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About the Project

The Indigenous STEM Education Project (ISEP) was a six-year initiative funded by BHP Foundation and implemented by CSIRO. From 2014 to 2021, CSIRO’s Indigenous STEM Education Project aimed to increase interest and academic achievement among Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects and related professions. The Project demonstrates the link between the traditional ecological knowledge of Australia's First Nations Peoples and the Australian Curriculum and how it can be taught using inquiry-based methods.

The project had a national footprint working with primary, secondary and tertiary students in remote, regional and metropolitan areas. ISEP reached just under 24,000 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, 2,768 teachers and assistant teachers, and 603 schools. 

It comprised of six program elements that cumulatively:

  • Developed teacher competency to engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and non-Indigenous students in STEM studies.
  • Supported Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who have a passion for STEM to pursue university studies.
  • Identified and promoted STEM role models to inspire the next generation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students.
  • Had a national footprint working with primary, secondary and tertiary students in remote, regional and metropolitan areas. 

Program elements included the BHP Foundation Indigenous STEM Awards, early two-way science initiatives, Inquiry for Indigenous Science Students (I2S2) and the Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science (ASSETS).

All the programs were monitored and evaluated by a CSIRO dedicated team, determining what worked and why, in order to improve practice and share outcomes for national benefit.

Elements of ISEP have been rolled into the new Living STEM initiative. You can read more about this localised Pilbara region program on the initiative page.


[Animation images move through of a blue patterned circle below the word “STEM”, the CSIRO and BHP Foundation logos, and the circle surrounded by symbols]

Narrator: The Indigenous STEM Education Project funded by the BHP Foundation and delivered by the CSIRO is forging new education and career pathways for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

[Animation image shows the blue patterned circle on the left of a screen and an open book on the right and the image shows dots moving back and forwards between the two]

The project consists of six national programmes. The Science Pathways for Indigenous Communities Programme works with remote schools and communities to develop Two-Way science learning programmes that connect Indigenous scientific knowledges with the Australian curriculum.

[Animation image changes to show text “I²S²” on the left of the blue patterned circle and then the image changes to show a student looking into a microscope]

The Inquiry for Indigenous Science Students Programme equips teachers with the confidence and understanding to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges using hands-on inquiry-based science projects.

[Camera zooms out to show students in a classroom behind the student with the microscope and the image shows one of the students raising a hand]

The Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science brings together high achieving Year 10 students for a residential summer school and alumni programme.

[Animation image changes to show a gold medal with the patterned circle in the centre and clapping sticks surrounding it]

The Annual Indigenous STEM Awards recognise the achievements of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander STEM professionals and students.

[Animation image shows the blue patterned circle with gold rays surrounding it and the image shows the rays morphing into a pathway and the “University of Melbourne” logo appears above the pathway]

The Bachelor of Science Extended Programme provides a supported pathway for students with aspirations for a career in STEM to complete the Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Melbourne.

[Animation image changes to show the blue patterned circle moving up the screen between two high school buildings and mathematical symbols appear above the school buildings]

Prime Futures works with teachers in mainstream metropolitan and regional schools with higher than average Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student populations providing tools and support to improve student outcomes in mathematics.

[Animation image changes to show a small calendar and the image shows the pages being torn off between 2016 and 2020 and then the image shows many hands raised at the bottom of the screen]

Since 2016 monitoring and evaluation of these programmes has indicated they’ve been making substantial impacts on the engagement and achievement of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students in STEM.

[Camera zooms out to show the hands within a circle surround by symbols of a painted face, joined hands, a tree, a robotic hand, a hand holding a pencil, and a student with a mortar board]

This includes enhanced academic results; the creation and expansion of peer and professional networks; stronger and clearer student aspirations; increased sense of belonging at school; and a deeper understanding of cultural identity.

[Animation image changes to show a hand holding a blue patterned circle and then passing it to another hand and the camera zooms in on the blue patterned circle in the hand]

The profile of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander STEM role models has grown significantly. Parental and community engagement in STEM education has increased.

[Animation image changes to show the CSIRO logo and symbols appear beneath of a hand holding a pen, a building, and a classroom of students]

Teachers capacity has also improved along with their confidence. CSIRO programme staff have built strong connections among teachers, schools and communities and have shown how a model of culturally responsive and inclusive STEM education can work.

[Animation image changes to show the blue patterned circle and text appears beneath:]

Learn more about the evaluation findings at

[Music plays and the image changes to show the CSIRO and BHP Foundation logos on a white screen]


About the Indigenous STEM Education Project


Some of the key Project outcomes that monitoring and evaluation activities are measuring include:

  • increased student engagement, attendance, results and recognition
  • increased student aspiration, sense of value, cultural identity and school belonging
  • increased parental, family and community engagement and recognition of role models
  • increased teacher capacity in: inquiry; place-based, hands on curriculum development; and delivery in an Indigenous context or led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within the classroom.

The final Evaluation report is available for download:

Indigenous STEM Education Project: Final Evaluation Report  PDF (10 MB)

Indigenous STEM Education Project: Final Evaluation Report (accessible text version)  TXT (269 KB)


Additional Indigenous STEM Education Project case study and evaluation reports are available for download:

Purposeful Rich Indigenous Mathematics Education (PRIME) Futures Program: Case Study Report PDF (7 MB)

Purposeful Rich Indigenous Mathematics Education (PRIME) Futures Program: Case Study Report (accessible text version) TXT (595 KB)

Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science (ASSETS) evaluation case study report PDF (448 KB)

Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science (ASSETS) evaluation case study report (accessible text version) TXT (3 KB)

Aboriginal Summer School for Excellent in Technology and Science: Destination interviews data report PDF (4 MB)

Aboriginal Summer School for Excellent in Technology and Science: Destination interviews data report (accessible text version) TXT (98 KB)

Bachelor of Science (Extended) evaluation case study report PDF (898 KB)

Bachelor of Science (Extended) evaluation case study report (accessible text version) TXT (5 KB)

'What works' in Indigenous STEM Education PDF (423 KB)

'What works' in Indigenous STEM Education (accessible text version) TXT (7 KB)

Inquiry for Indigenous Science Students (I2S2): Case study evaluation report PDF (5 MB)

Indigenous STEM Awards Stories of Change: Case study evaluation report PDF (2 MB)

Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science (ASSETS) Program: Evaluation case study outcomes report PDF (4 MB)

Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science (ASSETS) Program: Evaluation case study outcomes report (accessible text version) TXT (219 KB)

Bachelor of Science (Extended): Evaluation case study outcomes report PDF (4 MB)

Bachelor of Science (Extended): Evaluation case study outcomes report (accessible text version) TXT (142 KB)

First Evaluation Report: Executive summary PDF (567 KB)

First Evaluation Report: Executive summary (accessible text version) DOCX (754 KB)

First Evaluation Report PDF (4 MB)

First Evaluation Report (accessible text version) DOCX (9 MB)

Second Evaluation Report: Executive summary PDF (340 KB)

Second Evaluation Report: Executive summary (accessible text version) TXT (4 KB)

Second Evaluation Report PDF (3 MB)

Second Evaluation Report (accessible text version) TXT (137 KB)

Third Evaluation Report: Executive summary PDF (696 KB)

Third Evaluation Report: Executive summary (accessible text version) TXT (3 KB)

Third Evaluation Report PDF (4 MB)

Third Evaluation Report (accessible text version) TXT (21 KB)

Indigenous STEM Education Project: Our engagement PDF (360 KB)

Indigenous STEM Awards

Between 2016 – 2021, 54 winners and 23 finalists were recognised for their outstanding contributions in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). By the final year, the Awards expanded to seven categories of awards for high school and undergraduate students, STEM professionals, schools, teachers and mentors. *In 2020, awards were not held due to the COVID19 Pandemic.

FAQ: Past winners of the Indigenous STEM Awards

Name Category Award type
Milton Lawton, On Country Teacher, Woorabinda, QLD Award winner STEM Champion Award
Guy Cameron, Scientific Researcher, Newcastle, NSW Award winner Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander STEM Professional Career Achievement Award
Taylah Griffin, Aerospace Engineer, Brisbane, QLD Award winner Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander STEM Professional Early Career Award
Ben Millar, Advanced Computing Student, Canberra, ACT Award winner Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Tertiary STEM Achievement Award
Cooper Smith, Year 12 Student, Agnes Water, QLD Award winner Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Secondary STEM Achievement Award
Catie Nugent, Year 12 Student, Caboolture, QLD Award winner Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Secondary STEM Achievement Award
Jillahkull McInnes, Mareeba, QLD Award winner Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Science Award
Holly Parsons, Alice Springs, NT Award winner Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Maths Award
George Pantazis, STEM Coordinator, Marble Bar Primary School, WA Award winner Teacher Award
Swan View Primary School, Perth, WA Award winner School Award
Name Category Award type
Bradley Moggridge - University of Canberra, Australian Capital Territory Award winner Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander STEM Professional Career Achievement Award
Rikki Bruce - INPEX, Northern Territory Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander STEM Professional Early Career Award
Josh Loyd - WSP, Victoria Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander STEM Professional Early Career Award
Jamie Graham-Blair - University of Tasmania, Tasmania Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Tertiary Student STEM Achievement Award
Alana Dooley - Warwick Senior High School, Western Australia Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Secondary Student STEM Achievement Award
Tamia Blackwell - Woodville High School, South Australia Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Secondary Student STEM Achievement Award
Thuringowa State High School - Townsville, Queensland Award winner The School Award
Makhdoom Bhatti - Ntaria Community School, Northern Territory Award winner The Teacher Award
Corey Tutt - Deadly Science, New South Wales Award winner The STEM Champion Award
Shaylah Tighe-Holden - Kirwan State High School, Queensland Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Maths Award
Taylah Duffin-Wenban - Earnshaw State College, Queensland Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Maths Award
Ruby Van Tongeren - Mackay Northern Beaches State High School, Queensland Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Science Award
Djai Hunter - Gilmore College, Western Australia Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Science Award
Name Category Award type
Rhett Loban, Macquarie University, New South Wales Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander STEM Professional Career Achievement Award
Tui Nolan, University of Technology Sydney, New South Wales Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander STEM Professional Early Career Award
Taylah Griffin, Queensland University of Technology, Queensland Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Tertiary Student STEM Achievement Award
Jordan Salmon, Clancy Catholic College, New South Wales Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Secondary Student STEM Achievement Award
Jordan Griffiths, Seaton High School, South Australia Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Secondary Student STEM Achievement Award
Areyonga School, Northern Territory Award winner School Award
Markus Honnef, Innisfail State College, Queensland Award winner Teacher Award
Marcus Lacey, Gumurr Marthakal Rangers, Northern Territory Award winner STEM Champion Award
Deklan, Paralowie R-12 School, South Australia Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Science Award
Sha-Kira Austin, Byron Bay High School, New South Wales Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Science Award
Stacey Edwards, Mount St Bernard College, Queensland Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Maths Award
Renee Edwards, Mount St Bernard College, Queensland Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Maths Award
Lara Riley, Newton Moore Senior High School, Western Australia Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Maths Award
Brett Leavy Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander STEM Professional Career Achievement Award
Jade Gould Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander STEM Professional Early Career Award
Matthew Heffernan Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student STEM Achievement Awards – Tertiary
Tiahni Adamson Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student STEM Achievement Awards – Tertiary
Uriah Daisybell Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Secondary Student STEM Achievement Award
Deagan Marchant Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Secondary Student STEM Achievement Award
Jasmyn Lloyd Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Secondary Student STEM Achievement Award
Kelly Barrett Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Secondary Student STEM Achievement Award
CAPS Coolgardie, Christian Aboriginal Parent-directed School Finalists School Award
Thuringowa State High School Finalists School Award
Watiyawanu School Finalists School Award
Nicole Simone Finalists Teacher Award
Ashley Stewart Finalists Teacher Award
Allan Alipio Finalists Teacher Award
Jesiah Robinson Finalists STEM Champion Award
Rachna Aggarwal Finalists STEM Champion Award
Abbie Ray Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Science Award
Rhiannon Ready Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Science Award
Mitchell Cooper Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Science Award
Morgan Swinton Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Science Award
Jordan Dann Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Maths Award
Mali Odgers-Wanganeen Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Maths Award
Leilani Steven Finalists The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Maths Award
Name Category Award type
Dr Misty Jenkins Award winner STEM Professional Career Achievement Award
Dean Foley Award winner STEM Professional Early Career Award
Shailyn Isaac Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student STEM Achievement Awards - Tertiary
Kayla Pattel Award winner Secondary Student Award
Jessica Storrar Award winner Secondary Student Award
Wiluna Remote Community School Award winner School Award
Camila Zuniga-Greve Award winner Teacher Award
Fifi Harris Award winner STEM Champion Award
Boyden George Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Science Award
Willow Wells Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Science Award
Angela Barley Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Maths Award
Russell Sands Award winner The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Maths Award
Name Category Award type
Chris Matthews Award winner STEM Professional Award
Greta Stephensen Award winner STEM Student Award
Sharni Cox Award winner STEM Student Award
Gordonvale State High School Award winner School Award
Claire Wellbeloved Award winner Teacher Award
Adam Hooper Award winner STEM Champion Award

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