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Kebari® barley with low levels of gluten

It's a challenge to provide consumers who require a gluten free diet with new healthy alternatives that can add diversity to their diets.

Thankfully, we were up to the task.

Introducing Kebari® barley, which offers consumers a product with ultra low levels of gluten.

[Music plays, CSIRO logo appears on bottom right hand corner of screen and text appears: Kebari®M barley, A CSIRO innovation]

[Image changes to show Dr Crispin Howitt and text appears on screen: Dr Crispin Howitt]

Dr Crispin Howitt: One in five people in the Western world avoid gluten in their diet, some by choice, and some through necessity, such as Coeliac’s. Their diets are often nutritionally poor, high in fat and sugar, and low in fibre. To help solve this problem we’ve developed the world’s first gluten free barley.

[Image changes to show a man inspecting barley plants]

Using conventional breeding we’ve reduced the gluten content in this grain over 10,000 fold, such that it more than meets the World Health Organisation’s recommendation for classification as gluten free.

[Image changes to show Dr Crispin Howitt standing in a field]

This field behind me came from a single barley grain that we developed in 2009.

[Image changes as camera pans across the field]

[Image changes to show Dr Phil Larkin and text appears on screen: Dr Phil Larkin]

Dr Phil Larkin: We’ve called this barley Kebari®, and that’s, too, in recognition of quite a remarkable archaeological discovery not so long ago at the Sea of Galilee. There was a community there called the Kebaran, 23,000 years ago they were growing and harvesting and processing barley, so we call it Kebari® in honour of that very ancient use.

The first version of Kebari® we’ve produced is a hulled version, that’s got the husk still on it, and that’s used for malting and making beer, and stuff like Milo as well.

[Image changes to show Kebari® grains in the palm of a person’s hand]

We’ve got naked grain versions coming on behind that, which will be used for food.

[Image changes back to Dr Phil Larkin]

Kebari® has been used by a German brewer called Radeberger, who have made the world’s first commercially brewed, full flavoured barley beer labelled gluten free.

[Image changes to show a beer bottle appearing to the right of the screen]

And that’s now available in Germany. We’re excited about that.

[Image changes back to Dr Crispin Howitt]

Dr Crispin Howitt: From a single seed came all of this.

[Image changes to show Dr Crispin Howitt holding up a seed in his hand, then spreading out his arms, and the camera pans out to show the barley crop growing in the field behind him]

[Image changes to show beer being poured into a glass from a bottle labelled Pionier Glutenfrei Pilsener]

[Text appears on screen:]

[CSIRO logo appears with text: Big ideas start here]