[Music plays and an image appears of a female bike rider laying on a path next to her bike and the camera zooms in on the bike rider and text appears: Impact Data Detected, Response Call Activated, No Response, Ambulance Dispatched]
Narrator: What is the future of health?
[Images move through of an Ambulance Driver looking at a Smartphone, the bike rider’s accident information on the Smartphone, and the ambulance driving off]
It’s a place where technology and people work together…
[Image changes to show a male laying in a bed in front of a large Smart screen displaying sleep information]
Digital Voice: Good morning Bianco. You slept well last night.
[Image shows the male getting up and then looking at the screen which is displaying an itinerary]
Narrator: …where there is help when we need it?
Digital Voice: Here is your itinerary for the day.
[Image changes to show the male walking towards the bathroom]
First up, morning shower.
[Images move through of a pregnant female cutting an avocado, a female operating a Smart screen displaying nutritional requirements, and then the female touching the pregnant female’s tummy]
Narrator: …where real time data give us the information we need to take care of those we love
[Music plays and the camera zooms in on both the females’ hands on the pregnant female’s tummy]
[Image changes to show a final notice reminder on a Smartphone screen and then the image shows the male looking at the Smartphone screen displaying a Mental Health check-up reminder]
and make sure we’re all supported.
[Image changes to show the male’s face and then the camera zooms out to show the male at the kitchen table and two school boys in the kitchen]
[Music plays and the image changes to show a female medical officer sitting at a desk and working on a Smart screen installed in the desk]
[Images move through of a High Risk Booking display on a Smart screen, a nurse attending to a patient looking at an image of an arm on a tablet, and colleagues looking at the same image on a Smart screen]
The future is sharing information,
[Music plays and the camera zooms in on the colleagues looking at the screen and images move through of a female in a hospital bed looking at the tablet, and then a male smiling]
expanding our support networks,
[Music plays and images move through of an elderly male and a young male moving their arms in exercising motions, and a female receiving a parcel, and swiping a Smartwatch to sign for the parcel]
streamlined systems,
[Music plays and images move through of the female carrying the parcel into the house and the female looking at her a message on her Smartwatch]
[Images move through of a male in a consultation with medical staff, the male smiling, health data on the Smartscreen, and then a female and her companion looking at an ultrasound display of a baby]
and health management plans tailored to you because we are all unique.
[Music plays and the camera zooms in on both females smiling and then the image changes to show the elderly male looking at a Smart screen displaying cognitive testing information]
[Images move through of a female looking at a Smartphone while walking a dog, the cognitive testing results of her father displayed on the Smartphone screen and the female smiling]
[Images move through of a female doing exercises in front of a Smartscreen displaying a medical practitioner demonstrating the exercises and the camera zooms in on the female’s face]
[Images move through of a box of fruit and vegetables, a male throwing a carrot to one of three boys in a kitchen, two females leaving a hospital, and a Smartphone displaying feedback information]
And the best part about the future of health is that you’re at the heart of it all.
[Music plays and images move through of different people smiling at the camera one after the other]
Future of health.
[Music plays and CSIRO logo and text appears: Future of health]