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INVESTIGATE, our science ship in a box!
INVESTIGATE brings you the ocean in a box! Built in a repurposed shipping container, it offers a unique 3D multimedia experience for visitors, with the container’s roof and walls being equipped with video screens and a state-of-the-art sound system.
[Image changes to show an animation of spinning water which morphs into an ocean background and text appears: Welcome aboard INVESTIGATE]
Dr Ben Arthur: We’re down here at the Festival of Bright Ideas in Hobart with INVESTIGATE which is The CSIRO’s travelling immersive marine science cinema,
[Image changes to show Dr Ben Arthur talking to the camera]
all about the research and the work of RV Investigator, Australia’s national marine science ship. So, we’re going to have a chat to a few folks about what they’ve learnt and how they have enjoyed the container.
[Music plays and the image changes to show the INVESTIGATE container, and then the image changes to show people lining up outside the container, and text appears: INVESTIGATE is an immersive marine science experience that can be taken anywhere!]
[Image changes to show a close view of people lining up outside the container and laughing, and text appears: Created inside a repurposed shipping container]
[Image changes to show a fast motion of people entering and exiting the container]
[Image changes to show Ben talking to people outside the container, and text appears: INVESTIGATE invites you to dive deeper into our science]
[Image changes to show the ramp leading up into the container, and then the image shows the curtain at the entrance being pulled aside to show people watching a marine video inside]
[Image shows the video changing to show various views of the RV Investigator]
Narrator 1: RV Investigator is Australia’s dedicated ocean research vessel.
[Music plays and image shows markers appearing showing 10km below and 20km above the ship]
It can explore 10km deep and 20km into the atmosphere.
[Music plays and images move through to show people watching videos of a school of fish, and then a video of prawns swimming through the water, and text appears: Journey into the ocean depths…]
[Image shows a close view of a prawn swimming past a whale’s eye, and then the image changes to show a close view of people inside the container]
[Image changes to show a satellite moving above the ocean, and text appears: … to the atmosphere above]
[Image changes to show a close view of people inside the container, and then the image changes to show people entering the container, and text appears: … without leaving land!]
[Image changes to show Ben interviewing people outside the container and then Respondent 1 answering]
Dr Ben Arthur: So how did you find the container?
Respondent 1: Yeah, it was really great, very informative and amazing to watch.
[Image changes to show a close view of three people and Respondent 2 at the centre talking to the camera]
Respondent 2: It’s amazing. It’s a very unique experience. It is like a 360-degree experience for you and it’s just amazing.
[Image changes to show a young girl talking into the microphone while a young boy listens outside the container.
Respondent 3: My favourite bit was when the whale went into the water.
[Image changes to show two young girls and the young girl on the left talking into the microphone while the young girl on the right listens]
Respondent 4: And the visual effects in there, well it was like I was an alien experiencing the earth for the first time.
[Image changes to show a mum and her daughters, and the girl at the centre of the group can be seen talking to the camera]
Respondent 5: It like made me want to become a scientist.
[Image changes to show a young woman on the left talking to the camera while her friend listens]
Respondent 6: It’s great, lots of information, yeah. Sharks swimming out over the top.
[Image shows the young woman on the right talking while her friend listens and agrees]
Respondent 7: Yeah, the graphics were really pretty cool as well.
Respondent 6: Yeah, yeah.
[Image changes to show Ben talking to a family group]
Dr Ben Arthur: And does it make you think that being a marine scientist might be something you would consider doing when you get a bit older?
[Image changes to show the young girl in the family group talking into the microphone]
Respondent 8: Maybe, yeah, it’s a bit interesting and fun.
[Image changes to show Ben talking to the camera]
Dr Ben Arthur: So, we’ve just spoken to a bunch of happy marine science fans. They’ve been through INVESTIGATE, they love it. Keep and eye out for us because we are bringing INVESTIGATE to a town or a city near you soon and we hope to see you on board.
[Music plays and the MNF and CSIRO logos and text appears: Australia’s National Science Agency, Supporting, enabling and inspiring marine science]