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The Teacher Researcher in Partnership Program (TRiPP) was delivered by CSIRO Education and Outreach in collaboration with the Active Integrated Matter Future Science Platform. The program commenced in 2017 and concluded in 2019.

TRiPP sought to provide teachers with hands-on experience with current technologies and research in several areas of science, including programming, manufacturing and biology. Teachers were then able to share their experiences and insights with their students.

Shane McMaster, Secondary Teacher 2018 TRiPP participant

With the support of TRiPP, numerous teachers gained knowledge in The experience gained was used to share stories and create engaging and innovative lessons to their students utilising real science.

Several program alumni went on to develop educational resources to support teaching and learning related to the topics they researched. These resources can be accessed via the link below. 

To learn more about the research TRiPP provided, as well as the ways in which teachers utilised the experiences in their classrooms, read our TRIPP Teacher Case Studies.

TRiPP Teacher Developed Resources 

TRiPP Teacher Case Studies  PDF (273 KB)


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