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Mobile health, digital health and telehealth projects

The Australian e-Health Research Centre, CSIRO’s national digital health program and a joint venture with the Queensland Government, collaborated with health services to accelerate mobile health and telehealth projects to support the continuation of health services amidst COVID-19.


Telehealth platform - Coviu

Data61 spin-out Coviu is a telehealth platform that allows all clinicians to connect to their patients remotely. Practitioners of all professions can set up their own digital practice in under five minutes and start delivering end-to-end encrypted services immediately. Since mid-March 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic has seen a rapid uptake in Australian healthcare businesses employing Coviu - with now over 10,000 medical professionals using the platform to provide comprehensive, safe, and quarantine-compliant healthcare to their patients. Coviu was spun out of Data61 in May 2018 with venture funding from the CSIRO Innovation Fund managed by Main Sequence Ventures.


High Performance Computing (HPC), cloud, storage resources and associated expert support is being offered to researchers across Australia's national research computation providers. HPC resources available include Australia's newest petaflop-scale supercomputer, Gadi, housed at NCI; Cloud resources available include the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre's large data stores and its new refreshed Cloud; Data storage and expert support services are being provided by dedicated support staff at both NCI and Pawsey Supercomputing Centre; NCI also supports proposals for highly used nationally accessible datasets, critical to support this work and Pawsey is also offering remote visualisation services.

Five projects have already received allocations and Pawsey staff are working with researchers from The University of Western Australia, Monash University, Western Australia Department of Health, the Queensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics and Telethon Kids Institute. Pawsey staff are providing expert advice not only on HPC and data management but also in the domain of bioinformatics and molecular dynamics.

Mobile health, digital health and telehealth projects

The Australian e-Health Research Centre, CSIRO’s national digital health program and a joint venture with the Queensland Government, collaborated with health services to accelerate mobile health and telehealth projects to support the continuation of health services amidst COVID-19.

Woman using the Coviu platform to display a medical image via a computer.

Telehealth platform - Coviu

Data61 spin-out Coviu is a telehealth platform that allows all clinicians to connect to their patients remotely. Practitioners of all professions can set up their own digital practice in under five minutes and start delivering end-to-end encrypted services immediately. Since mid-March 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic has seen a rapid uptake in Australian healthcare businesses employing Coviu - with now over 10,000 medical professionals using the platform to provide comprehensive, safe, and quarantine-compliant healthcare to their patients. Coviu was spun out of Data61 in May 2018 with venture funding from the CSIRO Innovation Fund managed by Main Sequence Ventures.


High Performance Computing (HPC), cloud, storage resources and associated expert support is being offered to researchers across Australia's national research computation providers. HPC resources available include Australia's newest petaflop-scale supercomputer, Gadi, housed at NCI; Cloud resources available include the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre's large data stores and its new refreshed Cloud; Data storage and expert support services are being provided by dedicated support staff at both NCI and Pawsey Supercomputing Centre; NCI also supports proposals for highly used nationally accessible datasets, critical to support this work and Pawsey is also offering remote visualisation services.

Five projects have already received allocations and Pawsey staff are working with researchers from The University of Western Australia, Monash University, Western Australia Department of Health, the Queensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics and Telethon Kids Institute. Pawsey staff are providing expert advice not only on HPC and data management but also in the domain of bioinformatics and molecular dynamics.