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Our fire testing services

We operate the most comprehensive fire research, consulting and testing facility in Australia, which combines our expertise and full-scale fire testing equipment to simulate a wide range of fire scenarios.

A steel-framed 'fire-proof' house is subjected to a flame test.

We can assist with testing of fire resistance and provide certification.

We are able to undertake a wide range of tests for industry based on Australian, international and many other standards, as our facilities are registered by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA).

We can also assist you with interpreting results, assess conformity with specification, assist with research and development, and provide guidance on construction in bushfire-prone areas.

Our range of tests includes:

  • fire resistance of walls, floors, doors, dampers, shutters, ducts, columns, roofs, ceilings, penetration seals, windows and glazing, and other elements of construction
  • fire testing of concrete tunnel linings
  • spread of flame tests on building materials and textiles/furnishings
  • smoke developed or emitted tests on building materials
  • combustibility of building materials
  • air leakage of smoke doors and dampers
  • rate of heat release
  • some sections of the International maritime organisation (IMO) code for the application of fire test procedures.

More information on CSIRO fire testing services. 

Our fire safety engineering services

We provide an independent and objective fire safety engineering consultancy for innovative solutions that satisfy or exceed the required level of fire safety, while meeting the demand for cost efficiency and flexibility.

We assist with building and infrastructure design projects, including:

  • fire strategy development
  • regulatory code compliance
  • fire impact and smoke movement analysis
  • evacuation assessment, design and modelling
  • smoke ventilation design and assessment
  • hot smoke test for commissioning and verification
  • hot smoke test assessment of buildings and tunnels to Australian standard
  • fire risk assessments
  • assessment of fire resistance of structural members
  • materials assessment for flammability 
  • bushfire impact assessment
  • third-party peer review
  • design for fire safety of passenger trains
  • full-scale fire tests and experiments.

We tailor our approach to the particular needs of each client and project, taking account of the nature of the physical phenomena and the applicability, accuracy, reliability and limitation of the different methods available.

Our fire systems research and consulting services

We can evaluate a range of automatic fire detection, alarm and protection equipment, as well as fire suppression systems, to Australian and international Standards.

We service the fire protection industry through independent standards-based testing of:

  • fire detectors
  • fire indicator panels
  • occupant warning systems 
  • sprinkler heads.

We have made a significant contribution to the Australian standards for fire detection equipment and maintains an ongoing commitment to standards development.

Other services include:

  • product compliance
  • special investigations
  • on-site testing
  • audit sample testing
  • test specification development.

Detailed information

  • We’ve developed a guideline to help the construction industry better understand how to ensure compliance with the relevant codes and standards for fire safety of external walls on high-rise buildings.

  • We test smoke alarms to ensure they meet Australian Standards.

  • CSIRO’s Fire Pass Product Listing Scheme has been established so that members who have tested their products, components or systems with us, can have their certificates published and verified by third parties.

Use this service

We offer services and contract-based research to business, industry and government.

Interested in fire testing, research and certification services for your organisation?