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Close-up of a mosquitoACDP's arthropod research program is underpinned by insectaries within both the Physical Containment (PC) 3 and PC4 areas of the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness.

The PC4 Insectary was built under the Australian Government's National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) and houses colonies of exotic insects. PC4, being the highest level of biocontainment, will allow testing of Australian biting arthropods for their ability to transmit some of the most dangerous exotic viruses known.

The insectary is available for use by Australian and international researchers for collaborative studies of arthropod‑borne diseases.

ACDP's arthropod research program is underpinned by insectaries within both the Physical Containment (PC) 3 and PC4 areas of the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness.

Researching insect-borne diseases. ©  Shutterstock, Tomatito

The PC4 Insectary was built under the Australian Government's National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) and houses colonies of exotic insects. PC4, being the highest level of biocontainment, will allow testing of Australian biting arthropods for their ability to transmit some of the most dangerous exotic viruses known.

The insectary is available for use by Australian and international researchers for collaborative studies of arthropod‑borne diseases.