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The National AI Centre (NAIC) is transitioning from CSIRO to the Department of Industry, Science, and Resources (DISR) on 1st July 2024. You can find the latest NAIC content at For any NAIC-related questions, please email

The Sustainable Futures program was delivered by the CSIRO Education and Outreach unit until 2023.

Sustainable Futures was designed to support primary and secondary teachers by providing workshops and teaching resources that included a variety of ideas and activities to enhance the teaching of sustainability and the environment in Australian schools.

The goal of the Sustainable Futures program was:

  • to encourage students to develop skills in the process of inquiry, literature research, experimental investigation and critical thinking
  • to facilitate collaborative learning
  • to promote a critical and action-based approach to problem solving
  • to be student and teacher friendly

To support sustainability teaching in the classroom, Sustainable Futures provided:

  • a set of curriculum integrated units for Years 3 to 10
  • a number of cross-curricular activities that supported the teaching of sustainability and the environment
  • illustrations and examples of how and where sustainability was integrated into the Australian Curriculum
  • opportunities and activities for classes and individuals that led to staff and students taking action at home
  • opportunities for students to develop leadership, presentation and communication skills.

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