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Key findings

Key findings of the CSIRO Northern Australia Water Resources Assessment. (2pp)

Summary reports

These documents provide an overview of the findings for each catchment. (24pp)

Full catchment reports

These documents provide a comprehensive analysis of the feasibility, economic viability and sustainability of agricultural development in three study areas.

Case study report

This report details six case studies, two in each of the three study areas. The case studies explore a range of scales of development and a wide variety of water sources, capture and storage options and different cropping opportunities.

Technical reports

Discover the technical reports that provide detailed scientific analysis of specific components of the Assessment, by catchment:


As key datasets produced by the Northern Australia Water Resource Assessment (NAWRA) become publicly available they can be accessed through CSIRO’s Data Access Portal.

Land suitability and soil related datasets

The Assessment has delivered 126 modelled land suitability datasets of 41 crops, irrigation method and season combinations, and modelled confidence for the three study areas.
A general soil dataset and soil related datasets are modelled providing spatial data on soil properties e.g. soil depth, soil water availability. Modelled confidence is also delivered for the three study areas.

CSIRO NAWRA technical reports should be consulted before these data are used, in particular the land suitability technical report and the DSM technical report.

Access soil-related datasets (The technical reports on land suitability and DSM should be consulted before these data are used.)

Field measurements and soil sampling

Field measurements and site specific soils data collected by the land suitability activity of the Assessment are not available through the CSIRO Data Access Portal. This data resides in jurisdiction soil and land information-specific corporate databases.

Landholders who would like access to the results of soil sampling taken on their property will need to contact the relevant government agency, details provided below for each state. All other interested parties including government agencies, consultants, community groups, indigenous councils etc can request these data through the same process.

The applicant will need to specify that the request relates to soil data from the Northern Australia Water Resource Assessment. Other details required for the data request are;

  • Lot and Plan details (which are listed on your rates notices), or
  • Minimum and maximum latitude and longitude of your area of interest
  • Your contact details

You will receive an electronic document of the results by return email.

Western Australia – Fitzroy catchment

Email contact for soil information requests
Web mapping portal -
Corporate repository - Soil Profile database

Northern Territory – Darwin catchments

Email contact for soil information requests
Web mapping portal –
Corporate repository - Northern Territory Soil and Land Information System (SALInfo).
Metadata for the Northern Territory Soil and Land Information System (SALInfo).

Queensland – Mitchell catchment

Email contact for soil information requests
Web mapping portal -
Corporate repository - Soil and Land Information (SALI) database

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CSIRO is committed to ensuring its online content is accessible to everyone regardless of ability.

Contact us if you need these documents in an accessible format.

Key findings

Key findings of the CSIRO Northern Australia Water Resources Assessment. (2pp)

Summary reports

These documents provide an overview of the findings for each catchment. (24pp)

Full catchment reports

These documents provide a comprehensive analysis of the feasibility, economic viability and sustainability of agricultural development in three study areas.

Case study report

This report details six case studies, two in each of the three study areas. The case studies explore a range of scales of development and a wide variety of water sources, capture and storage options and different cropping opportunities.

Technical reports

Discover the technical reports that provide detailed scientific analysis of specific components of the Assessment, by catchment:


As key datasets produced by the Northern Australia Water Resource Assessment (NAWRA) become publicly available they can be accessed through CSIRO’s Data Access Portal.

Land suitability and soil related datasets

The Assessment has delivered 126 modelled land suitability datasets of 41 crops, irrigation method and season combinations, and modelled confidence for the three study areas.
A general soil dataset and soil related datasets are modelled providing spatial data on soil properties e.g. soil depth, soil water availability. Modelled confidence is also delivered for the three study areas.

CSIRO NAWRA technical reports should be consulted before these data are used, in particular the land suitability technical report and the DSM technical report.

Access soil-related datasets (The technical reports on land suitability and DSM should be consulted before these data are used.)

Field measurements and soil sampling

Field measurements and site specific soils data collected by the land suitability activity of the Assessment are not available through the CSIRO Data Access Portal. This data resides in jurisdiction soil and land information-specific corporate databases.

Landholders who would like access to the results of soil sampling taken on their property will need to contact the relevant government agency, details provided below for each state. All other interested parties including government agencies, consultants, community groups, indigenous councils etc can request these data through the same process.

The applicant will need to specify that the request relates to soil data from the Northern Australia Water Resource Assessment. Other details required for the data request are;

  • Lot and Plan details (which are listed on your rates notices), or
  • Minimum and maximum latitude and longitude of your area of interest
  • Your contact details

You will receive an electronic document of the results by return email.

Western Australia – Fitzroy catchment

Email contact for soil information requests
Web mapping portal -
Corporate repository - Soil Profile database

Northern Territory – Darwin catchments

Email contact for soil information requests
Web mapping portal –
Corporate repository - Northern Territory Soil and Land Information System (SALInfo).
Metadata for the Northern Territory Soil and Land Information System (SALInfo).

Queensland – Mitchell catchment

Email contact for soil information requests
Web mapping portal -
Corporate repository - Soil and Land Information (SALI) database

Request accessibility assistance

CSIRO is committed to ensuring its online content is accessible to everyone regardless of ability.

Contact us if you need these documents in an accessible format.