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The National AI Centre (NAIC) is transitioning from CSIRO to the Department of Industry, Science, and Resources (DISR) on 1st July 2024. You can find the latest NAIC content at For any NAIC-related questions, please email

The future of the metaverse and related technologies will bring both opportunities and challenges that will impact and revolutionise human societies in a variety of ways. Parallels can be drawn to the changes, challenges, and opportunities that have been disrupting our lives related to advances in artificial intelligence (AI) over recent years.

In combination, the metaverse and AI present a plethora of significant changes and challenges that urgently need to be envisioned and investigated, so that we can proactively consider how we can best design, develop, manage, and regulate these technologies, with full consideration of their potential implications and ramifications.

This program brings together a multidisciplinary cohort of students, researchers, industry, and projects to investigate human-AI interaction in the metaverse from diverse perspectives. The projects will encompass issues of ethics, experience, interfaces, and technology related to human-AI interaction in the metaverse and will consider specific application areas, such as virtual courtrooms and justice, health and medicine, defence, mining, architecture, training and simulation, and manufacturing.

The interdisciplinary cohort will draw on expertise and methods from computer science, psychology, health, criminology, philosophy, and law.

Chief Investigators

Dr Penny KyburzProfessor Tom GedeonAssociate Professor Karen BlackmoreProfessor Meredith RossnerAssociate Professor Hanna KurniawatiProfessor Lexing Xie



Industry partners

Gradient InstituteRoyal Perth HospitalApplied Virtual SimulationHugHealthAlkarita (Creative Pipeline)Portable

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