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Program partners

CAPSTAN, the Collaborative Australian Postgraduate Sea Training Alliance Network, is a maritime education and training initiative of CSIRO, the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and the Australian and New Zealand International Scientific Drilling Consortium (ANZIC).

The program is supported by a commitment of sea time on RV Investigator from the CSIRO Marine National Facility and by funding from the Australian Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).

CAPSTAN is supported by a cooperative network of leading Australian university and industry partners.

Subscribing members 

CAPSTAN Steering Committee

CAPSTAN is overseen by the CAPSTAN Steering Committee. Operating under a Terms of Reference, the Steering Committee:

  • selects students and makes recommendations about trainers and Chief Scientists for CAPSTAN voyages using a fair and transparent process
  • provides feedback and input into the selection process to ensure it is fair, transparent, efficient, and achieves the goals of CAPSTAN
  • ensures CAPSTAN is diverse and inclusive
  • co-designs the scientific programme for CAPSTAN voyages in conjunction with the CAPSTAN Director and Chief Scientist
  • proposes strategies to promote CAPSTAN
  • provides advice to the CAPSTAN Director as needed.

Get with the program

If your organisation is interested in joining the CAPSTAN program please contact the CAPSTAN Director, Dr Pier van der Merwe.

Program partners

CAPSTAN, the Collaborative Australian Postgraduate Sea Training Alliance Network, is a maritime education and training initiative of CSIRO, the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and the Australian and New Zealand International Scientific Drilling Consortium (ANZIC).

The program is supported by a commitment of sea time on RV Investigator from the CSIRO Marine National Facility and by funding from the Australian Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).

CAPSTAN is supported by a cooperative network of leading Australian university and industry partners.

Subscribing members 

CAPSTAN Steering Committee

CAPSTAN is overseen by the CAPSTAN Steering Committee. Operating under a Terms of Reference, the Steering Committee:

  • selects students and makes recommendations about trainers and Chief Scientists for CAPSTAN voyages using a fair and transparent process
  • provides feedback and input into the selection process to ensure it is fair, transparent, efficient, and achieves the goals of CAPSTAN
  • ensures CAPSTAN is diverse and inclusive
  • co-designs the scientific programme for CAPSTAN voyages in conjunction with the CAPSTAN Director and Chief Scientist
  • proposes strategies to promote CAPSTAN
  • provides advice to the CAPSTAN Director as needed.

Get with the program

If your organisation is interested in joining the CAPSTAN program please contact the CAPSTAN Director, Dr Pier van der Merwe.

CAPSTAN is a science education initiative between CSIRO in partnership with: