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Australia's dedicated ocean research vessel

RV Investigator is an advanced ocean research vessel, supporting Australia’s atmospheric, oceanographic, biological and geoscience research from the tropical north to the Antarctic ice-edge.

So much of our deep ocean remains a mystery. We know more about the surface of Mars than we do about our deepest oceans.

A turn-key solution for research

Research vessel (RV) Investigator is helping change that and unlock the mysteries of our oceans. This impressive 94-metre ocean-class research vessel provides Australian researchers with the capability to conduct research anywhere across our vast ocean estate.

RV Investigator can accommodate 40 researchers and technical staff, and 20 crew on each voyage. It has an endurance of 60 days and 10,000 nautical miles without resupply. The vessel's state-of-the-art features and capabilities include:

  • Mapping the sea floor at any depth. Australia has the third largest ocean territory in the world, but only 25 per cent of Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) has been mapped to a modern standard.
  • Studying marine life found between 1500 to 3000 metres below the surface to learn more about where fish live, eat and breed in order to better manage our fisheries.
  • Collecting weather data in a 150 kilometre radius around and 20 kilometres above the ship to improve our weather modelling and forecasts. RV Investigator is one of only a handful of vessels globally that has an advanced weather radar on board.
  • Capturing seawater samples from depths to 6000 metres to help understand ocean properties and life, and to monitor change.

Where is RV Investigator now?

Watch our livestream from RV Investigator!

Map with line track overlay detailing voyage in2023_v05
lat Latitude
long Longitude
K Ship Speed - knots
K Wind Speed - knots
AT Air Temperature (celcius)
WT Water Temperature (celcius)
View the full voyage

Voyage ID: in2023_v05 | Last updated: 2023-07-29 21:00:00 UTC

Important statistics

Underway science

RV Investigator collects various atmospheric, oceanographic and geoscience data streams when underway. Many of these data are accessible in near real-time via the Near Real-time Underway Data portal called NRUD.

Laboratory spaces

With 12 dedicated laboratory and other workspaces, RV Investigator offers a flexible platform to support diverse research. The vessel can also accommodate 12 containerised laboratories to support specific research needs.

Maximising capability

RV Investigator has been designed to an international maritime classification DNV-Silent-R. This classification ensures the vessel operates with low levels of radiated noise to maximise its acoustic system capabilities.

Equipment and scientific capabilities of RV Investigator

Watch the video and download our capability prospectus for more details about how we can support and enable your science.

[Music plays and plankton floats around the screen and text appears: Marine National Facility]

[Music continues to play and the image changes to show a school of tuna swimming across the screen]

[Image changes to show an animation of the Investigator on the ocean and text appears: R.V. Investigator]

[The camera zooms in on the animation of the Investigator and then the camera pans in an anticlockwise direction and text appears: Investigator is a multidisciplinary vessel capable of oceanographic, biological, geoscience and atmospheric research]

[Camera continues to pans in an anticlockwise direction from an aerial view and measurements appear on the side and across the back of the boat: 94 metres, 18.5 metres]

[Image changes to show a side view of the animation of the Investigator moving from the right to the left of the screen and measurements appear vertically against the side of the boat: 37 metres, 10 storeys tall]

[Image changes to show a front view of the animation of the Investigator and a box appears on the right hand side of the screen displaying 60 outlines of people and text appears: 60 scientists and crew]

[Camera pans over the deck of the animation of the Investigator and then in a clockwise direction and text appears on either side of the ship: 10 Laboratories, 13 Container Laboratories]

[Image shows containers being put on the deck of the ship]

[Image changes to show a view of an animation of the Investigator moving towards the camera and text appears: Cruising speed of 11 knots, Up to 60 days at sea without refuelling]

[Camera zooms in on a side view of the animation of the Investigator and then the camera pans in an anticlockwise direction to show a rear view of the animation of the Investigator]

[Image changes to show an underwater view of the animation of the Investigator facing away from the camera and text appears: 3 diesel electric motors, 2 AC electric propulsion motors]

[Camera continues to pan in an anticlockwise direction showing an underwater view of the animation of the Investigator]

[Camera zooms in on the gondola below the hull of the animation of the Investigator and text appears: A large steel housing attached 1.2 m below the hull, called a gondola, contains solar technology.]

[Camera continues to pan in a clockwise direction showing the gondola]

[Image changes to show the retractable drop keels on the bottom of the animation of the Investigator and text appears: Two fully retractable scientific drop keels collect water samples, and contain sonar to study ocean biology]

[Camera continues to pan in an anticlockwise direction showing the retractable keels on the bottom of the animation of the Investigator]

[Image changes to show an aerial view of marine equipment being deployed from the rear of the deck of the animation of the Investigator and text appears: Investigator can deploy a diverse range of sampling equipment]

[Image changes to show the marine science equipment being towed underwater]

[Image changes to show a multi corer being deployed from the left hand side of the animation of the Investigator]

[Image changes to show the multi corer plunging beneath the surface of the water]

[Image changes to show a view of the hull of the animation of the Investigator and then the camera zooms in on the bow thruster and text appears: The ship’s retractable bow thruster is part of a dynamic positioning system that allows research to continue in most weather conditions]

[Camera continues to pan in an anti-clockwise direction showing the bow thruster]

[Image changes to show a front view of the animation of the Investigator and the camera zooms in on the communications equipment on top of the bridge and text appears: High speed satellite communications]

[Camera zooms up and over the bridge and pans in an anti-clockwise direction to show an aerial view of the animation of the Investigator on the ocean]

[Camera zooms out until the animation of the Investigator is just a speck in the ocean and then the image changes to show a view of Australia on the world globe]

[Camera zooms out again to show the globe in space surrounded by stars and text appears: Investigator enables a new era for Australia’s marine and atmospheric researchers, putting them at the forefront of global research, with the latest state-of-the-art scientific equipment]

[The image shows the globe very slowly spinning in an anticlockwise direction]

[Music continues playing and MNF and CSIRO logos and text appears: Marine National Facility, Supporting, enabling and inspiring marine science, Owned and operated by CSIRO on behalf of Australia]