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Queensland’s post-COVID economic recovery and transformation depends on being ready for new economic opportunities. In a time of significant change and disruption, the state has an opportunity to harness its strengths in science and technology to position itself ahead of the curve.

This report was developed by CSIRO and the Queensland University of Technology’s Centre for Future Enterprise and commissioned by the Queensland Department of Environment and Science. It identifies a set of nine emerging, knowledge-driven seed industries that have the potential to generate sizeable economic, social and environmental benefits if supportive ecosystems can be established for them.

While this is not an exhaustive list, this work serves as a starting point for future industry development discussions across government, industry and academia.

Through this work, a set of nine emerging, knowledge-driven seed industries have been identified as having potential for strong, sustained jobs growth, if supportive ecosystems can be established for them.

They should not necessarily be viewed as the only opportunities or the best opportunities for Queensland, but as additional options for policy-makers to consider.

Each of the nine seed industries presented in this report is defined using a holistic approach that considers the social, economic and environmental benefits and costs, to support innovation and entrepreneurship, investment and job creation opportunities and overall economic outputs and exports for Queensland.

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Nine emerging knowledge-driven seed industries for Queensland in 2021 and beyond

Queensland’s post-COVID economic recovery and transformation depends on being ready for new economic opportunities. In a time of significant change and disruption, the state has an opportunity to harness its strengths in science and technology to position itself ahead of the curve.

This report was developed by CSIRO and the Queensland University of Technology’s Centre for Future Enterprise and commissioned by the Queensland Department of Environment and Science. It identifies a set of nine emerging, knowledge-driven seed industries that have the potential to generate sizeable economic, social and environmental benefits if supportive ecosystems can be established for them.

While this is not an exhaustive list, this work serves as a starting point for future industry development discussions across government, industry and academia.

Through this work, a set of nine emerging, knowledge-driven seed industries have been identified as having potential for strong, sustained jobs growth, if supportive ecosystems can be established for them.

They should not necessarily be viewed as the only opportunities or the best opportunities for Queensland, but as additional options for policy-makers to consider.

Each of the nine seed industries presented in this report is defined using a holistic approach that considers the social, economic and environmental benefits and costs, to support innovation and entrepreneurship, investment and job creation opportunities and overall economic outputs and exports for Queensland.

Read the report:


Additive biomanufacturing: Using additive manufacturing processes for medical applications to provide highly customised body parts, scaffolds or medical devices,

AI-enabled healthcare: Leveraging growing capabilities in artificial intelligence (AI) and electronic medical records to improve health outcomes and system efficiencies.

Green metal manufacturing: Creating new value in the manufacturing and mining sectors by taking advantage of the state’s abundant clean energy and mineral resources.

Resource recovery technologies: Transforming existing waste streams into higher-value products, diverting waste from landfill, and reducing demand on virgin materials.

Microalgal and macroalgal resources: Contributing to solving significant global food, water, and emissions challenges by using natural resources and local expertise to grow algae.

Agricultural sensors and automation: Applying robotics, sensors, and other automation technologies to boost the productivity and global competitiveness of the agriculture sector.

Supply chain provenance technologies: Building trust and increasing the value of exports by using technologies to improve the traceability, transparency and authenticity of supply chains.

Disaster resilience and response technologies: Translating existing capabilities in robotics, autonomous systems and data analytics to improve preparedness and resilience to disasters.

Construction technologies: Reducing safety risks in the construction sector by using assistive technologies and maximising off-site automated processing.

The nine emerging knowledge-driven seed industries presented in this report