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Our acoustic testing services

We undertake acoustic research for companies and provide advice on compliance with the noise control provisions of building codes.

CSIRO's anechoic chamber. ©  1/2015

Our services include measuring acoustic levels, such as:

  • airborne sound insulation of walls, floors, doors and windows
  • impact sound insulation of floors and walls
  • impact sound reduction of floor coverings
  • sound absorption of materials and objects
  • sound absorption and acoustic impedance
  • sound power level of sources
  • airflow resistance of acoustic materials
  • loss factor of vibration damping materials.

Examples of our acoustics work

We have been involved in a number of high-profile acoustic research projects that highlight the range of services we offer, including:

  • Sydney Harbour Tunnel — we tested a range of prototype silencers for insertion loss and aerodynamic noise.
  • Aircraft noise in Sydney — the Commonwealth Departments of Transport and Administrative Services commissioned us to conduct an acoustic evaluation to provide technical advice on the insulation of houses exposed to aircraft noise in Sydney.
  • Acoustic rating of windows — the Residential Window Association commissioned us to develop a national acoustic rating scheme for windows to provide ‘a level playing field’ for the window industry using a single-number rating scheme based on scientific testing.
  • Measuring noise from industrial chimneys — We developed a flush-mounted microphone turbulence screen that could be used to measure the sound propagating inside a chimney flue.

Use this service

We offer services and contract-based research to business, industry and government.

Interested in acoustic testing or research for your organisation?