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The challenge

Transforming Australia's water resources information

The sustainable and productive management of Australia's water resources faces many challenges. These include meeting agricultural, environmental and urban demands, impacts of over-allocation and resource extraction, uncertainty in resource availability, and the effects of hydroclimate variability and climate change.

Nationally consistent, but regionally relevant, water information products and services are needed to support good decision making across national, regional, state and local levels. To be effective, these services require high quality data and sound science that are provided to decision makers through robust and timely delivery systems.

Our response

Innovative and collaborative research

Through our collaboration with the Bureau of Meteorology, in the Water Information Research and Development Alliance (WIRADA) we're delivering reliable and accurate water resources information for Australia.

Our research in data interoperability, hydrological modelling, water accounting, assessment and forecasting underpin the development of a range of operational products used by the Bureau to deliver services that enable end users to improve water productivity and enhance environmental outcomes.

Water forecasting

We are continuing to develop science and technology to better predict short-term river flow and floods as well as seasonal inflows to river systems across Australia which improve the Bureau’s water forecasting services.

More accurate forecasts will help inform decisions by water managers, lead to economic benefits through more efficient irrigation allocations, help meet environmental flow objectives, and improve information for recreational water users.

Water assessment and accounting

We are continuing to develop cutting-edge methods and technologies to help the Bureau provide integrated surface water and groundwater resource assessments, water accounts and water resource outlooks.

Accurate water accounting and water resources assessments are essential to sustainably manage and share our limited water resources.

Water information systems

We are creating robust systems for water information management, including developing a national standard for the transfer of water information, and making sure the data can be used to improve the management of our water resources.

WIRADA research case studies