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Educational Datasets have been created using data that is available on the CSIRO Data Access Portal. Each dataset has a linked teacher guide and comes in three different levels, novice, expert and programmer. Novice and expert data is intended for use with spreadsheet software, while programmer data is intended for use with programming languages.

The provided teacher guides describe the datasets for teachers and provide a range of lesson activities for students in Years 3 to 10. Datasets are grouped according to where the data's context fits into learning areas of the Australian Curriculum. All of the available dataset packages cover general data literacy content from the Mathematics and Technologies learning areas, as well as the science as a human endeavour and science inquiry skills strand of the Science learning area. 


Available resources

Australian Curriculum Links

View how these resources can be linked to certain learning areas within the Australian curriculum.

Download Australian Curriculum Links   PDF (783 KB)

Download Australian Curriculum Links - accessible version TXT (57 KB)

Datasets companion guide

The educational datasets companion is a general guide to using data in the classroom.

Download datasets companion guide   PDF (1 MB)

Download datasets companion guide - accessible version DOCX (1 MB)

Available datasets

Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef Carbon Dioxide Measurements dataset records concentrations of oceanic carbon dioxide and atmospheric conditions along the Great Barrier Reef, taken aboard a moving ship.

This is a teacher and student resource for Science, Mathematics, Digital Technologies and Geography teachers, with activities for Years 7 to 10. It covers earth and space science, science as a human endeavour, science inquiry (Science) and processes and production skills (Digital Technologies).

Great Barrier Reef
Underwater photo of the Great Barrier Reef showing various coral.

Download resource   PDF (813 KB)

Dataset ZIP file   ZIP (9 MB)

Download Dataset - accessible version DOCX (1 MB)


Logan's Dam

The Logan's Dam Water Quality dataset records fortnightly observations of water conditions in a dam in South East Queensland. The dataset provides an opportunity for students to explore the way that water conditions change over time, examine potential hazards in water quality, compare related datasets and examine the interactions between water chemistry and biological life.

This is a teacher and student resource for Science, Mathematics, Design and Technology, Digital Technologies and Geography teachers, with activities for Years 7 to 10. It covers chemical sciences, earth and space sciences, science as a human endeavour, science inquiry (Science) and processes and production skills (Digital Technologies).

Close-up image of water sample taken from Logan’s Dam, a small body of water located near Gatton, in South East Queensland. 
Close-up image of water sample taken from Logan’s Dam, a small body of water located near Gatton, in South East Queensland.

Download Resource   PDF (756 KB)

Download Dataset   ZIP (18 KB)

Download Dataset - accessible version DOCX (559 KB)


Sydney particle study

The Sydney Particle Study dataset records weather conditions and concentrations of different air pollutants, which were recorded at Westmead in Sydney.

This is a teacher and student resource for Science, Mathematics, Digital Technologies and Geography teachers, with activities for Years 7 to 10. It covers chemical sciences, science as a human endeavour, science inquiry (Science) and processes and production skills (Digital Technologies).

Weather conditions in Westmead recorded for the education dataset: Sydney Particle Study
Westmead weather conditions recorded for Sydney Particle Study education dataset

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Download Dataset   ZIP (13 MB)

Download Dataset - accessible version DOCX (567 KB)


Mean sea level

The Reconstructed Global Mean Sea Level dataset records the average global sea level from 1880 to 2009. Measurements have been calculated using tide gauges located around the world and satellite readings. Using this dataset, students can explore changes in sea levels, compare measurement methods and create models and predictions based on identified long-term data trends.

This is a teacher and student resource for Science, Mathematics, Digital Technologies and Geography teachers, with activities for Years 7 to 10. It covers earth and space science, science as a human endeavour, science inquiry (Science) and processes and production skills (Digital Technologies).

Gold Coast - featured image in Reconstructed Global Mean Sea Level education dataset

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Download Dataset   ZIP (22 KB)

Download Dataset - accessible version DOCX (680 KB)


Wheatbelt bird survey

The Wheatbelt Bird Survey dataset records every species of bird sighted at the 'Koobabbie' property in the northern wheatbelt of Western Australia between 1987 and 2016. Students have an opportunity to explore diversity, replicate a real-world experiment and examine seasonal differences in species observed.

This is a teacher and student resource for primary school teachers, with activities for Years 3 to 6. It covers biological sciences, science as a human endeavour, science inquiry (Science) and processes and production skills (Digital Technologies).

Galah photographed for Western Australian Wheatbelt Bird Survey
Galah photographed for Western Australian Wheatbelt Bird Survey

Download Resource   PDF (513 KB)

Download Dataset   ZIP (187 KB)

Download Dataset - accessible version DOCX (497 KB)


Income equality

The Income Inequality in Australian Regions Measurements dataset indicates levels of income inequality present in Australian Local Government areas in 2001 and 2011. The dataset provides an opportunity for students to explore differences throughout the country and consider contributing factors to high or low income inequality.

This is a teacher and student resource for Mathematics, Digital Technologies, Economics and Business and Geography teachers, with activities for Years 7 to 10. It covers science inquiry (Science) and processes and production skills (Digital Technologies).

Gold nugget - feature image for Income Inequality in Australian Regions educational dataset

Download Resource   PDF (812 KB)

Download Dataset   ZIP (36 KB)

Download Dataset - accessible version DOCX (973 KB)