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Our modern, high-containment laboratory space and skilled scientific team can be accessed by Australian and international research organisations to conduct impactful research projects of national benefit. Access is available through:

  • research collaborations between your organisation and CSIRO
  • ACDP hosting visiting scientists to conduct research at ACDP
  • ACDP scientists performing research or research components on your behalf.

Laboratory facilities

Funded through the National collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS), ACDP's Physical Containment (PC) 4 Zoonosis Suite and Bioimaging Facility and Insectary, provides advanced technology and infrastructure for scientists undertaking research requiring the highest levels of biosafety. These facilities are now available for external research or collaborations.

Additional research support and services

Research organisations can also access a range of other supports and services available at ACDP for an additional fee or as part of a collaboration. These include:

  • Animal facilities - Contained within ACDP's microbiologically secure area, our modern animal facilities can house a range of animal species, both large and small.
  • Laboratory equipment and services – ACDP's skilled research team capabilities include diagnostic assay development, the identification and characterisation of new and emerging viruses, comparative immunology, vector studies, preclinical studies of new vaccines and therapeutics, genome engineering for biosecurity purposes and pathogenesis studies.

Requirements for access

Submissions for access to conduct research at ACDP are subject to a formal approval process. If granted access, external organisations and their staff must adhere to ACDP's regulations for microbiological security, health, safety and environment as well as strict animal welfare.

AAHL facilities can be accessed for research purposes.

Extensive induction training is mandatory for anyone using or visiting the ACDP facility. Depending on prior experience, induction training can take up to two weeks. This training enables a visiting researcher to work at PC3 (under supervision of ACDP staff).

Further training and assessment will be required for a visiting researcher to be able to work independently at PC3, or to work at PC4.

Visiting researchers who intend to work in ACDP's microbiologically secure area for more than one month, or who intend to handle security-sensitive biological agents, must also undergo security assessment and clearance. This can take 2-3 months and the clearance must be in place before a visiting scientist is permitted unescorted access within the facility.

All research involving animals must be approved by ACDP's Animal Ethics Committee and adhere to the Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes. ACDP's skilled animal technicians conduct all animal challenges.


A fee is levied per head and per square metre of PC3 or PC4 space used.

Commercial usage attracts fees based on market factors and the Australian Government's guidelines for competitive neutrality.

Non-commercial uses by Australian higher education institutions and public sector research organisations attract a nominal fee schedule.

The cost of induction training is included in the fee structure.

Read more about ACDP and its services.

Use this service

Email access2ACDP@csiro.audescribing your research proposal.

You will be contacted by ACDP's access team to further explore how we can help you. It is recommended that you apply at least six to 12 months in advance of the actual start date of the research. This will help to provide time to arrange training, permits, research consumables and facility approvals.


Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness
5 Portarlington Road
East Geelong
Vic 3220 Australia