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Floor space 50 m2; Bench space 13 m2

The Operations Room is often a centre of activity during voyages, with staff managing collection of data for continuous operations such as seafloor mapping, as well as remotely monitoring and controlling deployment of equipment, such as CTDs, deep tow cameras and nets.

There are a range of control stations in the Operations Room, providing outputs via banks of screens and monitors. Specialised sonar equipment collects data on the seafloor and below as the vessel moves over new territory. Seafloor mapping technicians monitor data being received and undertake processing of data collected at the same time.

An adjoining IT office allows for additional monitoring of data outputs from scientific equipment, as well as data processing.

Data processing information technology

RV Investigator has a VSAT data link to shore for email, internet, voice, video and remote support services as well as enabling live science data transfer to shore. Systems and equipment on the vessel also provide the capability to broadcast live video interviews to television stations and studios around the world.

Learn more about MNF data.

Two people sit at desks with banks of computer screens on them.

Floor space 50 m2; Bench space 13 m2

The Operations Room is often a centre of activity during voyages, with staff managing collection of data for continuous operations such as seafloor mapping, as well as remotely monitoring and controlling deployment of equipment, such as CTDs, deep tow cameras and nets.

There are a range of control stations in the Operations Room, providing outputs via banks of screens and monitors. Specialised sonar equipment collects data on the seafloor and below as the vessel moves over new territory. Seafloor mapping technicians monitor data being received and undertake processing of data collected at the same time.

An adjoining IT office allows for additional monitoring of data outputs from scientific equipment, as well as data processing.

Data processing information technology

RV Investigator has a VSAT data link to shore for email, internet, voice, video and remote support services as well as enabling live science data transfer to shore. Systems and equipment on the vessel also provide the capability to broadcast live video interviews to television stations and studios around the world.

Learn more about MNF data.

Voyage Chief Scientist, Dr John Keesing, and Dr Alan Williams monitor activities from the Operations Room on RV Investigator. Image: Frederique Olivier.

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