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Generation STEM program evaluation reports

Generation STEM is a New South Wales Government initiative to attract, support and retain NSW students into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and career paths.

The initiative launched in 2018 and to date a number of reports and case studies have been developed to assess the impact of Generation STEM.

The initiative comprises four programs:

  1. STEM Community Partnerships Program
  2. Deadly in Generation STEM
  3. Generation STEM Links
  4. Evidence X

The Generation STEM 2019-2022 evaluation report assessed the STEM Community Partnerships Program (STEM CPP), Deadly in Generation STEM, and Generation STEM Links. The evaluation used several methodologies, including surveys, interviews, case studies, program data, yarning sessions, and focus groups to understand the implementations of the programs and to what degree they are achieving their goals.

Generation STEM 2019-2022 report  PDF (3 MB)

Read our report highlights 

2019-22 key results

The results of the implementation and outcome evaluation include:

  • Strong implementation outcomes observed, including significant scaling up of STEM CPP and formation of multiple industry partnerships, and successful first-year implementation of Generation STEM Links and Deadly in Generation STEM.
  • Increased teacher capacity, particularly in inquiry-based learning for STEM CPP.
  • Increased student interest and knowledge in STEM, especially among those with lower initial interest levels and female students.
  • Increased awareness of and intention to pursue STEM careers among student participants.
  • Engagement of students in hands-on, real-world STEM activities.
  • Strengthened knowledge and understanding of culture and Indigenous knowledge.
  • Successful targeting of Generation STEM Links to students in lower socio-economic status areas.
  • Increased confidence in skills, including problem-solving and teamwork.

More about Generation STEM's programs and progress 

Student digging holes in the soil to sow native trees

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