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The challenge

More and more distributed energy resources are being connected to the grid

Distributed energy resources (DERs) such as household solar photovoltaic (PV) panels being installed in more and more Australian homes and businesses. This means that the amount of energy generated by DERs is increasing.

We need to ensure that DERs like solar PV panels are integrated into the electricity grid so that the electricity supply remains stable. Otherwise there can be unacceptably high and fluctuating voltages, or unstable supply, or an inability to export electricity to the grid.

The amount of available light affects the amount of power generated by solar PV panels. This means that a quick change (like a cloud drifting in front of the sun) can cause a dramatic change in the power generated. This can cause the voltage to fluctuate, not only for the owner of the solar PV panels, but for other users on the electricity network. Other DERs, such as wind power, can cause similar issues when the weather conditions change.

Our response

Networking renewables for smoother energy

We have developed technology to help overcome some of the reliability challenges with DERs.

Animated GIF: The Virtual Power Station - click to enlarge and view animation.

A virtual power station (VPS) links DERs – like rooftop solar PV panels – with energy storage and load control systems in a web-based network, to create a single reliable energy supply, much like a power station.

By coordinating loads (such as air conditioning units) and energy storage, the VPS compensates for intermittency, providing stability.

A central control point monitors the power output of each energy generator in the network intelligently, so that the VPS can combine them into a single electricity supply to the grid.

The VPS turns a collection of separate, fluctuating power sources into one smooth, reliable energy source – also known as a dispatchable supply.

Our project consists of four work streams:

  • modelling and simulation — we'll use models to simulate the network so we can look at the impacts and benefits of different control strategies
  • control system design — we'll develop a coordinated control system to manage loads, energy storage and reactive power at individual sites, to improve quality and avoid wastage
  • aggregator system design — we'll develop interface and coordination algorithms so that energy service providers can aggregate multiple sites to provide reliable and location-specific network services
  • pilot deployment — after testing at our Renewable Energy Integration Facility the VPS has been deployed at a pilot scale (50–100 individual sites) in a new Lend Lease residential development to provide high-resolution data on network power quality and solar PV hosting capacity.

The results

Accommodating more renewable energy in the mix

We've been providing Information learned during the project to Australian distribution network operators to help in the development of prototype distribution feeder models that will allow assessment of how VPS and other control schemes can increase the amount of DER-based electricity within the grid.

The results of this testing will help to address the challenges of DERs in distribution networks while improving power quality.

Funding support

This trial has been provided with funding support from ARENA.

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