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About Generation STEM

Generation STEM highlights the different pathways students can take to create their dream STEM careers, helping them get a head start by developing their skills and encouraging curiosity, initiative and critical thinking.

Generation STEM is a 10-year initiative to build a strong and more diverse STEM pipeline in NSW. Managed by CSIRO, the program is made possible by the NSW Government’s $25 million endowment to the Science and Industry Endowment Fund (SIEF).

CSIRO is working with community, industry and the education sector to develop and deliver programs that have impact, with a clear focus on achieving measurable results.

[Music plays and a split circle appears and photos of different CSIRO activities flash through in either side of the circle and then the circle morphs into the CSIRO logo]

[Image changes to show Paloma Siles talking to the camera, and text appears: Paloma Siles, CSIRO Generation STEM Industry Engagement Manager]

Paloma Siles: The future for Australia is so bright. We are a country that is burgeoning with so many STEM exciting opportunities.

[Images move through to show students talking together and looking at a laptop, students working on a robotic vehicle, a 3D printer in operation, students talking, and a student looking at an animation]

So, we’re here at Generation STEM to really support bringing all of those stakeholders together, making sure that we have government, education and industries working alongside each other to make that future happen.

[Image changes to show Sunita Harrington talking to the camera, and then images move through of students looking at a computer motherboard, and text appears: Sunita Harrington, Nautitech Head of Marketing and Communications]

Sunita Harrington: It’s incredibly important for businesses to engage with schools and students because they are the future generation of people who are going to work for us.

[Images move through to show three people looking at a bank of computers, three workers walking through a workshop, employees working on benches in a workshop, and a female using a machine]

They bring in fresh ideas, new skills, lots of energy, and we’ve been lucky enough to hire quite a few interns through the CSIRO, and they’ve been very, very successful.

[Images move through to show Rohan Sharma talking to the camera, two males looking at a laptop, a male opening a machine, a male and female looking at a building simulation on a laptop, and then the building simulation being placed into a city, and text appears: Rohan Sharma, BOC Limited Maintenance Engineer]

Rohan Sharma: Initiatives like Generation STEM are very important because the world is getting more complex and we need new minds, new thought process, new ideas to make it more easier.

[Image changes to Wayne Humphrey talking to the camera, and text appears: Wayne Humphrey, Peter Warren, Automotive Holdings Group Training Manager]

Wayne Humphrey: This is towards generation.

[Images move through to show two males walking in an aircraft hangar, a male working on a computer, and two males wheeling a piece of equipment around]

This is the generation that’s going to help us solve problems not only today, tomorrow, but further into the future.

[Images move through to show a female working on a piece of equipment, a group seated around a table looking at model on a screen, three males looking at a bank of computers, and various people working in a workshop]

Paloma Siles: The value for businesses getting involved in Generation STEM goes so much further than being able to build up their own talent pipeline, but it really brings them into the community.

[Images move through to show two males working in a workshop, a view of the CNES rocket, and Paloma talking to the camera]

It connects them in to be known as that vital part of not just the workforce but really bringing in and growing the space around them.

[Images move through to show Sunita talking to the camera, a female using an FPV, a view of satellite dishes, and then satellite dishes against a night sky]

Sunita Harrington: I didn’t realise how important Generation STEM was until I started being a part of it and it’s a fantastic initiative for us.

[Images move through to show Rachel Lollback talking to the camera, groups of students looking at a city display on a screen, and two presenters talking to people seated at a table, and text appears: Rachel Lollback, Senior Data Analyst]

Rachel Lollback: Bringing together industry and education is so important because it allows us to ensure that the things that we’re teaching in schools and universities is actually tailored and relevant for what we need in industry.

[Images move through to show various groups of people collaborating together]

And these, if we can work together we can solve that problem and we can excel as global leaders in Australia.

[Images move through to show Paloma talking to the camera, a view looking down on participants in GenSTEM, a close view of various students at the GenSTEM talking together]

Paloma Siles: It’s never been so important for industry and education to work together because we could be world leading in so many STEM fields if we have the excited and talented minds on the job.

[Images move through of various displays at GenSTEM, students talking together and collaborating, and then Paloma talking to the camera]

At Generation STEM we’re looking to attract, support, train and retain the future workforce because if we can equip our students with STEM we’re unlocking a future of endless possibilities.

[Music plays and the image changes to show the SIEF and NSW Government logos and text appears: Generation STEM is managed by CSIRO and made possible through the NSW Government’s $25 million endowment to the Science and Industry Endowment Fund (SIEF)]

[Image changes to show the CSIRO logo and text: CSIRO, Australia’s National Science Agency]

How industry can get involved

Are you an educator, STEM professional or organisation interested in building the future STEM workforce?

The challenge

Generation STEM was born out of a need to strengthen and diversify the NSW STEM pipeline. The benefits of STEM go beyond just job opportunities. STEM skills are used in our day-to-day and are essential to productivity and innovation. Jobs in STEM are also growing twice as fast as non-STEM occupations, according to the National Skills Commission (2022).

On top of this, STEM industries hugely benefit from employing diverse voices, perspectives, and backgrounds. Research consistently shows that diverse teams and workforces lead to better problem-solving, increased creativity, and improved productivity. 

Despite the positives associated with working in STEM, Australia’s 2021 Youth in STEM survey revealed that 42% of boys aspire to a career in STEM, while only 21% of girls share the same ambition. This disparity only widens as students get older. 

A report from the Office of the Chief Scientist also shows that only 0.5% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people hold a STEM degree, while according to the STEM Equity Monitor report, women make up only 36% of STEM university enrolments.

The solution

Generation STEM is designed to connect students with local STEM industries and professionals through activities such as site visits, internships, camps, and mentorship, where they can gain firsthand exposure to real-world STEM and learn about the diverse opportunities in STEM.

We deliver a range of initiatives to empower and attract more diverse students into STEM. These include the STEM Community Partnerships Program, Generation STEM Links, Deadly in Generation STEM and Evidence X.

Students gain real-world STEM exposure, developing essential skills like problem-solving and communication while discovering local STEM career opportunities.

Communities also benefit from student development. STEM activities foster transferable skills and connections between students, educators, and industries, producing work-ready graduates to meet local STEM workforce needs.

Our impact

By equipping students with STEM knowledge and abilities, they can enhance their career prospects and make significant contributions to diverse sectors. STEM CPP increases student interest, engagement in STEM, and knowledge of STEM careers.

Deadly in Generation STEM fosters connections with Indigenous STEM knowledges, improving awareness and interest in STEM.

Generation STEM Links programs increase access for underrepresented students to engage in paid STEM internships, enabling them to enhance their skills, knowledge, and confidence.

Read our Generation STEM annual reports and program evaluations to learn more.

Our partners

  • Camden Council
  • Campbelltown City Council
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Fairfield City Council
  • Penrith City Council
  • Blacktown City Council
  • Rotary Club of Blacktown
  • Canterbury-Bankstown City Council
  • Regional Development Australia Central West

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