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The challenge

Community wellbeing, resilience and attitudes towards CSG development

In 2014, around the peak of CSG construction activity in the Western Downs Region of Queensland, CSIRO conducted a comprehensive survey of community wellbeing, community resilience, and community attitudes and views towards CSG development.

The survey results identified key contributing factors to levels of community wellbeing, resilience and adaptation in the context of CSG development.

The survey results provided insight into acceptance of CSG development within the community and the underlying drivers of that acceptance. They also provided robust and comprehensive baseline data about community wellbeing, resilience, adaptation and acceptance that enables CSIRO, governments, research and other community stakeholders to monitor changes in these aspects over time.

Our response

Community functioning and wellbeing survey

Continued monitoring of community wellbeing and functionality over time with representative samples of residents in the Western Downs and eastern Maranoa regions using reliable and valid measures established in an initial survey.

The project built on three years of prior research in the Western Downs region of Queensland on aspects of community wellbeing, and on consultation with the communities, CSG companies, and other stakeholders by the research team, which has involved both qualitative and quantitative studies.

The results

Shaping government and industry approaches to CSG

GISERA has provided robust research and empirical evidence about the impact of CSG on local communities. This research has improved two state governments and a QLD industry operators' understanding of community wellbeing and resilience to change.

Furthermore, an improved understanding has shaped the way governments' and an industry operator approach community consultation and engagement about CSG. It has also provided a selection of government and industry stakeholders with the information required to form a balanced view about CSG-related community issues.
