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The challenge

Reliable mineral data

Our specialist characterisation facilities are housed in Perth and Melbourne. ©  2012 Damien Smith Photography

Mining, exploration and mineral processing require high quality, accurate data about the character and composition of mineral resources.

Using this data to inform decision-making at key stages in the mineral resources value chain can make an enormous difference to the viability and productivity of an operation.

Often this data can only be produced by specialists using highly advanced equipment or through services customised to a company's specific needs.

Our science aims to support Australia's resource industries for the continuing prosperity of our nation. We do this through the expertise of our people, our facilities and the specialised services we can deliver.

Our response

Specialised equipment, recognised expertise and customised service

We bring together advanced characterisation and analytical expertise and equipment in six laboratories in Perth, Melbourne and Adelaide to improve understanding of mineral systems for a wide range of commodities.

Characterisation image showing strontium.

Our state-of-the-art equipment include:

  • Optical microscopy
  • Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
  • Electron microprobes (EPMA)
  • Automated Mineralogy (QEMSCAN, TIMA)
  • X-ray diffraction (XRD)
  • X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
  • X-ray computer tomography microscope (HRXCT)
  • Nuclear Microprobe (PIXE)
  • Particle analysers
  • Optical microscopes
  • Specialist sample preparation facilities.

Interested in this solution for your organisation?

We offer services and contract-based research to clients in business, industry and government.

Contact us to start doing business