Graincast - a serving of yield in the palm of your hand
Need a quick grain yield forecast, from the middle of your paddock?
Yeah, we can help you with that.
[Music plays and camera pans over a crop and text appears: Farmers told us that they can’t access the data they really want about their crops]
[Shows green seedlings. Image changes to show wheat growing]
[Image changes to show a mobile phone screen with the title Graincast on it and text appears: So we built Graincast, an app that, for the first time, let’s Australia’s grain growers forecast their grain yield from individual paddocks and across the whole farm]
[Image changes to show a mobile phone screen saying: Welcome to Graincast. Image changes to show a map of Australia with pins on it and the image zooms in on to one pin]
[Image changes to show a mobile phone with the title: Loading insights and text appears: CSIRO’s smart analytics applies satellite and sensor data]
[Image changes to show a mobile phone with the title: soil moisture and text appears: see your soil moisture and yield potential. Images changes to show a mobile phone with the heading: Yield potential]
[Image changes to show a mobile phone with the heading: Welcome to Graincast and text appears: Graincast helps growers with their crop decision-making instincts]
[Image changes to chow wheat growing in a field and text appears:]
[Music plays the CSIRO logo and text appears: CSIRO Australia’s innovation catalyst]