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A changing global landscape

Australia's Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) sector has an important role to play in the continued success of Australia's mining industry. However, the mining industry's increasing dependence on specialist technologies, combined with global mining megatrends is creating new opportunities and threats for the future of Australia's METS sector.

The sector's comparative advantages could be lost if not nurtured, while its current disadvantages could become advantages if prioritised. A changing business environment and evolving market also creates support for a range of new business models.

A vision for Australia's METS sector

The Australian METS industry is an aligned, efficient and agile industry ecosystem with a high degree of collaboration, global leadership in innovation, and a growing share of the global market.

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Enabling the vision

The Australian METS sector could be a key driver and facilitator of change in the mining sector, harnessing the deep mining domain knowledge and expertise that have been established in both Australia's METS and mining sectors, and the research sector over the past few decades.

Businesses must take action to unlock opportunities, investing in business transformation and new science and technology capabilities. Five new growth opportunities have been identified where Australian METS companies can clearly be internationally competitive, these are:

  • Data driven mining decisions
  • Social and environmental sustainability
  • Exploration under cover
  • Advanced extraction
  • Mining automation and robotics

Long term success will be achieved by increasing collaboration across the entire Australian mining and METS innovation ecosystem.

Working together, the Australian METS sector is well placed to succeed. METS businesses will need to take calculated risks and invest in the future, can use this Roadmap and METS Ignited's Sector Competitiveness Plan as a tool for sustained competitive advantage.

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A changing global landscape

Australia's Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) sector has an important role to play in the continued success of Australia's mining industry. However, the mining industry's increasing dependence on specialist technologies, combined with global mining megatrends is creating new opportunities and threats for the future of Australia's METS sector.

The sector's comparative advantages could be lost if not nurtured, while its current disadvantages could become advantages if prioritised. A changing business environment and evolving market also creates support for a range of new business models.

A vision for Australia's METS sector

The Australian METS industry is an aligned, efficient and agile industry ecosystem with a high degree of collaboration, global leadership in innovation, and a growing share of the global market.

[CSIRO logo and text appears: Mining Equipment Technology & Services]

Narrator: Australia's Mining Equipment, Technology and Services or METS sector

[Image shows the word METS moving towards the top of the screen and an animation Australian map dotted with mining trucks appears beneath]

has an important role to play in the continued success of Australia's mining industry.

[Image changes to show an outline light bulb and then the image shows the light bulb lit up and light emitting from it in a circular shape]

The sector has built a global reputation for being innovative

[Image changes to show a bar graph showing past and fluctuating future growth of the METS sector]

and has experienced significant growth over the last few decades. However, continued success is not guaranteed.

[Image changes to show a pick hitting a rock and then the rock morphs into a world globe and the image shows the pick on the left-hand side of the world globe]

Global mining megatrends are reshaping the sector's future

[Camera zooms in on the world globe and then the image changes to show a pair of scales seesawing up and down]

challenging the viability of conventional practices and technologies. This is creating opportunities and risks

[Image changes to show four outline people inside a circle and six lines shoot outward from the circle with question marks at the end of each and text appears either side of the circle: Uncertain, Future]

which requires Australian METS companies to re-evaluate their role in this changing landscape.

[Image changes to show a question mark in the centre of the screen and then the camera zooms out to show the question mark in the centre of a map of Australia]

Australian METS will need to address several questions

[Image shows a road appearing and then dividing into two roads from the top of the map of Australia]

to help shape decisions about the future of their businesses and to drive growth in the industry

[Camera zooms up and follows the road towards the top of the screen and then the image shows the road morphing into an arrow]

over the next 20 years

[Image changes to show seven bars in a stack and then the image shows the bars being shuffled up and down]

What opportunities and solutions should the Australian METS sector prioritise to remain internationally competitive?

[Image changes to show pictures of a spanner and pencil, three outline people joined by a line, a rotating circle and three boxes joined by lines]

What skills, collaborations, processes and business models will be needed to achieve sustained growth?

[Image changes to show images of a microscope, a laptop screen and a crane]

And what emerging science and technology capabilities and experiences can unlock new opportunities?

[Image changes to show six outline people linked together with lines and then the image changes to show a screen full of outline people]

Drawing on our deep industry and business connections and the world class research expertise of our 5,000 science professionals,

[Image changes to show the Roadmap brochure and then the image shows the page turning]

we've developed a Roadmap that outlines five opportunities for the Australian METS sector to unlock future growth. Download your copy today and lead the change.

[CSIRO logo and text appears: CSIRO Futures, Unlocking Australia's future growth opportunities]

A Roadmap for unlocking future opportunities in Australia’s METS sector

Enabling the vision

The Australian METS sector could be a key driver and facilitator of change in the mining sector, harnessing the deep mining domain knowledge and expertise that have been established in both Australia's METS and mining sectors, and the research sector over the past few decades.

Businesses must take action to unlock opportunities, investing in business transformation and new science and technology capabilities. Five new growth opportunities have been identified where Australian METS companies can clearly be internationally competitive, these are:

  • Data driven mining decisions
  • Social and environmental sustainability
  • Exploration under cover
  • Advanced extraction
  • Mining automation and robotics

Long term success will be achieved by increasing collaboration across the entire Australian mining and METS innovation ecosystem.

Working together, the Australian METS sector is well placed to succeed. METS businesses will need to take calculated risks and invest in the future, can use this Roadmap and METS Ignited's Sector Competitiveness Plan as a tool for sustained competitive advantage.

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