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Agricultural resource assessment for the Gilbert catchment. A report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Flinders and Gilbert Agricultural Resource Assessment, part of the North Queensland Irrigated Agriculture Strategy

Full report

Agricultural resource assessment for the Gilbert catchment (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)


Part I Introduction

Chapter 1:

Preamble (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Chapter 2:

Key concepts and Assessment methods (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Part II Information for assessing potential scheme-scale and farm-scale irrigation developments

Chapter 3:

Physical environment of the Gilbert catchment (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Chapter 4:

Living and built environment of the Gilbert catchment (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Chapter 5:

Opportunities for irrigation in the Gilbert catchment (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Chapter 6:

Overview of the economic opportunities and constraints (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Chapter 7:

How can the sustainability of irrigated agriculture be maximised? (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Part III Case studies

Chapter 8:

Green Hills dam and irrigated three-crop rotation (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Chapter 9:

Dagworth and Green Hills dams and irrigated sugarcane (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)


Appendix A:

Assessment products
Assessment products

Appendix B:

Shortened forms, geological timeline, glossary, units, data sources and availability, glossary and terms
Shortened forms, geological timeline, glossary, units, data sources and availability, glossary and terms

Appendix C:

List of figures
List of figures

Appendix D:

List of tables
List of tables

Other sections

Cover, Director's foreword, key findings, the Assessment team, acknowledgements, contents
Cover, Director's foreword, key findings, the Assessment team, acknowledgements, contents

Agricultural resource assessment for the Gilbert catchment. A report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Flinders and Gilbert Agricultural Resource Assessment, part of the North Queensland Irrigated Agriculture Strategy

Full report

Agricultural resource assessment for the Gilbert catchment (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)


Part I Introduction

Chapter 1:

Preamble (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Chapter 2:

Key concepts and Assessment methods (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Part II Information for assessing potential scheme-scale and farm-scale irrigation developments

Chapter 3:

Physical environment of the Gilbert catchment (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Chapter 4:

Living and built environment of the Gilbert catchment (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Chapter 5:

Opportunities for irrigation in the Gilbert catchment (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Chapter 6:

Overview of the economic opportunities and constraints (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Chapter 7:

How can the sustainability of irrigated agriculture be maximised? (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Part III Case studies

Chapter 8:

Green Hills dam and irrigated three-crop rotation (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)

Chapter 9:

Dagworth and Green Hills dams and irrigated sugarcane (CSIRO Research Publications Repository)


Appendix A:

Assessment products PDF (736 KB)
Assessment products DOCX (67 KB)

Appendix B:

Shortened forms, geological timeline, glossary, units, data sources and availability, glossary and terms PDF (1 MB)
Shortened forms, geological timeline, glossary, units, data sources and availability, glossary and terms DOCX (566 KB)

Appendix C:

List of figures PDF (749 KB)
List of figures DOCX (55 KB)

Appendix D:

List of tables PDF (840 KB)
List of tables DOCX (51 KB)

Other sections

Cover, Director's foreword, key findings, the Assessment team, acknowledgements, contents PDF (513 KB)
Cover, Director's foreword, key findings, the Assessment team, acknowledgements, contents DOCX (328 KB)

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