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A number of web-based, interactive data applications has been produced as part of the Assessment, available publicly.


The Northern Australia Water Resource Assessment Explorer - NAWRA-explorer - is an interactive data visualisation tool to complement the full catchment reports for each Assessment priority area. There is functionality to interrogate the data by location or according to subject.

Data sets available through the tool include:

  • Soil attributes describing the properties of the soil using digital soil mapping techniques
  • Land Suitability data for the three Assessment study areas
  • Data on construction cost and yields by height, including cost per megalitre, of potential dam sites
  • Inundation data sets from MODIS satellite collected from 2000-2016 and water observations using Landsat satellite data, including data on persistent water holes
  • Groundwater boundaries for nine aquifers across the three study areas
  • Seasonal rainfall and evaporation grids
  • Ecological data on key species

Tips for using NAWRA-explorer:

  • To find out more information on each dataset, such as the lineage, considerations, quality of the data and available download location, click on the 'i' button
  • Toggle layers on and off by clicking the 'eye' button
  • To overlay layers from multiple sections, use the padlock button to lock the layer in place
  • Adjust the transparency of your layers by using the slider provided.

NAWRA-explorer is designed to be used alongside the other products of the assessments. Reading the full catchment reports, and technical reports, will help you to understand results on Explorer.

Northern Australia Water Resource Assessment Explorer

R-Shiny River Models

The NAWRA River Model App enables the user to explore the reliability at which water can be pumped/diverted (i.e. water harvesting) or captured and released by large instream dams in different parts of each catchment, and how these extractions may impact river flows downstream.

Northern Australia Water Resource Assessment River Model

A number of web-based, interactive data applications has been produced as part of the Assessment, available publicly.


The Northern Australia Water Resource Assessment Explorer - NAWRA-explorer - is an interactive data visualisation tool to complement the full catchment reports for each Assessment priority area. There is functionality to interrogate the data by location or according to subject.

Data sets available through the tool include:

  • Soil attributes describing the properties of the soil using digital soil mapping techniques
  • Land Suitability data for the three Assessment study areas
  • Data on construction cost and yields by height, including cost per megalitre, of potential dam sites
  • Inundation data sets from MODIS satellite collected from 2000-2016 and water observations using Landsat satellite data, including data on persistent water holes
  • Groundwater boundaries for nine aquifers across the three study areas
  • Seasonal rainfall and evaporation grids
  • Ecological data on key species

Tips for using NAWRA-explorer:

  • To find out more information on each dataset, such as the lineage, considerations, quality of the data and available download location, click on the 'i' button
  • Toggle layers on and off by clicking the 'eye' button
  • To overlay layers from multiple sections, use the padlock button to lock the layer in place
  • Adjust the transparency of your layers by using the slider provided.

NAWRA-explorer is designed to be used alongside the other products of the assessments. Reading the full catchment reports, and technical reports, will help you to understand results on Explorer.

Northern Australia Water Resource Assessment Explorer

R-Shiny River Models

The NAWRA River Model App enables the user to explore the reliability at which water can be pumped/diverted (i.e. water harvesting) or captured and released by large instream dams in different parts of each catchment, and how these extractions may impact river flows downstream.

Northern Australia Water Resource Assessment River Model