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Every day, our people get out of bed fuelled by a passion for unlocking a better future for our community, our economy and out planet. You'll see some of our world-class, complex science turned into real solutions for real people, aligned with the six greatest challenges we've identified.Image of the front cover of CSIRO's annual report 2018-19

From extracting ultra-high purity hydrogen from ammonia and powering fuel cell vehicles, to collecting data about the Great Barrier Reef to protect this treasured Australian landmark, to combatting the impact of drought with the National Drought Map – these projects are critical to ensuring Australia's future sustainability, prosperity and security. 

This annual report provides a summary of our activities and performance for the financial year ended 30 June 2019 against the planned objectives and outcomes in our Corporate Plan and Portfolio Budget Statements.

2018–19 at a glance

  • 5,500 dedicated people committed to delivering the greatest national benefit.
  • 55 sites in Australia and three overseas.
  • 3,300+ customers; 1,800+ commercial agreements worth more than $700 million.
  • $1 billion+ total market capitalisation of portfolio companies.
  • $175 million of scientific engagement received from more than 200 customers from all levels of Australian government.
  • 190,000 school students participated in our STEM education programs.
  • 223,000 visitors welcomed to our public facilities and visitor centres.
  • 3,860 patents. We also held 446 active licenses and 325 trademarks.


CSIRO Annual Report 2018–19

CSIRO Annual Report 2018–19

You can read the full digital version on the Transparency Portal.  

Every day, our people get out of bed fuelled by a passion for unlocking a better future for our community, our economy and out planet. You'll see some of our world-class, complex science turned into real solutions for real people, aligned with the six greatest challenges we've identified.

Front cover of our Annual Report 2018–19.

From extracting ultra-high purity hydrogen from ammonia and powering fuel cell vehicles, to collecting data about the Great Barrier Reef to protect this treasured Australian landmark, to combatting the impact of drought with the National Drought Map – these projects are critical to ensuring Australia's future sustainability, prosperity and security. 

This annual report provides a summary of our activities and performance for the financial year ended 30 June 2019 against the planned objectives and outcomes in our Corporate Plan and Portfolio Budget Statements.

2018–19 at a glance

  • 5,500 dedicated people committed to delivering the greatest national benefit.
  • 55 sites in Australia and three overseas.
  • 3,300+ customers; 1,800+ commercial agreements worth more than $700 million.
  • $1 billion+ total market capitalisation of portfolio companies.
  • $175 million of scientific engagement received from more than 200 customers from all levels of Australian government.
  • 190,000 school students participated in our STEM education programs.
  • 223,000 visitors welcomed to our public facilities and visitor centres.
  • 3,860 patents. We also held 446 active licenses and 325 trademarks.


CSIRO Annual Report 2018–19 PDF (10 MB)

CSIRO Annual Report 2018–19

You can read the full digital version on the Transparency Portal.