Taking STEM education to the high seas
CSIRO's Indigenous Time at Sea Scholarship offers opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander university students to gain invaluable experience working at sea on RV Investigator.
It’s how we make sense of our world.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People have understood its power for thousands of years.
They see the patterns, the life force through their connection to land and sea.
If you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student, it’s time to come on board. I’ve always had a passion for science and how it can be connected to Indigenous knowledge.
That’s something that really inspired me. I’m a second year university student studying science and law and I’ve got a cadetship with the CSIRO.
The CSIRO wants more students like Hannah McLeary to forge a career in science.
This scholarship will give students the opportunity to take part in voyages on board Australia’s only blue water research vessel, working alongside Australia’s top scientists. Voyages travel from the Southern ocean up to the equator performing oceanography, marine biology and geoscientific research.
Olivia and Abigail took part in a voyage to Antarctica studying whales and krill. They talked to Hannah about being on board.
The opportunity to do really nitty gritty science, it was fantastic.
I gained a whole set of new skills.
Being able to go out in the field and actually have hands on experience in collecting the samples that I’m going to analyse later was just excellent.
I also got to see some incredible thing like blue whales, icebergs.
The whole experience was just incredible. Indigenous university students studying science, technology, engineering or mathematics are eligible for this scholarship.
The CSIRO hope these scholarships will kickstart exciting new careers and provide graduates for the CSIRO into the future If you got the opportunity to participate on a voyage, you definitely should do it, because you just never know what you might learn, or what you might be part of, or what you might discover.
Be part of the new wave of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander science leaders. Apply now to join an Investigator Voyage.