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Voyage Number


Voyage Dates

15 May, 2015 to 26 May, 2015

Voyage Location

Sydney to Brisbane

Chief Scientist

Dr Bernadette Sloyan



Voyage summary

Research voyage from the continental slope to the abyssal waters off Brisbane with main objective to deploy an array of six moorings.

The East Australian Current (EAC), a southward flow off eastern Australia, is one of the major global western boundary currents. The EAC is the dominant mechanism for the redistribution of heat and freshwater between the ocean and atmosphere in the Australian region; it is a vital component of the eastern Australian coastal ecosystem.

The mooring array being deployed will monitor the mass, heat and freshwater transported by the EAC, which is central to our understanding of how climate signals are communicated through the ocean.

Voyage impact

The moorings array was successfully deployed, enabling researchers to gather data to map the variability of the EAC ocean properties and its current strength. The deployed array will help researchers better understand the variability of the EAC at decadal and longer term time scales.

As a result of this voyage, researchers found that the EAC is highly variable and requires long-term constant monitoring.

Researchers also commenced a program of monitoring of the EAC that is a driver of climate variability over Australia and the larger region.

Voyage media


15 May 2015

Investigator measuring an ocean of change

Researchers head to the seas off the east coast of Australia today on Australia’s new Marine National Facility research vessel, Investigator, to put in place ongoing measurements to track the vast volumes of water that influence our weather and climate.