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Increasing gluten sensitivity has created a global demand for low-gluten beverage as well as food products.

Phil Larkin and Crispin Howitt in the Canberra fields, with the world's first gluten-free barley beer.

Traditional gluten-free diets are expensive, high in fat and sugar, and low in fibre, minerals and vitamins which can contribute to adverse health conditions.

In response to this challenge, a WHO standards approved gluten-free barley has been created. Cultivation requires little modification to normal practices, though lower yields are produced and segregation is critical.

Kebari V3.0 has demonstrated the possibility for commercial production of beer and malt, enabling a ‘gluten-free beer’ for this market.

The technology is currently licensed and opportunity exists for a spin-out business model to be developed. This has potential for craft maltsters or brewing for export.


  • A barley that meets WHO gluten-free standards
  • Cultivation requires little modification to normal practice (lower yields, segregation critical)
  • Demonstrated commercial production of beer and malt from the hulled Kebari v3.0
  • Marketability as 'gluten-free beer' offer potential for higher prices to growers
  • Currently, the hulled variety has successfully been taken to market by German brewing company Radeberger under the 'Pionier' brand
  • V3.2 with larger seeds is in commercial-scale bulk with commercial production to commence in 2018
  • Hull-less variety suitable for food applications is in year one of commercial bulk – samples to be supplied to companies for product development in 2018
  • POC for KebariMAX (combining Kebari and BARLEYMAX) completed – small-scale field bulk of v1 underway.


  • Beer launched in Germany April 2016 (Radeberger)
  • USA regulations for food products need review by CSIRO
  • Regulations for beer being reviewed by FDA now
  • Cannot be labelled gluten-free in Australia
  • USA – USD100 billion beer market (craft 11%); German USD60 billion; global malt USD23billion; global craft beer USD500 billion by 2025
  • Excellent market interest, evaluations being undertaken -technology is currently licensed
  • Business model required for a spin-out – potential for craft maltsters or brewing for export.

Intellectual property

  • Two patents and Kebari® trademark
  • Plant Breeders Rights on two varieties – Ohalo and Ohalo2
  • CSIRO has commercialisation rights for Kebari hulled
  • The Healthy Grain Limited has commercialisation rights for Kebari hull-less for use in food (this excludes malt).

The team

Our team brings broad experience in modifying cereal grain composition, polysaccharides, proteins and oils to enhance their health promoting benefits as foods. Their success includes the release of commercial products, such as high fermentable barley (BARLEYmax) and wheat (HealthSense).

Could this technology provide you with a competitive edge?

Contact us to find out more about our licensing and investment options.