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Science and recreation spaces

Take a ship tour and see where the science happens!

Join MNF Team Leader, Jason Fazey, for a comprehensive tour of the work and recreation spaces on RV Investigator.

The tour takes you above and below decks to explore many spaces not commonly seen. Step on board!

[Music plays and a split circle appears and photos of different CSIRO activities flash through in either side of the circle and then the circle morphs into the CSIRO logo]

[Image changes to show text on a blue screen: Platform Deck: Steering and Trawl Winches]

[Image changes to show a view of the Steering Platform and the camera pans around the room to show the trawl winches]

Jason Fazey: Hi everyone, we’re just going to begin the tour with a quick look in the steering flat. In here we’ve got the trawl winches.

[Camera pans around to show steel cable on a roll]

There’s 8,000 metres of steel cable, hydraulic pressure unit, and rotary steering, pump.

[Camera pans through a door and into another area and the camera pans through the area and then up to a window set in a door, and the camera shows a view of the room on the other side of the window]

If we come out we’ve actually got the same equipment replicated on the other side. I’ll just peer through the window.

[Image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Platfrm Deck, Container Hold]

[Image changes to shows the Container Hold area, and the camera pans around the room to show the seismic compressor, and then the camera pans to the right and then moves through an area to show a second seismic compressor]

OK, we’re still on the platform level. We’re actually down into the container hold now. This fits four containers in here. So, a seismic compressor for our seismic operations is also replicated on the other side of the vessel. Have a quick look at that.

[Image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Platform Deck, Scientific Winches]

[Image changes to show a view looking into the winch room, and then the camera pans through the door into the winch room]

From the container hold, we’ll just walk straight into the winch room. This is where we’ve got all the scientific winches.

[Image changes to show the towed body winch, and then the camera pans to the right, and then the camera pans along the heavy towing ocean system winch, and the camera zooms in on the fibre optic cable of the winch]

We’ve got a towed body winch, 6,000m of fibre optic cable, another winch called a heavy ocean towing system. There’s 8,000m of multiple fibres, fibre optic cable.

[Ship noises can be heard, and the camera continues to pan around the winch, and then around to show a view of an 8,000m roll of synthetic rope]

And on this side, we’ve got 8,000m of synthetic rope which is used for our deep sea coring.

[Ship noises can be heard, and then the camera pans back around the room again, and then the image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Main Generators and Propulsion]

[Image changes to show a view looking down on equipment on a deck, and then the camera pans down a set of stairs into another room on the ship filled with equipment and the camera pans around the room showing the equipment]

[Camera zooms in on a large piece of blue painted equipment, and then pans along to show a second piece of blue painted equipment]

[Image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Main Area, General Purpose Dry Laboratory]

[Image changes to show a view looking through the door into the General Purpose Dry Lab (Clean)]

OK, we’re on the main deck. We’re just going to have a look at some of the labs. This one is the General Purpose Dry Clean Lab.

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera pans into the room to show the freezers in the room]

We have a couple of freezers,

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera pans around the room showing desks, and then a laminar flow cabinet at the back]

a laminar flow cabinet,

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera continues to pan around the room to show the incubators]

some incubators.

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera pans back around the room, and then back out of the door, and then the image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Main Deck, Science Operations Room]

[Image changes to show a view of the operations room, and the camera pans around the room and down between two banks of desks with computer monitors on each]

Still on the main deck, we’re just actually in the operations room. This is where most of the operations happen, the scientific operations.

[Camera pans around the room to show a section where there is a number of desks with multiple computer screens set up on the desks, and the camera pans around the area]

This is the section where the geophysical survey mapping is undertaken.

[Camera pans around to show another group of desks showing multiple computer screens set up on them, and the camera continues to pan around the room]

Seismic station. ADCP. Tow body deployments,

[Camera pans through a door at the end of the room and shows a view of the electronics repair workshop]

and the electronics repair workshop.

[Ship noises can be heard, and the image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Main Deck – Underwater Seawater and Clean Wet Laboratory]

[Image changes to show a view looking down a corridor, and the camera pans along and shows a view through an open doorway of the UW Seawater Lab, and the camera pans around the room to show the benches, a sink, and a computer set up, and then the camera pans out through a door]

We’ll just have a quick look at the Underway Seawater Lab.

[Camera pans across the corridor and then towards the General Purpose Wet Lab (Clean), and the camera zooms in on the sign on the doorway]

I’m going to cross the hall to the General Purpose Wet Clean.

[Camera pans into the lab and then around the room showing the various pieces of equipment and sorting tables at the centre, and then the image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Main Deck, Hydrochemistry Laboratory]

[Image changes to show a view looking down a corridor, and the camera pans down the corridor showing the freezers on the right of the screen, and the camera continues to pan down the corridor and then into the Hydrochem Lab]

We’re still on the main deck. We’ve got some -80 freezers, hallway, main hallway, main passageway, and we’ll just go into the Hydrochemistry Lab.

[Camera pans through the door and around the Hydrochemistry Lab showing the equipment in the room]

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera continues to pan clockwise and then anti-clockwise around the room, and then the camera zooms in on a door at the end of the Hydrochemistry Lab]

This is where most of the hydrochemistry comes from, or is done. The samples go through this door. On the other side of this door is the CTD room, where we deploy the CTD and I’ll show you that next.

[Image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Main Deck – CTD Room]

[Image changes to show the camera zooming in on a “CTD Space” sign on the wall, and then the camera pans into the room, and the camera pans around the room and then zooms in on a sampler and then on the boom above it]

The CTD space with the sampler here. When we operate it, the door on the, the door you can see there at the other end is opened up. This CTD is lifted up and extended onto this, from this boom, and the CTD is lowered into the water to the desired depths and water samples are taken.

[Camera pans around the room and then to the end of the room to show a door leading to the Hydrochem Lab]

Once it comes back on board, the sampling takes place here, and I was just talking to you from the Hydrochem Lab, and this is the other door for the Hydrochem Lab.

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera pans back around the room in an anticlockwise direction showing benches along the side wall, and the corer in the centre, and then the camera pans upwards to show the winches]

The two winches for the CTD are up on this level, both 6,000m electro cable.

[Ship noises can be heard and the image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Main Deck – General Purpose Dirty Wet Laboratory]

[Image changes to show a view looking down a corridor, and then the camera pans down the corridor and into the General Purpose Wet Lab (Dirty)]

So, we’re on the main deck in the corridor, probably the most utilised space on the ship is the General Purpose Wet Lab.

[Camera pans into the room and then around the room showing the sinks and bench areas in the room]

That’s where all the samples of mud or fish, or anything, it’s called the dirty, wet lab because dirty samples can come in here.  

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera pans down the benches and then hovers above showing a view of the sluice drain]

A little bit busy at the moment, because we’re actually preparing for a voyage to Antarctica. We’ve got the sluice drains here, so if we are doing any sediment sampling, we can get those washed away.

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera continues to pan around the room and then back towards the door to show large cool rooms]

Here’s some cool rooms.

[Camera pans around the room and then up to the Preservation Lab door]

Goes down to -4 this cool room. I won’t go in there at the moment. We have a Preservation Lab in here as well. Let’s see if I can open the door without shaking the camera around too much.

[Ship noises can be heard and the image shows the door being opened, and then the camera pans into the area showing the fume hoods, and then bench areas]

There’s some fume hoods and an area to take photographs, some dangerous goods cabinets.

[Image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Main Deck – External Working Aft Deck]

[Image changes to show the main deck area, and the camera pans down to show the Dreggen crane]

OK, we’re out here on the main deck. There’s quite a bit of equipment here because we’re just getting ready for a voyage to Antarctica. You can see down in the aft port quarter we’ve got a Dreggen crane.

[Camera pans towards the A frame at the centre of the screen, and then a Triplex crane can be seen on the left of the screen]

We’ve got our A frame there with a 20 tonne limit, and we’ve got a Triplex crane on the starboard quarter.[Camera pans to the right and turns right around to show the stack of shipping containers at the other end of the ship, and the camera zooms in on the “Safety First” sign on the ship]

Turn around, and you can actually see where the container stack is. There’s room there for four containers.

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera pans up to show equipment at the top of the ship]

Just up on top there on the Level 2 you can see the head drum. That’s another one of the outside [10:25] rolled on there [10:31].

[Ship noises can be heard and then the image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Deck 02 – Galley and Mess]

[Image changes to show the galley area in the ship, and the camera pans around the room showing the kitchen equipment, and then the camera pans into the mess room showing dining tables, a refrigerator, and freezer]

Back on Level 2 now and we’re having a quick look at the galley. Have a look at the mess room.

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera pans past the dining tables and down to an area with lounge chairs and small tables]

We’ll take a little walk across to this forward lounge area.

[Ship noises can be heard and the image changes to show a blue screen showing text: Deck 02 – Laundry Room]

[Image changes to show a view of washing machines and dryers in the laundry area, and the camera pans around the room]

We have the ship’s laundry here, which is used by the scientists and the crew.

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera pans to the end of the room, and then the image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Deck 02 – Aft External]

[Image changes to show the outside area on Deck 2, and the camera pans around the area showing a shipping container and the Muster Station area]

So, I’m on Level 2 now and this is where we can store another couple of containers.

[Camera pans around past the FRC, and the Emergency Generator House]

It’s also the muster area, the FRC, the Emergency Generator House.

[Image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Deck 02 – Cathouse Winch Control Room]

[Image changes to show a view inside the Cathouse, and the camera zooms in on the controls in the Cathouse]

Just inside the Cathouse up on Level 2. You can see the controls. You can see how you can actually manage all the scientific winches and you can see what’s going on, on the back deck from up here.

[Image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Deck 02 Forecastle]

[Image changes to show a view looking through the door into the Forecastle, and the camera pans through the door and pans around the area showing rolls of cable, steering wheels for the winches, rope laying on a table, and rope laying on the floor]

Now we’re just going into the Forecastle, and the mooring area and the winches.

[Ship noises can be heard and the image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Deck 02 - Foredeck]

[Image changes to show a view of the Foredeck on Deck 2, and the camera pans around the Foredeck along the side of the boat towards a set of stairs, past the set of stairs, and then along the side towards the A-Frame equipment at the back]

[Camera continues to pan towards the A-frame, and then around past the Triplex crane, and then pans up to show the bridge]

[Camera pans down the other side of the ship past a set of stairs, and past the FRC station, and then the image changes to show a blue screen showing text: Deck 05 – Bridge Equipment Room]

[Image changes to show a view looking through the door of the Bridge Equipment Room, and the camera pans through the door, along a corridor and then around the room]

This is in Level 5. We’re going to go up to the Bridge Equipment Room. This is just below the bridge level.

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera pans around the room showing the two cabinets for the weather radar]

These two large cabinets are for the weather radar,

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera continues to pan around showing the equipment in the room]

we’ve got a number of little racks there including the satellite, TV, and a few others.

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera pans right around the room past cupboards and equipment, and an office chair, and then the image changes to show a blue screen, and text appears: Deck 06 - Bridge]

[Image changes to show a view looking up some stairs, and the camera pans around past the stairs and into the bridge area]

Up on Level 6 now, the bridge.

[Camera pans around the room showing the Communications Station]

We’re just going to have a little bit of a tour round. The Communications Station.

[Ship noises can be heard and the camera pans around showing the windows at the front of the bridge looking out towards Fremantle Port]

We’re currently in Fremantle Port.

[Camera pans around past the equipment mounted at the front of the bridge showing CCTV camera displays on screens]

The monthly function displays. K-Chief and CCTV coverage.

[Camera pans around the room to the Mooring Station, and then the camera continues to pan down a wide corridor to a fishing station showing computers and equipment]

Mooring station. Down after the bridge, we actually got a little station here, it’s for fishing, and you can actually drive the ship from here, as well.

[Ship noises can be heard and then the image changes to show a blue screen showing text: Deck 7 – Observation Deck]

[Image changes to show a view looking out of windows on the Observation Deck showing the VSAT, and the search lights, and the camera continues to pan around the room and out of a door to show the starboard side of the ship]

We’re just up in the Level 7 Observation Deck area. We’ve got on this side, you can see the VSAT, search lights, this is usually where we do the wildlife observations, starboard side.

[Music plays and the camera pans up towards the top of the ship and flags can be seen flying in the wind and then the camera pans down towards the deck area again, and the camera pans around showing the VSAT, and the searchlights]

[Camera shows a view looking down on the deck below and the harbour]

[Camera pans around to show close views of the searchlights and the VSAT, and then the camera pans towards the other end of the ship]

[Music plays and the CSIRO logo and text appears on a white screen: CSIRO, Australia’s National Science Agency]