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My Digital Career video resources aim to inspire and inform students, teachers and parents about career opportunities and pathways within the digital technology space. They feature real-life stories of people who work in various digital roles, detail their career journeys and describe the importance of their work.

The My Digital Career resources were funded by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources through the CSIRO Digital Careers program. 

[An animation image appears of a female sitting at a desk thinking and text questions appear one after the other: What do you want to be when you grow up? What problem do you want to solve?]

Narrator: What do you want to be when you grow up? 

[Animation image changes to show the female moving to the left and then a physio working on a person’s shoulders on a physio bed appears on the right]

Maybe a better question is, “What problem do you want to solve?”, because in our fast changing future careers will evolve constantly. Look at Amy, she wants to help people walk again.

[Animation image moves to the left and a new animation image appears on the right showing a male walking between parallel bars while the physio follows him]

So, Amy starts her career as a physio using her hands to help people walk better. 

[Animation images move through to show the word “Technology”, a moving arm with sensors attached, and the physio looking at a laptop and watching a male with sensors attached walking]

But then, fancy new sensors get invented, so Amy masters this new computer system to help people walk even better.

[Animation image changes to show the physio thinking and text appears above: But what about people with lost limbs?]

But what about people who’ve lost limbs? Can Amy help them walk again? 

[Animation images move through to show the word “Technology, and a computer screen showing a bone and text appears: Next generation 3D printers]

Ta da, new 3-D printer technology comes along 

[Animation image changes to show a university student reading a Product Design book and then the animation image moves left and a new image appears of the physio looking at a 3-D printed foot]

and so Amy studies design and uses these new printers to invent a foot that changes the world.

[Animation image changes to show a person on crutches, a physio holding a gold cup and a female clapping the physio on the back and the camera zooms in on the physio and text appears: But what about quadriplegics?]

But what about quadriplegics? 

[Animation image changes to show the word “Technology”, and then the image changes to show a figure with sensors attached and text appears beneath: Next robotic exoskeletons]

Amy still can’t help them until new robotic exo-skeletons might help people walk again. 

[Animation images move through of a university student reading a book, two females talking next to a diagram of a human with sensors attached, and a person standing up from a wheelchair]

So, Amy retrains and joins a robotics team that helps the first quadriplegic ever to walk unassisted.

[Music plays and cheering can be heard and the animation image shows a physio standing next to the person standing up from the wheelchair being given a gold cup while two other people watch]

See, as technology evolves so does Amy’s career. 

[Images move to the right and a new image appears of the physio walking between the parallel bars past inset images of a 3-D printed bone, a 3-D printed foot, and a figure with sensors attached]

Now she’s helping more people than ever to walk again in ways she never thought possible 

[Animation image changes to show the physio looking up]

because she was ready for a digital career.

[CSIRO logo and text appears: CSIRO digital careers,]

How will your digital career change the world?

[Music plays and image changes and the CSIRO logo and text appears: CSIRO Australia’s innovation catalyst]

Available resources

Teacher resource

Download our ‘My Future Career’ worksheet to accompany our videos.

Download worksheet resource   PDF (87 KB)

Download worksheet resource - accessible version DOCX (122 KB)