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Supporting a decarbonised future

Australia is a world leader in the global shift to clean energy, however increasing renewable energy in an electricity grid comes with challenges.

In response to these challenges, CSIRO works with domestic and international organisations to drive energy innovation.

This is helping to balance energy supply and demand and improving infrastructure, aiming for a decentralised, affordable, reliable, and secure net zero emissions energy system by 2050.



Data Clearing House

The Data Clearing House (DCH) is a digital platform helping building managers make sense of the vast amounts of energy data generated by their smart buildings.

By organising and analysing this data, DCH enables smarter energy use to help cut energy bills, reduce carbon emissions and support the electricity grid.


The i-Hub Data Clearing House is a real-time cloud-based data platform for management and reuse of data across multiple services that enables more efficient building operations and enhanced occupant comfort in new and existing buildings.

The Data Clearing House or DCH has been developed to benefit both building owners and service providers.

The platform enables building owners to:

  • Collate data from disparate sources in one location
  • Retain ownership of data irrespective of service providers
  • Reduce data transfer and management costs and provide portfolio level insights

It enables service providers to:

  • Access building data without data collection responsibilities
  • Access large number of building owners on the platform
  • Deliver services/applications for multiple buildings without labour intensive building specific customisation

To achieve this the DCH uses standardized contextual data structure called a building data model that enhances the discoverability of data by capturing the location and relationships of sensors, equipment and control systems.

In addition the DCH has a secure near real-time data ingestion and federation capability from existing building systems, low-cost easily deployable internet of things sensors and third-party cloud data sources such as weather forecasts.

The DCH applications utilise the sensor and building model information to provide richer data analytics, more accurate fault detection, enhanced occupancy comfort controls and other innovative solutions.

The DCH platform integrates private data sources securely providing tools for building owners and their delegates to manage data access for applications.

The DCH supports interoperability and open data standards whilst maintaining high standards of data security and privacy.

Under the leadership of the Australian Institute of Refrigeration Air Conditioning and Heating and the CSIRO Data Clearing House platform is an open and secure system run by the industry for the industry and will provide a new accessible arena for innovation and competition.

The i-Hub Data Clearing House is a real-time cloud-based data platform for management and reuse of data across multiple services that enables more efficient building operations and enhanced occupant comfort in new and existing buildings.

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