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front cover of a book illustrated with images of food processing and preparationAll people involved with preparation of food for the commercial or retail market need a sound understanding of the food safety risks associated with their specific products and, importantly, how to control these risks. Failure to control food safety hazards can have devastating consequences for not only the consumer, but also the food manufacturer.

Small businesses make up around two-thirds of all business in Australia's food and beverage manufacturing industry.

This book is aimed at those small-scale businesses already in or considering entering food manufacture.

Those already operating a small business will develop a better understanding of key food safety systems, while those who are in the 'start-up' phase will gain knowledge essential to provide their business with a solid food safety foundation while also learning about Australian food regulations relevant to food safety.

The book's content is also useful for students studying food technology or hospitality who wish to seek employment in the manufacturing industry or are planning on establishing their own manufacturing operation.

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Illustrated in full colour throughout, Make It Safe outlines the major food safety hazards – microbial, chemical and physical – which must be controlled when manufacturing all types of food products.

The control of microbial hazards is given special emphasis as this is the greatest challenge to food manufacturers.
Topics covered include:

  • premises
  • equipment
  • staff
  • product recipes
  • raw ingredients
  • preparation
  • processing
  • packaging
  • shelf-life
  • labelling
  • food recalls

Make It Safe (RRP $39.95) is available at all good bookstores and through CSIRO Publishing.

All people involved with preparation of food for the commercial or retail market need a sound understanding of the food safety risks associated with their specific products and, importantly, how to control these risks. Failure to control food safety hazards can have devastating consequences for not only the consumer, but also the food manufacturer.

Front cover of Make it Safe: A Guide to Food Safety

Small businesses make up around two-thirds of all business in Australia's food and beverage manufacturing industry.

This book is aimed at those small-scale businesses already in or considering entering food manufacture.

Those already operating a small business will develop a better understanding of key food safety systems, while those who are in the 'start-up' phase will gain knowledge essential to provide their business with a solid food safety foundation while also learning about Australian food regulations relevant to food safety.

The book's content is also useful for students studying food technology or hospitality who wish to seek employment in the manufacturing industry or are planning on establishing their own manufacturing operation.

[Image changes to show a book with pictures of food handling situations and text: Make it Safe A Guide to Food Safety. CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences]

[Image changes to show different pictures of food, from bakery items to bottles of sauce]

[Camera pans over different food products and then zooms out to show market stalls and people sampling different foods]

[Image changes to show Katherine Scurrah, CSIRO Food and Nutrition Flagship]

Katherine Scurrah: Make it Safe was written to help small businesses make safe food products. We also realised that there were many businesses starting up every day in this industry sector and so we wanted to provide them with some guidance on food safety as well.

[Image changes to show a food sample being passed to a child]

The focus of this book was Australia's small-scale manufacturers because they actually make up about two thirds of the food and beverage manufacturing industry in Australia.

[Image has changed back to Katherine]

There's no concerns at all about the safety of food produced by small manufacturers in Australia. In fact our food products have got an excellent reputation internationally. The aim of this book is just to ensure that that reputation is maintained.

[Image changes to show Katherine seated at a desk and working on a desktop computer]

There's really nothing like this book out there on the market. It provides a step-by-step guide to food safety, without all the jargon that can be found in other publications. So it's an easy to understand guide for small businesses.

[Image changes to show CSIRO sign with text: 11 Julius Ave Earth Science and Resourcing Engineering, Engineering Technology, Energy Transformed Flagship, Food and Nutritional Sciences. Camera pans out to show the building]

This book is a collaborative effort between food microbiologists and food technologists at this Division you have long history of helping small food businesses.

[Image has changed back to Katherine]

Certainly small food manufacturers will find the book very useful and it's also going to be useful for students that are studying food technology and hospitality courses, as a good reference source for them as well.

[Image changes to show a female cutting oranges and juicing them]

[Camera pans over different food items, from bakery items to sausages being cooked on the barbeque]

I hope that readers will get the essential knowledge that they need to know to make safe food products and also I hope that this will assist them to understand some of the food safety regulations that Australian manufacturers must comply with.

[Image has changed back to Katherine]

[Image changes back to show the book with pictures of food handling situations and text: Make it Safe A Guide to Food Safety. CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences. Text appears beneath the picture:]

[Music plays and CSIRO logo appears with text: Big ideas start here]
Katherine Scurrah from CSIRO's Food and Nutrition Flagship talks about the book, Make It Safe: a guide to food safety. More info -

Illustrated in full colour throughout, Make It Safe outlines the major food safety hazards – microbial, chemical and physical – which must be controlled when manufacturing all types of food products.

The control of microbial hazards is given special emphasis as this is the greatest challenge to food manufacturers.
Topics covered include:

  • premises
  • equipment
  • staff
  • product recipes
  • raw ingredients
  • preparation
  • processing
  • packaging
  • shelf-life
  • labelling
  • food recalls

Make It Safe (RRP $39.95) is available at all good bookstores and through CSIRO Publishing.