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The National AI Centre (NAIC) is transitioning from CSIRO to the Department of Industry, Science, and Resources (DISR) on 1st July 2024. You can find the latest NAIC content at For any NAIC-related questions, please email

Generation STEM annual report

Generation STEM is a New South Wales Government initiative to attract, support and retain NSW students into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and career paths.

The initiative launched in 2018 and to date comprises four programs:

  • STEM Community Partnerships Program (CPP)
  • Deadly in Generation STEM
  • Generation STEM Links
  • Evidence X

2023 was a pivotal year for Generation STEM. Its programs reached a new level of maturity and embarked on a strategic shift towards strengthening and deepening the impact and planning for a lasting legacy.

The next four years will be crucial in ensuring Generation STEM continues to focus on increasing its impact and laying the foundation to tackle systemic challenges, enabling the program to leave a strong legacy in the STEM education system.

To learn about our highlights and achievements, read our annual reports.

Generation STEM 2023 annual report  PDF (4 MB)

Generation STEM 2022 annual report  PDF (4 MB)

Generation STEM 2021 annual report  PDF (3 MB)

2023 Year in review

  • 3,790 students engaged across the 3 programs
  • 126 industry collaborators
  • 40 Generation STEM Links placements completed, with a further 33 confirmed or underway
  • 1,560 attendees across 8 STEM CPP showcases
  • First Deadly in Generation STEM Camp held in the Illawarra
  • 3 careers expos held in Western Sydney, Queanbeyan, and Orange, with over 450 students attending
  • 3 industry-education roundtables held in Newcastle and DubboCo-design process commenced and problem statement developed for Evidence X

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