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The National AI Centre (NAIC) is transitioning from CSIRO to the Department of Industry, Science, and Resources (DISR) on 1st July 2024. You can find the latest NAIC content at For any NAIC-related questions, please email
The Challenge
Climate change is a global concern, associated with the rapid rise of the atmospheric CO2 concentration. To mitigate CO2 emissions, there are significant efforts in research and development for carbon removal, including in CO2 capture and separation both from the stationary sources with high CO2 concentrations (e.g. industry processes or power generation flue gas) as well as directly from the atmosphere, in a process known as direct air capture (DAC).
There are a number of different technologies that are currently deployed and are under investigation. However, these technologies are still energy-intensive and costly. Carbon removal as a part of a portfolio of approaches to reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations is consistent with a strategy for achieving net zero, an objective to meet 1.5°C target in the Paris Agreement.
Our Solution
We have developed a system which consists of a simple and readily available two-part chemical mixture that forms the material which capture CO2 from different sources at low cost. The chemical mixture has a high affinity to CO2. The units are designed to be modular which ensures versatility and scalability.
Value proposition
The technology has demonstrated the potential to capture CO2 from different emission sources. Currently the technology is focused on CO2 capture directly from air (DAC) which had demonstrated at laboratory scale the potential to be among the lowest targeted capture costs (target <US$100/t CO2).
The technology encompasses an engineering design and a novel chemical system. The chemical system is encapsulated within a unit is a two-part solution that is readily manufactured at commercial scales. The chemical system has a longevity between 2 to 5 years depending on the application.
There are 2 different designs which are focused on CO2 capture directly from air and industrial processes (pre and post combustion) targeted at integration of readily available, off the shelf components as well as requiring low maintenance time.
CarbonAssist can be applied to capturing CO2 directly from air and emissions from different sources such as flue gases from combustion. The captured CO2 can then be used to create value in existing and different industries such as medical, food and beverages, chemical, oil and gas and in cement manufacturing.
Intellectual property
We currently have several patent families (sets of patents or patent applications) related to the chemical composition of the CO2 capturing system.
The team
Our team of researchers (chemists and engineers) have conducted laboratory experiments which identified the chemical system and evaluated its performance under a variety of accelerated ageing conditions.
The team has also designed, and is currently piloting, a five tonne per year system at their facility. Larger CO2 capture units are currently being designed, constructed and will be deployed across different industrial sites, set to commence in 2026.