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The challenge

The Kimberley is vast and remote

The Kimberley is a beautiful and remote region of tropical north-western Australia. The marine ecosystems of this region are very productive and support a high diversity of habitats and species.

The Kimberley is an area of high conservation value, which is reflected by the declaration of the Great Kimberley Marine Park. The Park brings together four marine parks and encompasses more than three million hectares.

These marine parks host endangered species, majestic landforms, and sacred sites, are a breeding area for a large number of migratory species, and more. The social and ecological importance of the region highlights the need to manage human use wisely.

Our knowledge and understanding of the Kimberley's marine ecosystems is incomplete, creating challenges for those tasked with making informed decisions about what activities to regulate in different places.

Our response

Employ viable research techniques to improve management strategies

In collaboration with organisations such as the Kimberley Land Council, North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance and the Western Australian Marine Science Institution, together with a wide range of government, academic and indigenous research partners, CSIRO is leading research that aims to increase the understanding of the Kimberley's marine environment.

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