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Meet Mineral Resources

CSIRO Mineral Resources works across industry to deliver sustainable resources development in Australia and around the world.

Meet our researchers in Discovery, Characterisation, Mining, Sensing and Sorting, and Processing, and find out how we can work with you to achieve a sustainable future for everyone.


[Music plays and a split circle appears and photos of different CSIRO activities flash through in either side of the circle and then the circle morphs into the CSIRO logo]

[Image changes to show Rob Hough talking to the camera, and text appears: Rob Hough, CSIRO Director, CSIRO Mineral Resources]

Rob Hough: Hi I’m Rob Hough, Director of Mineral Resources in CSIRO. I just wanted to welcome you to the CSIRO and welcome you to the Mineral Resources Business Unit. 

[Images move through to show a male working a machine, a male looking at a piece of rock, a view of an industrial site, a machine in operation, and a male looking at a rock on a computer]

We work with the Minerals Industry right across the value chain, from exploration to mining to processing all underpinned by technology and excellent analytical facilities that are truly world class. 

[Images move through to show a researcher at work, dirt from a loader being tipped on a mining site, a truck on a mining site, a view inside a processing facility, and a close view of a piece of metal]

We have a team of over 340 people working with small companies, medium companies and big companies to support our resource sector to be responsible in the mineral resources that we produce, to add value to those mineral resources, and to unlock those resources for the future. 

[Images move through to show two workers looking at a processing plant, an aerial view of a CSIRO industrial site with many solar panels, wind turbines spinning, and Rob talking to the camera]

Very much always in mind with responsible minerals production, the ability to be able to provide the world with minerals for climate action so that we can take advantage of our critical minerals, to support the world with a clean energy transformation.

[Image changes to show a pattern moving in the background, and text appears in the foreground: Discovery]

[Image changes to show Sandi Occhipinti talking to the camera, and text appears: Sandi Occhipinti, Research Director, Discovery]

Sandi Occhipinti: The discovery team is all about using technologies to identify mineral resources beneath soil and cover. 

[Image changes to show a 3D computer generated image of a cross-section of earth, and text appears: 80% of Australian bedrock is hidden]

And the reason we do that is that 80% of Australia’s bedrock is hidden beneath a deep blanket of sedimentary cover. 

[Images move through to show two workers in the field, two workers looking at a large mound of red earth, and a mound of rock and earth]

Our techniques can help businesses peer through that cover to increase rates of discovery far below the surface of the earth.

[Image changes to show a 3D image of a piece of rock, and text appears: Characterisation]

[Image changes to show Mark Pearce talking to the camera, and text appears: Mark Pearce, Research Director, Characterisation]

Mark Pearce: The characterisation program has six labs across Australia with a focus on providing bespoke data sets to address problems facing the minerals industry. 

[Image changes to show various trace element pattern diagrams on a black screen]

We map trace element patterns in minerals to help find deposits. 

[Images move through to show a 3D image of a rock, the rock rotating, a machine in operation, and then a worker looking at a computer]

We image the rocks in 3D to locate the valuable minerals and we measure reactions in real time to improve mineral processing. 

[Images move through to show a female worker using a Minalyzer machine, the drill core lab, and two large screens with a scanned diagram on the screens]

Our world leading micro-analysis facilities are combined with our drill core lab in Perth, to provide multi-scale results for our industry partners.

[Image changes to show a computer-generated image of a pick, and then the image shows the handle of the pick moving into a cross-section of ground, and text appears: Mining]

[Image changes to show Hua Guo talking to the camera, and text appears: Hua Guo, Research Director, Mining]

Hua Guo: Our mining programme is the largest multi-disciplinary mining R & D team in Australia. 

[Image changes to show various views of a machine in operation, models of different metals, and a drilling machine]

We are the ones mining signs and developing industrial technology that underpins safe, efficient and environmentally sustainable production of energy and minerals.

[Image changes to show a computer-generated image of a drill below the Earth’s surface and moving up to the Earth’s surface, and text appears: Future Mining]

[Image changes to show Ewan Sellers talking to the camera, and text appears: Ewan Sellers, Future Mining Digital Lead]
Ewan Sellers: Integrated digital technology is the enabler for the future mine. 

[Image changes to show a close and then medium view of a robotic machine in operation]

In the future data fusion technologies will enable safe robotic mining machines to make agile decisions about the ore extraction. 

[Images move through to show a computer-generated image of a drone moving around blocks, blocks in the back of mining trucks, and minerals moving through a conveyer belt] 

Digital systems will enable customers to visualise how miners are delivering their minerals and track the social benefits and environmental footprint.

[Image changes to show a computer-generated image of minerals moving along a conveyer belt, and text appears: Sensing & Sorting]

[Image changes to show David Miljak talking to the camera, and text appears: David Miljak, Research Director, Sensing and Sorting]

David Miljak: The aim of sensing and sorting is to improve the efficiency and sustainability of mining and mineral processing. 

[Images move through to show magnetic resonance sensors in operation, and then David talking to the camera again]
We develop novel magnetic resonance sensors to enable the sorting of valuable minerals from waste, thereby reducing the amount of energy and water used for every kilogram of metal produced. 

[Images move through to show an x-ray moving over a piece of metal, a touch screen with a diagram on it, and sample pots on a bench]

We also develop advanced x-ray measurement technology for measuring elements and minerals in processing plants, thereby boosting the productivity and sustainability of mineral processing.

[Image changes to show a computer-generated image of a piece of rock descending down the screen and particles moving up the screen and entering a bar of metal, and text appears: Processing]

[Image changes to show Andrew Jenkin talking to the camera, and text appears: Andrew Jenkin, Research Director, Processing]

Andrew Jenkin: Mineral processing can be very energy and cost intensive. 

[Image changes to show a large piece of equipment in a processing plant, and then the image changes to show David talking to the camera again]

In response, we’re piloting new technologies like our semi-inverted cyclone which can significantly reduce water and energy use. 

[Image changes to show the Magsonic equipment in the processing plant]

And we’ve developed breakthrough technologies like Magsonic, which can produce high quality magnesium metal, while reducing emissions up to 70%.

[Image changes to show a spinning world globe, and text appears: Work with us]

[Image changes to show Rob talking to the camera]

Rob Hough: So, we stand ready to work with you. Please come and join us as we look to deliver impact from science and technology to support your companies in what you’re trying to achieve and to be able to provide science and technology solutions to Australia’s greatest challenges. For us, very much around sustainable mineral resources production.

[Music plays and the CSIRO logo and text appears: CSIRO, Australia’s National Science Agency]
Learn about CSIRO's capabilities in Mineral Resources, and how we can work with you to achieve your goals.

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