropics of Northern Australia. Quaternay Research, 35, 347-366.
  • Nanson, G.C., Jones, B.G., Price, D.M., & Pietsch, T.J., 2005, Rivers turned to rock: Late Quaternary alluvial induration influencing the behaviour and morphology of an anabranching river in the Australian monsoon tropics, Geomorphology 70 (2005) 398– 420.
  • Northern Gulf Resource Management Group (2008) Northern Gulf Region: Natural Resource Management Plan 2008-2013. Norhtern Gulf Resource Management Group, Georgetown (75pp).
  • Northern Gulf Region: Natural Resource Management Plan 2008–2013. Northern Gulf Resource Management Group, Georgetown (75pp).
  • NRMW (2006) Gulf draft water resource plan: economic and social assessment report. Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water. Queensland, Australia.
  • Petheram C, McMahon TA and Peel MC (2008) Flow characteristics of rivers in northern Australia: implications for development. Journal of Hydrology 357, 93–111.
  • Petheram C, Rustomji P, Chiew FHS and Vleeshouwer J (2012) Rainfall–runoff modelling in northern Australia: a guide to modelling strategies in the tropics. Journal of Hydrology
  • Poplawski WA, Piorewicz J, Gourlay MR (1989) Sediment transport in an inland river in Northern Queensland. Hdrobiologia 176/177, 77-92.
  • PPK Environment & Infrastructure Pty Ltd (1999) Assessment of potential irrigation hazards - Einasleigh Common and Gilbert River Areas, North Queensland. Report to Department of Natural Resources, Regional Infrastructure Development, North Region, Brisbane.
  • Queensland Water Resources Commission (1973) Progress report on Flinders River underground water investigation in the Nelia area and drilling of production bores. Irrigation and Water Supply Commission, Brisbane.
  • Queensland Environmental Groups (2006) Queensland Environmental Groups submission into the Draft Mitchell Water Resource Plan, December 2006.
  • SMEC (2003) Irrigation project - Alstonvale: Final report. Flinders Shire Council, Hughenden, pp31.
  • SMEC (1970) Studies for dams on Gunpowder Creek at 67.8 M. A report to the Queensland Irrigaiton and Water supply Commission prepared by Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation. October 1970.
  • Stephenson PJ, Coventry RJ (1986) Stream incision and inferred late Cainozoic tectonism and the Flinders River Headwaters, north Queensland. Search 17, 220-223.
  • Tait J. (ACTFR for McIntyre & Assoc) 1998. Einasleigh Water Resource Development Proposal Ecological Issues. ACTFR, JCU.
  • Turner, EJ and Hughes, KK (1983) Upper Flinders River Irrigation Proposal. Queensland Department of Primary Industries Project Report Q083016, Brisbane.
  • Twidale CR (1966) Geomorphology of the Leichhardt-Gilbert area of North-west Queensland. Land Research Series No. 16, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Melbourne.
  • Unknown (probably DERM or predecessor), Flinders alluvial bore logs.
  • Warfe DM et al., 2011. The ‘wet–dry’ in the wet–dry tropics drives river ecosystem structure and processes in northern Australia. Freshwater Biology, 56(11): 2169-2195.
  • Warner KR (1968) Gilbert-Staaten Rivers Groundwater Investigation - Hydrogeological Report of the Gilbert "Delta" Area. Queensland Department of Mines, Geological Survey of Queensland Report No. 24, Brisbane.
  • Warner KR (1968) Gilbert-Staaten Rivers Groundwater Investigation - Hydrogeological Report of the Gilbert "Delta" Area. Queensland Department of Mines, Geological Survey of Queensland Report No. 24, Brisbane.
  • Water Infrastructure Task Force (1997) Water Infrastructure Task Force report to the Minister for Natural Resources. Volume 1 - Report, 28 February 1997.
  • Water Resource (Gulf) Plan, 2007
  • Yeates SJ (2001). Cotton research and development issues in northern Australia: a review and scoping study. Australian Cotton Cooperative Research Centre.