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Become a program partner and support a PhD student undertake a research project that tackles your business problem. Students are jointly supervised by the industry partner, the student's university, and CSIRO.

Expressions of interest

If you work in industry and have a project idea, and would like to commence the EOI process, please contact us.

Phase one expression of interest opens 3 February to 11 April 2025, with phase two opening 28 April to 22 August 2025. New projects will commence late 2025, early 2026.

Program benefits

  • Develop new, or strengthen relationships with universities and CSIRO.
  • Gain new knowledge and research solutions for challenges facing your organisation.
  • Enhance innovation and build R&D pipelines through university and CSIRO knowledge transfer.
  • Gain access to university and CSIRO facilities and expertise.
  • Develop highly skilled and customised talent to assist with future recruitment.
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Program funding and support

Funding each year consists of three components:

  1. student scholarship which comprises:
    • CSIRO Industry PhD Scholarship provided by the Government (indexed at 3% annually)
    • Industry top-up provided by the industry partner.
  2. Project Expense and Development package provided by the Government for research operating costs and the student’s research skill development.
  3. student career and professional development training funded by the Government and delivered by iPhD program staff alongside the student's PhD.
Program funding and support
Year of student commencement Total scholarship CSIRO Industry PhD Scholarship Industry top-up Project Expense and Development package
2026 $48,071 $36,071 $12,000 $13,000
2027 $49,513 $37,153 $12,360 $13,390
2028 $50,998 $38,267 $12,731 $13,792
2029 $52,528 $39,415 $13,113 $14,205

Program requirements

iPhD projects must:

  • align with CSIRO and Government priorities
  • address an industry problem while complying with the university PhD requirements
  • be up to four years duration
  • be limited to domestic students, that is, Australian Permanent Residents, Australian Citizens, and New Zealand Citizens
  • include at least 60 workdays of project related activities under the guidance of the industry partner, which is referred to as the Industry Engagement component.

Industry partners must:

  • have a registered ABN or ACN
  • have a substantial presence in Australia
  • fund an Industry PhD top-up of a total of $50,204 over four years for the student
  • provide a suitably experienced staff member to co-supervise the student
  • provide the student with a 60-day Industry Engagement component
  • be a research end user
  • provide access to facilities and infrastructure if required.

Project development stages

Expressions of Interest (EOI) are accepted from early February each year.

Intakes will be divided into two phases:

  1. primary phase opening 3 February, closing 11 April to support approximately 35 new projects
  2. secondary phase opening 28 April, closing 22 August to support approximately 15 new projects.

EOIs must meet program eligibility requirements and will be evaluated against assessment criterion. Please refer to our Program Rules for further information. If successful, a collaboration agreement will be executed between the involved parties, and the project is then advertised for a student via the participating university.

For EOI's submitted in 2025, projects are expected to start late 2025/early 2026.

iPhD project development stages and approximate timeframes

Program resources

Key documents

Promotional materials

Widget Here | /sitecore/content/CSIRO/Website/careers/Scholarships-student-opportunities/Postgraduate-programs-and-Scholarships/industry-PhD/iPhD-Industry-Partner/main/FAQ-Industry-partner-widget

Become a program partner and support a PhD student undertake a research project that tackles your business problem. Students are jointly supervised by the industry partner, the student's university, and CSIRO.

Expressions of interest

If you work in industry and have a project idea, and would like to commence the EOI process, please contact us.

Phase one expression of interest opens 3 February to 11 April 2025, with phase two opening 28 April to 22 August 2025. New projects will commence late 2025, early 2026.

Program benefits

  • Develop new, or strengthen relationships with universities and CSIRO.
  • Gain new knowledge and research solutions for challenges facing your organisation.
  • Enhance innovation and build R&D pipelines through university and CSIRO knowledge transfer.
  • Gain access to university and CSIRO facilities and expertise.
  • Develop highly skilled and customised talent to assist with future recruitment.

My project is linked with eco mag a smaller sharing company that's looking to produce magnesium salts from seawater.

I know this fantastic new material but they need to find new applications to use them in so I'm investigating using them in things like gas masks or in the field of catalysis trying to leverage the the knowledge we have here at UNSW.

The uniqueness of the program is given Timothy a much more valuable experience than a more traditional PhD because the program involves supervisors from academia CSIRO and Industry and combined it'll give the student of a candidate a much more rewarding and broader experience

It's really exciting to be able to know that your research can actually be translated into the real world and have a really good chance to do that.

Science these days requires both the technical aspects of your research as well as the business minded people in the room to be able to translate that into a real commercial thing and the I PhD offers a process that can actually facilitate that that you wouldn't usually get in a typical phd program.

What we provide to Tim is actually a reality check on what his works about for the university to correlate some much more with what businesses one now so for Tim and the University and CSIRO they're more attuned with what is required now.

So as part of the I PhD I got to attend a launch camp facilitated by the CSIRO. So launch count gives you a great opportunity to view your project from a different perspective and further align it with more commercial outcomes while also maintaining the scientific basis of what you're doing.

I actually participate in that with all of my super welding team and their expertise and their assistance throughout the process was invaluable. 

If you're very satisfied to see this student getting ready for the job market after their graduation and is ready for tacking tackling the real-world problem.

It's been very exciting to be able to see that potentially my research can be translated into a commercial setting to formulate new products for eco mag I think that's a big motivator for me a PhD is very you know you have to have a lot of self motivation throughout the process to have something like that to lean on throughout the processes is great.

For Tim the results for him will be that he'll have something that is practical something that is going to be used in society and hopefully for for greater good. 

It's exciting to know that my research at the end of the program could be helping real people in the real world tackle a real issue that we're facing and also with the prospect of you know furthering my skills and helping my career along the way. 

I think in terms of short-term aim of course this will link him directly to a job working with us hopefully in the future and we really like to for him to do so and who knows in the future he might be the future CEO here you know working in operating.

How an CSIRO industry PhD works in practice.

Program funding and support

Funding each year consists of three components:

  1. student scholarship which comprises:
    • CSIRO Industry PhD Scholarship provided by the Government (indexed at 3% annually)
    • Industry top-up provided by the industry partner.
  2. Project Expense and Development package provided by the Government for research operating costs and the student’s research skill development.
  3. student career and professional development training funded by the Government and delivered by iPhD program staff alongside the student's PhD.
Program funding and support
Year of student commencement Total scholarship CSIRO Industry PhD Scholarship Industry top-up Project Expense and Development package
2026 $48,071 $36,071 $12,000 $13,000
2027 $49,513 $37,153 $12,360 $13,390
2028 $50,998 $38,267 $12,731 $13,792
2029 $52,528 $39,415 $13,113 $14,205

Program requirements

iPhD projects must:

  • align with CSIRO and Government priorities
  • address an industry problem while complying with the university PhD requirements
  • be up to four years duration
  • be limited to domestic students, that is, Australian Permanent Residents, Australian Citizens, and New Zealand Citizens
  • include at least 60 workdays of project related activities under the guidance of the industry partner, which is referred to as the Industry Engagement component.

Industry partners must:

  • have a registered ABN or ACN
  • have a substantial presence in Australia
  • fund an Industry PhD top-up of a total of $50,204 over four years for the student
  • provide a suitably experienced staff member to co-supervise the student
  • provide the student with a 60-day Industry Engagement component
  • be a research end user
  • provide access to facilities and infrastructure if required.

Project development stages

Expressions of Interest (EOI) are accepted from early February each year.

Intakes will be divided into two phases:

  1. primary phase opening 3 February, closing 11 April to support approximately 35 new projects
  2. secondary phase opening 28 April, closing 22 August to support approximately 15 new projects.

EOIs must meet program eligibility requirements and will be evaluated against assessment criterion. Please refer to our Program Rules PDF (376 KB) for further information. If successful, a collaboration agreement will be executed between the involved parties, and the project is then advertised for a student via the participating university.

For EOI's submitted in 2025, projects are expected to start late 2025/early 2026.

Infographic explaining the project development stages and approximate timeframes of the CSIRO Industry PhD Program. 

PhD project development

  • Primary EOI phase: Early Feb (approx. 35 projects)
  • Secondary EOI phase: Mid-April (approx. 15 projects)

Collaboration agreement 

  • A contract is executed after EOI assessment and approval

Student recruitment

  • The project is advertised, and a student is selected, enrolled and onboarded

iPhD commencement 

  • Student supervision is shared between university, industry and CSIRO partners
iPhD project development stages and approximate timeframes

Program resources

Key documents

Promotional materials

FAQ: Industry

A collaboration agreement is established between CSIRO, the university and industry partner, which highlights the intellectual property (IP) arrangement. Any specific IP considerations should be identified during the scoping of the project and detailed in the EOI application so the parties can discuss further and provide feedback during the contract negotiation stage. Under all circumstances, students will own the copyright to their thesis. Project publications should be encouraged, but some conditions may be imposed to protect Project IP and confidential information of the parties involved.

Projects must be allocated a primary location by the supervisory panel. This location is where the student will be primarily based to undertake the project. The primary location must be in Australia and may be at the host university, at CSIRO or on the industry partner’s premises. The location of the three-month Industry Engagement Component may be different to the project’s primary location.

The program’s three-way partnership calls for the appointment of a university supervisor/s, an industry supervisor, and a CSIRO supervisor. Each supervisor will be responsible for certain aspects of the student’s supervision. However, the Primary Supervisor, allocated from the university, is responsible for monitoring and assessing the PhD student progress in accordance with the university’s PhD academic requirements. A tailored project management and communication plan should be created prior to project commencement, detailing supervisor roles, level of commitment and communication methods so the student can access appropriate support.

Funding starting from $13,000 per annum is provided to the supervising organisation where the student is primarily based to cover project operating expenses and development activities. Project expenses may include lab consumables, fieldwork, and other research costs. Travel costs associated with the project and/or approved development activities are also eligible expenses.

There is no obligation for the industry partner or CSIRO to offer employment to the student during or at completion of the project. There is also no obligation for the student to work for the industry partner after completion of the PhD.

iPhD program staff assist with project scoping, partner communication, and support the submission of the formal EOI paperwork. If required, iPhD program staff will make best endeavours to locate eligible partners which have complementary and relevant knowledge and experience.

All submitted EOIs will be assessed against evenly weighted criterion. iPhD staff may consult with CSIRO research leaders for guidance. Applicants may be asked to provide more information and/or discuss their EOI with iPhD program staff. The selection criteria will assess:

  • Industry experience provided to the student
  • Project impact
  • Alignment to Government and CSIRO priorities
  • Research industry collaboration
  • Project feasibility and resources

For further information, please refer to our Program Rules PDF (376 KB).

Although projects will only require general CSIRO and Government alignment, it is desirable that projects show specific support to some or a few of the following initiatives:  

Government and not-for profit entities where an industry relevant experience can be provided to the student are able to participate. However, there is a strong preference for private for-profit industry partners, particularly in the Small to Medium Enterprise sector.

Although there is a strong preference for funding directly from the industry partner, subject to approval of the Industry PhD program, funding from an alternative source such as a Rural Development Corporation, Industry Association or Cooperative Research Centre will be allowed. If from an alternative source, the iPhD program cannot be used to fund a scholarship that the organisation is already funded to deliver (for example, CRC scholarships previously funded or agreed).

Students must be sought through an open advertising process facilitated by the involved university. Student expressions of interest will need to be lodged via the university website or supervisor and the supervisory panel will shortlist, interview, and nominate the most suitable student to formally apply for the scholarship. If you are approached by a prospective student during the EOI phase who has a project idea, you must drive the application with other partners, without involvement from the student. The project advertising and student recruitment processes explained above will still need to be followed.

iPhD program staff are responsible for the delivery of the CSIRO Industry PhD program and support all project development stages, including expression of interest, contracting and student recruitment processes. As the funding administrator, we distribute the student scholarship and project expenses funds to the appropriate partners. Program staff also develop a tailored student career and professional development training program, which is delivered alongside the PhD program. Program staff actively support students and contributing partners and act as the first point of call should any issues arise.

Students receive a structured professional development package delivered by CSIRO alongside the PhD. This package will help foster the student’s professional skills including leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation. Most training will be delivered online, however there will be some in-person events. The professional development training is mandatory and requires a time commitment of approximately five days per year.

The Industry Engagement component is a requirement of the CSIRO Industry PhD program. It aims to ensure that the needs of industry guide the development, activities, and outcomes of the PhD project. It provides an opportunity for the student to work under the guidance of their industry partner on research and development activities contributing to their PhD project.

Activities should provide students with relevant tools and experience to better contextualise and apply research in an industry setting. Activities should contribute to the development, research and outcomes of the larger PhD project, and be related to the student’s area of research. Potential activities may include:

  • understanding the research needs of the industry partner and/or the broader industry
  • undertaking practical research translation activities under the guidance of the industry partner 
  • testing research assumptions and innovations in an industry setting with end-users. 

Generally, any results from these activities can be included in the thesis so long as confidentiality and publication clauses listed in the Collaboration Agreement and Student Agreement are complied with.


The Industry Engagement component must be a minimum of 60 full-time days or three calendar months in duration and should ideally take place at the industry partner’s premises. The Industry Engagement component should ideally be completed part-time or in short blocks, strategically placed throughout the PhD to encourage ongoing engagement between the industry partner and the student.

At the discretion and with the agreement of the supervisory team, alternate locations may be possible if there are travel limitations, if the project needs access to specific facilities and equipment, or if the entirety of the Industry Engagement cannot feasibly be undertaken at the industry partner’s location(s). The university will need to approve any alternate location(s).

Examples of locations include:

  • CSIRO site
  • the university
  • a combination of sites
  • remote
  • a mixture of remote and in-person attendance.

The Industry Engagement component does not need to be completed full-time, however any arrangements must total at least 60 full-time equivalent days of engagement. There is significant flexibility, and the exact format should depend on the needs of the project and support the development of the student. For instance, the component could be completed part-time or in short blocks strategically placed throughout the PhD to encourage on-going engagement between the student and the industry partner.

It is strongly advised that you work with your supervisory team to construct an Industry Engagement plan for your student prior to project commencement. It should outline key details of the component, such as key activities, resources, location(s), when it will occur, and travel and accommodation costs. If there is a need for the student to travel, the Project Expense and Development Funds may be used for this purpose. If the travel costs exceed the Project Expense and Development package amount, early discussions about which party will cover these additional costs will be required.  

Since the primary location of the Industry Engagement component will generally be the industry partner’s premises, the industry supervisor will have increased responsibility for the student during the Industry Engagement. Although the industry supervisor is responsible for the student while at the company, the day-to-day supervision of the student may be delegated to someone else on-site, or to one of the other supervisors, particularly if activities are being undertaken at a non-industry partner location.

In addition, depending on the PhD project, the student may need access to laboratories and equipment in other locations including at CSIRO or the university, and this will accordingly fall under the purview of the relevant university or CSIRO supervisor.

The Industry Engagement component including activities, location(s) and attendance arrangements should be jointly agreed upon between the student and the supervisory team and should be approved by the university early in the PhD.

The university will have reporting requirements, for instance an internship report may need to be completed by the student and signed off by the industry supervisor. To track the student’s attendance, their university may need to provide an appropriate tracking mechanism (e.g., timesheets).

The student should engage early with their graduate school to identify any university-specific requirements. Although it is recommended that the Industry Engagement project be scoped early in the PhD, there is an expectation that supervisors and the university will make allowance for changes down the track if required, and these changes will need to be consistent with the Collaboration Agreement.

Contact us

For further information and to submit an expression of interest.

Email the iPhD team