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Large mixing tanks are used in the minerals processing industry to provide various continuous hydrometallurgical processes such as leaching (digestion), precipitation, adsorption, oxidation, tailings washing and neutralisation. Typically, single or multiple impellers with vertical baffles inside these tanks are used for mixing and to create suspensions of solid materials.

Traditional long-shaft agitators are expensive and difficult to clean during maintenance shutdowns. They can also bog in solids that have settled on the bottom of the tank. These issues lead to losses of production and high maintenance costs.

SWIRLFLOW® has significantly lower capital and operating costs compared to traditional agitation systems, cutting installation costs by up to a third.


SWIRLFLOW® incorporates a short shaft and a novel impeller design to create a tornado-like vortex flow. As it incorporates a short shaft, SWIRLFLOW® does not bog in settled solids and is easier to clean. This reduces down-time and maintenance costs. Furthermore, SWIRLFLOW® can achieve the same mixing performance as traditional agitators with lower power consumption, further reducing operating costs.

For more information, download our flyer Swirl Flow: Increase production and reduce tank maintenance costs. PDF (102 KB)


SWIRLFLOW® has been deployed at the Queensland Alumina refinery in Australia, and is being evaluated for other alumina refineries in Australia and overseas. It is also being tested for leaching applications in iron ore, gold, and uranium plants.

Intellectual property

We have developed significant know-how in impeller design and operation, and hold patents on aspects of SWIRLFLOW® design and operation, granted in multiple countries.

The team

Our team consist of experienced fluid dynamics specialists and chemical engineers with strong process expertise. We focus on fluid dynamics challenges in the mineral processing area, developing technologies to improve slurry mixing, transport and erosion as well as customised services for industry.

Could this technology provide you with a competitive edge?

Contact us to find out more about our licensing and investment options.