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Important information

The National AI Centre (NAIC) is transitioning from CSIRO to the Department of Industry, Science, and Resources (DISR) on 1st July 2024. You can find the latest NAIC content at For any NAIC-related questions, please email

With the rapid increase in lithium batteries used globally, a significant waste problem will exist at the end of their life. Upon decommissioning lithium batteries, they still contain significant amounts of energy which can lead to significant safety issues for transportation and disposal or recycling. We have developed two solutions for the safe discharging of these end of life batteries.


For small lithium batteries (for example handheld, small cell batteries) a wet discharge bath makes the units safe prior to disposal. This technology is designed to not interfere with downstream materials-recovery processes.

For larger units (for example electric vehicle, hybrid or household PV storage batteries) a discharge technology which collects the energy and feeds into the grid to power the site or other grid requirements has been developed.


The technologies are applicable to safe end of life battery storage, battery recycling and end of life battery transport.

Intellectual property

CSIRO has relevant know-how and knowledge is will assist industry and partners to transition this into industrial practices.

The team

CSIRO started conducting battery research in the 1970s. Since then the team has developed and commercialised new technologies such as new electrolytes for lithium batteries, flexible batteries and supercapacitors. The team also has experience in developing Standards for the battery industry. Currently the team is using its extensive understanding of battery technologies to develop state-of-the-art technology for lithium battery recycling to capture high value materials and provide an economic benefit to the battery manufacturing industry.

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