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Woman eating a rollOur food safety and quality team provides:

  • increased food industry productivity and innovation
  • increased market access for Australian food exports
  • strategic knowledge to reduce foodborne illness in the Australian community.

How we help industry with food safety and quality

Whether you want to:

  • take advantage of opportunities offered by new technology
  • implement product, ingredient or process improvements
  • develop new products or product extensions
  • determine whether your process is sufficient to deliver a safe and stable food.

We help industry develop advantages in managing food safety and shelf-life in the manufacture of innovative food products.

We are world leaders in helping food and ingredient companies adopt emerging food processing technologies, particularly pulsed electric field, high pressure processing, ultrasonics and cool plasma, and developing applications specific to their food products.

In addition, our microbial genomic expertise helps companies track down the source of contamination in product spoilage cases or during recalls and our understanding of biofilm formation is helping the dairy industry in plant cleaning and sanitation.

Food safety and quality case study: Moira Mac’s

Moira Mac’s is a family owned meat processing business based in Bendigo, Victoria, specialising in ready-to-eat poultry products.

Consumer demands have evolved since Dean and Moira Russell first established the company in 1983. In response, Moira Mac’s has adopted high pressure processing, enabling them to develop new product lines that extend the shelf-life of processed meats without chemical preservatives or a high salt content.

We worked with the company in implementing the technology into their business as well as verifying processing conditions for the inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes in their high pressure processed chicken pieces.

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Our key food safety and quality resources available to industry

Key CSIRO resources available for industry include:

  • physical containment level 2 (PC2) laboratory for product contamination investigations and challenge testing to validate formulation changes and process conditions
  • 3.6 litre high pressure processing unit and pulsed electric field equipment for microbial challenge testing
  • 35 litre pressure-assisted thermal sterilisation unit for microbiological shelf life studies
  • Department of Agriculture Quarantine Approved laboratory for work with imported ingredients and investigations into the contamination of imported produce
  • confocal, epifluorescence and light microscopy for investigation of bacterial contamination
  • gene sequencing expertise in strain identification in contamination of food products and manufacturing environments
  • molecular typing methods (PFGE, REP-PCR, RFLP) for characterisation of bacterial strains in food products and production environments
  • expertise and laboratories in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

To discuss food safety and quality innovations for your business, contact

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Welcome to CSIRO's food innovation centre

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Our food safety and quality team provides:

©  iStock, Isaac Santillan

  • increased food industry productivity and innovation
  • increased market access for Australian food exports
  • strategic knowledge to reduce foodborne illness in the Australian community.

How we help industry with food safety and quality

Whether you want to:

  • take advantage of opportunities offered by new technology
  • implement product, ingredient or process improvements
  • develop new products or product extensions
  • determine whether your process is sufficient to deliver a safe and stable food.

We help industry develop advantages in managing food safety and shelf-life in the manufacture of innovative food products.

We are world leaders in helping food and ingredient companies adopt emerging food processing technologies, particularly pulsed electric field, high pressure processing, ultrasonics and cool plasma, and developing applications specific to their food products.

In addition, our microbial genomic expertise helps companies track down the source of contamination in product spoilage cases or during recalls and our understanding of biofilm formation is helping the dairy industry in plant cleaning and sanitation.

Food safety and quality case study: Moira Mac’s

Moira Mac’s is a family owned meat processing business based in Bendigo, Victoria, specialising in ready-to-eat poultry products.

Consumer demands have evolved since Dean and Moira Russell first established the company in 1983. In response, Moira Mac’s has adopted high pressure processing, enabling them to develop new product lines that extend the shelf-life of processed meats without chemical preservatives or a high salt content.

We worked with the company in implementing the technology into their business as well as verifying processing conditions for the inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes in their high pressure processed chicken pieces.

Goodman Fielder – Safe Innovation

[Music plays, CSIRO logo appears on bottom right hand corner of screen, and text appears:  Goodman Fielder – Safe innovation]

[Image changes to show various images of people working in a laboratory]

[Image changes to show bottles of product]

[Image changes to show the Goodman Fielder logo with text:  goodman fielder our homegrown food company]

[Image changes to show Andre Teixeira]

Andre Teixeira:  I’m Andre Teixeira, Chief R&D and Quality Officer for Goodman Fielder in Sydney.

[Image changes to show Andre Teixeira smiling]

[Image changes to show various images of people working in a laboratory]

[Image changes to show various images of baked breads]

[Image changes to show a man removing bread from an oven]

[Image changes back to Andrew Teixeira]

Goodman Fielder is a food company with a long tradition of supplying consumers in Australia and New Zealand and the Pacific area with a number of food products, among them dressings and mayonnaise and sauces of all kinds.

[Image changes to show a woman carrying a tray of various product bottles]

[Image changes to show various images of people working in a laboratory]

The challenge on this project was that we’re both looking at a taste improvement with the elimination or reduction of vinegar, and at the same time addressing the major health and wellness issue in reducing the amount of sugar and salt in our product, while guaranteeing the perfect food safety.

[Image changes back to Andrew Teixeira]

We came to CSIRO with a problem.

[Image changes to show a man working in a laboratory]

They introduced us to FIAL and the SME Solution Centre, and together we developed a solution for our dressings that was reformulated to our taste, and at the same time with perfect food safety.

[Image changes back to Andrew Teixeira]

[Image changes to show a woman performing an experiment in a laboratory]

We were quite happy to see that CSIRO had already developed a number of solutions that matched exactly what we were looking for potentially in terms of addressing this need for new tastes, while guaranteeing the food safety.

[Image changes back to Andrew Teixeira]

[Image changes to show various images of people working in a laboratory]

Through the SME Solution Centre we’re able to access FIAL’s funding, and CSIRO expertise, which helped us significantly to achieve the goals that we started out with.

[Image changes to show various bottles of product]

[Image changes back to Andrew Teixeira]

We couldn’t have done the work in-house fundamentally because we do not have the scientific capability.

[Image changes to show various images of a food processing plant and products moving on a conveyor belt to be packaged]

[Image changes to show various images of products on shelves]

[Image changes back to Andrew Teixeira]

The difference from where we were before and where we are today as a result of this relationship between FIAL, ourselves, and CSIRO, is the fact that we did not have to invest in scientific capabilities that would take a number of years to materialise and to bear fruit, and we had immediate access to an existing knowledge base that was at arm’s reach for us.

[Image changes to show various images of people working in a laboratory]

And we could immediately see the results by co-operating, by working together in a very collaborative manner.

[Image changes back to Andrew Teixeira]

[Image changes to show various images of people working in a laboratory]

The SME Solution Centre, which is a partnership between FIAL and CSIRO, has provided training via CSIRO to our new product development team in the use of the tool.  That training has a major impact in the way we reformulate products for this project and beyond.

[Image changes back to Andrew Teixeira]

[Image changes to show various images of a food processing plant and products moving on a conveyor belt to be packaged]

The relationship in the future, it can only go further and further and further, because obviously when you have success in one area we immediately become curious about what else we could do.

[Image changes to show a person recording data]

[Image changes to show various images of a food processing plant and products moving on a conveyor belt to be packaged]

[Image changes to show a man driving a forklift]

There are a number of other opportunities, not just problems, but opportunities to create new ideas and bring those ideas into concepts that eventually can become projects for the future.

[Image changes back to Andrew Teixeira]

[Text appears on screen:  The SME Solution Centre, a collaboration between CSIRO and FIAL.  Various logos appear at the bottom of the screen:  CSIRO; FIAL Food Innovation Australia Ltd; Supported by Australian Government]

 [CSIRO logo appears with text: Big ideas start here]

Andre Teixeira, Goodman Fielder Chief R&D and Quality Officer, discusses the benefits for his business of working with CSIRO and Food Innovation Australia Ltd.

Our key food safety and quality resources available to industry

Key CSIRO resources available for industry include:

  • physical containment level 2 (PC2) laboratory for product contamination investigations and challenge testing to validate formulation changes and process conditions
  • 3.6 litre high pressure processing unit and pulsed electric field equipment for microbial challenge testing
  • 35 litre pressure-assisted thermal sterilisation unit for microbiological shelf life studies
  • Department of Agriculture Quarantine Approved laboratory for work with imported ingredients and investigations into the contamination of imported produce
  • confocal, epifluorescence and light microscopy for investigation of bacterial contamination
  • gene sequencing expertise in strain identification in contamination of food products and manufacturing environments
  • molecular typing methods (PFGE, REP-PCR, RFLP) for characterisation of bacterial strains in food products and production environments
  • expertise and laboratories in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

To discuss food safety and quality innovations for your business, contact

Ms Sieh Ng

Research Microbiologist

Sieh is a food safety microbiologist with a track record of assessing food safety risks to consumers and improving product safety.

Welcome to CSIRO's food innovation centre

Welcome to CSIRO's food innovation centre

[Music plays and CSIRO logo and text appears: Welcome to CSIRO’s food innovation centre]

[Images flash through of people selecting food from fridges and shelves in a supermarket]

Narrator: Consumer demand for healthy, convenient, new and safe food products is rising and market growth in the Asian region is booming.

More than ever manufacturing innovation is critical for the Australian food industry to capture these opportunities and be globally competitive.

[Image changes to show the outside of the CSIRO Food Innovation Centre Melbourne and then image changes to show employees looking at food samples of cheese and then the camera zooms in on a sample of cheese]

At our Food Innovation Centre we work with the food and beverage manufacturing industry to meet these opportunities and add value to their business.

[Images flash through of an employee looking at a sample, operating a computer, the computer screen, a heat shrink bag, a tube being filled with white liquid, an employee looking at a computer screen, the computer screen display, an employee filling a tube with bottles of juice and placing the tube inside a machine, a computer screen display and an employee emptying the tube]

We help companies innovate by creating next generation value added food products and ingredients, improving operating efficiencies, licensing ready to go technologies, making industry connections and adopting and developing new technologies and applications for safer, fresher, healthier and sustainably produced foods and more.

[Image changes to show an employee climbing up some stairs carrying a bag of maize polenta and then the camera shows employees watching a machine in use and then the camera zooms in on their faces]

In the last few years we’ve helped our clients create hundreds of millions of dollars in new food product and ingredient sales locally and in export markets.

[Image changes to show an employee operating the touch screen on a machine and then the image changes to show a machine with lots of tubes and the camera pans up the machine to the top]

This includes more than 25 new products in the retail market nationally.

[Image changes to show an employee operating a machine and then images flash through of different manufacturing machinery]

Companies are invited to use our manufacturing equipment to develop and launch new products into the market or collaborate with us strategically on breakthrough technologies.

[Image changes to show an outside view of the CSIRO facility in Brisbane and text appears: Brisbane]

[Image changes to show employees working with packaged meat and then the camera zooms in on a female writing on a clipboard, employees inspecting the meat, employees cutting a sample from the meat and an employee putting meat inside a machine]

Through our facilities in Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney we have the most significant and extensive food innovation expertise available in Australia.

[Images flash through of an employee operating a machine]

Our pilot plants are unique facilities with a mix of conventional and emerging technologies supported by world class science.

[Image changes to show three female employees walking down a corridor and text appears: Sydney]

[Images flash through of an employee pouring juice, trying a sample, a computer screen display and a female employee operating machinery]

Our expertise in sensory, flavour, consumer science and food choices is unique helping companies develop new or redefine their existing products.  We help industry manage their food safety and product shelf life and meet food safety regulations in export markets.

[Image changes to show three employees inspecting a dough sample and then the camera zooms in on an employee pulling a sample from the dough and tasting it]

We’re also helping Australian food companies meet the rapidly growing demand in Asia for high value products.

[Image changes to show an employee operating a computer with two display screens and then the camera zooms in on one of the screen displays]

Our researchers help companies reformulate to reduce salt, sugar and fat and develop fortified products with functional health benefits while still meeting the taste preferences of consumers.

[Image changes to show an outside view of the CSIRO in Adelaide and then the image changes to show a male walking through the door and speaking to the receptionist and then the camera zooms in on the paper he is writing on]

We also work with manufacturers to substantiate food and ingredient health claims with expertise in lab scale analysis through to human nutrition trials.

[Images flash through of two people at computers, a person lying down, a computer screen display, a female pouring liquid and a female operating a computer and then the camera zooms in on the liquid being poured and the female operating the computer screen]

Whether you’re a small company with a novel idea or a large one looking to outsource key R and D services companies benefit every day from partnering with CSIRO.

[Camera zooms in on the computer screen and then the camera zooms in on the female employee]

It all starts with a conversation.

[Image changes and CSIRO logo and text appears: Big ideas start here,]

Find out how CSIRO's food innovation centre helps food and ingredient manufacturers

Do business with us to help your organisation thrive

We partner with small and large companies, government and industry in Australia and around the world.

Contact us now to start doing business