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Supporting better health for all Australians

Adult and child on beachOur research in health and nutrition science enables us to make significant contributions to Australia’s health and wellbeing.

  • We deliver real-world health solutions to all Australians through providing easily accessible, science-based diet and lifestyle recommendations.
  • We support science based public programs, helping them to better achieve their health goals.
  • We can support the food and beverage supply chain, companies, governments, policy makers and more through innovative digital tools, datasets and specialised dietary and behavioural analyses.

Our science has reached the public through bookshops, online, on mobile devices, in chemists, and in supermarkets – and we're always looking at new ways to support healthier Australians.

Our areas of focus

CSIRO scientists in public health and nutrition science are committed to furthering research in the following areas:

  • community and population studies
  • working with specific groups, or in specific settings
  • improving health behaviour
  • developing new ways to measure dietary intake.

Informing market opportunities & guiding nutrition strategies

Our scientists have created a range of dietary assessment, analysis and modelling tools to inform research and assist food manufacturers, governments, policy makers, and more. These include:

Sensory diet database

  • A unique database describing the sensory characteristics of Australian food and beverages.

Food Labelling Advisory Group

  • Assisting food companies to navigate food labelling regulations and, in particular, make appropriately substantiated health claims about food products.

An info-graphic explaining the different activities being undertake as part of the VegKIT project

Supporting better health for all Australians

Our research in health and nutrition science enables us to make significant contributions to Australia’s health and wellbeing.

We’re supporting better health for all Australians. ©  Shutterstock

  • We deliver real-world health solutions to all Australians through providing easily accessible, science-based diet and lifestyle recommendations.
  • We support science based public programs, helping them to better achieve their health goals.
  • We can support the food and beverage supply chain, companies, governments, policy makers and more through innovative digital tools, datasets and specialised dietary and behavioural analyses.

Our science has reached the public through bookshops, online, on mobile devices, in chemists, and in supermarkets – and we're always looking at new ways to support healthier Australians.

Our areas of focus

CSIRO scientists in public health and nutrition science are committed to furthering research in the following areas:

  • community and population studies
  • working with specific groups, or in specific settings
  • improving health behaviour
  • developing new ways to measure dietary intake.

Informing market opportunities & guiding nutrition strategies

Our scientists have created a range of dietary assessment, analysis and modelling tools to inform research and assist food manufacturers, governments, policy makers, and more. These include:

Sensory diet database

  • A unique database describing the sensory characteristics of Australian food and beverages.

Food Labelling Advisory Group

  • Assisting food companies to navigate food labelling regulations and, in particular, make appropriately substantiated health claims about food products.

An info graphic which outlines the activities being undertaken as part of the VegKIT project.

VegKit: developing tools and interventions to increase vegetable intake by Australian kids.

Australia's leading expert in nutrition have come together to increase children's vegetable consumption.

There are five steps included:

  1. Setting the scene
    • We value the health of children and there future.
    • It's estimated that only five per cent of Australian children are consuming the recommended serves of vegetables.
    • Australia's leading nutrition experts have come together for a new five year project to help address the significant under consumption of vegetables by Australian children.
    • Hort Innovation has funded researchers from CSIRO, Flinders University and Nutrition Australia to deliver a national approach to improving vegetable consumption, through education of children, training for educators and engagement with industry
  2. Translating the research
    • We'll review the latest evidence and findings to develop best-practice guidelines for a range of stakeholders including educators, health practitioners and researchers to increase vegetable intake.
  3. Foundation for policy
    • Update dietary advice for maternal, infant and early years, using evidence based knowledge of flavour exposure and food preference development, to facilitate vegetable acceptance.
  4. Increase knowledge, co-ordinate efforts and influence policy
    • A national online register of initiatives for the community to increase children's vegetable intake.
    • Development an coordination of Vegetable Intake Strategic Alliance (VISA) made up of cross-sector stakeholders.
  5. Interventions
    • Initiatives in the community (for long day-care settings) to increase children's vegetable intake.
    • Supply chain initiatives (industry innovations and early Primary school settings) to increase children's intake.

Collaborators logos

  • Flinders University
  • Nutrition Australia
  • Hort Innovation
  • Healthy Kids Association
  • Perfection Fresh
  • Thomas Farms Kitchen.

This project has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the vegetable research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian Horticulture.

VegKIT - developing tools and interventions to increase vegetable intake by Australian kids

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